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在国内银行面临日益严峻的竞争环境中,商业银行需要借助科学的绩效管理体系挖 掘、开发员工潜力,充分发挥“人”的主观能动性,以达到优化企 业人员资源配置、实 现企业价值、提高自身竞争力的目标。G银行成立60多年,自改制后在绩效管理中形 成以平衡计分卡为主导的绩效考核模式。随着外部环境的变化及企业组织 架构的调整, 绩效考核对人员的指导、激励作用日益减弱。 本文以G银行B支行零售条线人员绩效管理为研究对象,对绩效管理存在问题进 行深入调查研究。介绍研究对象的绩效 管理现状和所面临的问题,主要是基层员工对绩 效考核存在不满情绪及绩效管理未能达到促进业务的目的。采用定性与定量调查相结合 的方式,先通过个人访谈了解员工及管理 者对绩效管理的关注重点,再通过问卷调查, 从绩效管理的五个流程去分析存在的问题,发现B支行绩效管理存在的主要问题主要集 中在计划、反馈和应用流程中,具体为绩效计 划制定不科学、考核指标设计不合理、绩 效面谈与申诉制度不健全和考核结果应用不充分,并挖掘其问题产生的原因主要是管理 人员绩效管理观念落后、组织架构与考核体系不 匹配、支行部门职责分工不合理及管理 者对考核内容的应用未达成一致。根据分析出的存在问题及成因,提出改进建议。 本文通过对B支行零售条线绩效管理存在问题的调查分析 ,找出支行在绩效管理流 程上的缺失和不足之处,通过对问题成因的分析,提出相应对策,为完善G银行绩效管 理提供了研究支持,同时也希望为商业银行的优化绩效管理工作提 供参考思路。 关键词:银行 绩效管理 平衡计分卡 II ABSTRACT In the increasingly severe competition environment faced by domestic banks, commercial banks need to tap and develop employees' potential with the help of scientific performance management system, give full play to the subjective initiative of "people", so as to achieve the goal of optimizing the allocation of enterprise personnel resources, realizing the value of enterprises and improving their competitiveness. G bank has been established for more than 60 years. Since its reform, it has formed a performance appraisal mode dominated by Balanced Scorecard in performance management. With the change of external environment and the adjustment of enterprise organizational structure, the guidance and incentive effect of performance appraisal on personnel is increasingly weakened. In this paper, the performance of retail bank management staff is investigated. This paper introduces the current situation and problems of the performance management of the research object, mainly the dissatisfaction of the grass-roots staff on the performance appraisal and the failure of the performance management to promote the business. Using the combination of qualitative and quantitative survey, first through personal interviews to understand the focus of employees and managers on performance management, and then through questionnaire survey, from the five processes of performance management to analyze the existing problems, it is found that the main problems of performance management in branch B are mainly concentrated in the planning, feedback and application process, and the specific formulation of performance plan is unscientific and assessment The main reasons for the problems are the backward concept of performance management, the mismatching of organizational structure and assessment system, the unreasonable division of responsibilities of sub branches and the failure of managers to reach an agreement on the application of assessment content. According to the analysis of the existing problems and causes, put forward improvement suggestions. Through the investigation and analysis of the problems existing in the performance management of B branch's retail line, this paper finds out the deficiencies and deficiencies in the performance management process of the branch, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures through the analysis of the causes of the problems, which provides research support for improving the performance management of G bank, and also hopes to provide reference for the optimization of performance management of commercial banks. Keywords: Bank/ performance management/ Balanced Score Card III 目 录 摘要 .................................................................. I ABSTRACT .............................................................. II 目 录 ................................................................ III 图表清单 .............................................................. VI 第一章 绪论 ............................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ...................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ........................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ........................................................ 1 1.2 文献综述 ............................................................ 2 1.2.1绩效管理流程 .................................................... 2 1.2.2绩效管理相关心理 学理论 .......................................... 5 1.2.2国内外文献综述 .................................................. 5 1.3 研究内容及方法 ..................................................... 10 1.3.1 研究内容 ....................................................... 10 1.3.2 研究方法 ....................................................... 10 第二章 G银行B支行概况及零售条线绩效管理现状 ........................... 12 2.1 G银行概况 ......................................................... 12 2.1.1 发展历史 ....................................................... 12 2.1.2 发展现状 ....................................................... 12 2.1.3 战略目标 ....................................................... 12 2.1.4 G组织架构 ..................................................... 13 2.1.5 人力资源情况 ................................................... 13 2.1.6 考核层级 ....................................................... 14 2.2 G银行B支行零售条线发展现状 ....................................... 14 2.2.1 经营情况 ....................................................... 15 2.2.2 发展战略 ....................................................... 15 2.2.3 B支行织架构 ................................................... 15 2.2.4 人力资源 ....................................................... 16 2.3 G银行B支行零售条线绩效管 理现状 ................................... 22 2.3.1 考核模式及考核指标体系 ......................................... 22 2.3.2 绩效管理工作实施 ............................................... 28 2.3.3 绩效考核结果运用 ............................................... 30 2.4 B支行零售条线绩效管理面临的 困难 ................................... 31 2.4.1基层员工对绩效考核存在不满情绪 ................................. 31 2.4.2 绩效管理未能达到促进业务发展的目的 ............................. 31 2.5 本章小结 ........................................................... 31 第三章 B支行零售条线绩效管理存在问题调查与分析 ......................... 32 3.1 调查方案设计 ....................................................... 32 3.1.1 调查目标 ....................................................... 32 IV 3.1.2 调查方法选择 ................................................... 32 3.1.3 访谈法调查方案 设计 ............................................. 32 3.1.4 问卷调查的调查目标 ............................................. 33 3.1.5 问卷调查的抽样方案设计 ......................................... 33 3.1.6 问卷调查法的问卷设计 ........................................... 34 3.2 问卷调查的数据分析与探讨 ........................................... 36 3.2.1样本特征 ....................................................... 36 3.2.2 问卷数据分析 ................................................... 37 3.3 B支行零售条线绩效管理存在问题及原因分析 ........................... 50 3.3.1 存在问题 ....................................................... 50 3.3.2 问题成因分析 ................................................... 55 3.4 本章小结 ........................................................... 57 第四章G银行B支行零售条线绩效管理 ..................................... 58 改进对策 .............