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近年来,随着国内外互联网经济的高速发展,我国整体经济步伐也在加大,国内 大中小企业也相应地迅速成长,对于80、90后知识型员工的增多,企 业内部人事管 理体系也需要注入新鲜的血液。新一代的年轻人有更多的自主想法,老一辈的自上而 下企业管理方式难以激发员工的工作热情,从而影响到整个企业的绩效。 本文 以本人从业多年的B公司作为例,主要解决的问题是创意型企业B公司如 何改善员工士气,提高创造力和创新力,加强团队内部沟通与协作从而提升企业整体 绩效。基于目标与关 键成果法(Objectives and Key Results; 以下简称OKR)及绩效 管理的相关理论,深度剖析B公司近年来企业整体绩效停滞不前的原因。OKR的出 现,能够弥补传统绩效管理关键 绩效指标法(Key Performance Indicator; 以下简称 KPI)的不足,使员工充分发挥自身的主观能动性。本文在对B公司关键员工进行的 深度访谈和本人在该公司从业多年的经验 基础上,结合OKR相关理论和工具,研究 和制定绩效考核优化方案来改善企业现阶段面临的问题。方案内容包括为B公司引 入OKR这一绩效管理工具,重新制定企业、部门及个人目 标,并自下而上地为对应 的目标制定可衡量的3个关键结果,结合OKR IT系统,加强内部交流与协作,公开 透明地对每一位员工做出合理的打分和时时回顾与修正,旨在调动员工 的工作热情, 增强内部协同,激发出源源不断的想法及创意,提升员工的成就感与企业向心力。 本研究的实践意义是可以为B公司提出基于OKR的绩效考核优化方案,旨在改 善企 业现阶段所面临的问题,同时提升企业整体绩效,使企业健康可持续发展。本研 究的理论意义和创新性在于研究中小型创意型企业提升绩效的文献并不多,希望此文 也可以为其 他创意型中小型企业遇到类似问题时提供经验及参考。 关键词:OKR;绩效考核;绩效管理;创意型中小企业 III Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet economy at China and abroad, China's overall economic pace has also increased, and domestic large and medium-sized enterprises have also grown rapidly. For the increase of knowledge workers around Post-80 and 90, internal personnel management needs to be injected with fresh blood. A new generation of young people has more independent ideas, and the older generation's top-down business management methods are difficult to motivate employees' work enthusiasm, thus affecting the performance of the entire enterprise. This article takes company B as an example, which I have been engaged in for many years. The main problem to be solved is how can creative company B improve employee morale, increase creativity and innovation, and strengthen internal communication and collaboration of the team to improve the overall performance of the company. Based on Objectives and Key Results (OKR) and related theories of performance management, this paper analyzes in depth the reasons why Company B's overall performance has stagnated in recent years. The emergence of OKR (Objectives and Key Results) method can make up for the shortcomings of traditional performance management KPI (Key Performance Indicator), enabling employees to pay full attention to their subjective initiative. Based on in-depth interviews with key employees of Company B and my many years of experience in the company, this article combines OKR-related theories and tools to study and formulate performance evaluation optimization plans to improve the problems faced by the company at this stage. The content of the plan includes the introduction of OKR as a performance management tool for Company B, the re-establishment of corporate, departmental and personal goals, and the development of measurable 3 key results for the corresponding goals from the bottom up. Combined with the OKR IT system, strengthen internal communication and cooperation, make a reasonable score for each employee openly and transparently, and constantly reviews and revises them, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of the employees, strengthen internal collaboration, stimulate a steady stream of ideas and creativity, and improve employees' sense of achievement and the centripetal IV force of the enterprise. The practical significance of the research is that it can propose an OKR-based performance evaluation and optimization plan for Company B, which aims to improve the problems faced by the company at the current stage, at the same time improve the overall performance of the company, and make the company healthy and sustainable development. The theoretical significance and innovation of this research is that there are not many literatures on improving performance of creative SMEs. I hope that this article can also provide experience and reference for other creative SMEs when they encounter similar problems. Keywords: OKR; Performance Appraisal; Performance Management; Creative SMEs 目录 致谢 ............. I 摘要 ........... II Abstract .... III 第1章 绪论 ............................. 1 1.1选题背景与研究意义 ..... 1 1.1.1选题背景 .................. 1 1.1.2研究意义 .................. 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............ 3 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ......... 3 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ......... 4 1.2.3国内外研究现状评述 ............................. 5 1.3研究内容与基本框架 ..... 6 1.3.1研究内容 .................. 6 1.3.2基本框架 .................. 7 1.4研究方法与创新点 ......... 1 1.4.1研究方法 .................. 1 1.4.2创新点 ...................... 2 第2章 绩效考核相关理论概述 ............................ 3 2.1绩效及绩效考核基本概念 ............................ 3 2.1.1 绩效的概念 及内涵 . 3 2.1.2 绩效考核的概念及内涵 ........................ 4 2.2 绩效考核相关理论 ........ 5 2.2.1 人际关系理论 ......... 5 2.2.2 期望理论 ................. 6 2.2.3 期望激励理论 ......... 6 2.2.4 马斯洛需求层次理论 ............................ 7 2.3 绩效考核常用工具 ........ 7 2.3.1 关键绩效指标 ......... 7 2.3.2 平衡计分卡 ............. 8 2.3.3 360度评估方法 ....... 9 2.3.4 目标管理考核法 ... 10 2.4 绩效考核新型工具OKR ........................... 11 2.4.1 OKR起源和发展 ... 11 2.4.2 OKR的本质 ........... 12 2.4.3 OKR的特点与优势 .............................. 13 2.4.4 OKR创建及实施过程 .......................... 15 第3章 B公司内外部环境分析 .......................... 18 3.1公司概况 ....................... 18 3.1.1发展历程 ................ 19 3.1.2战略思想 ................ 19 3.1.3组织构架 ................ 19 3.1.4人员构成 ................ 20 3.2外部环境分析 ............... 22 3.2.1供应商议价能 力 .... 22 3.2.2 买方议价能力 ....... 22 3.2.3 潜在的新进入者的威胁 ...................... 22 3.2.4 替代产品或服务的威胁 ...................... 23 3.2.5 同行 业内现有企业之间的竞争 .......... 23 3.3内部环境分析 ............... 23 3.3.1优势 ........................ 23 3.3.2劣势 ........................ 25 3.3.3机会 ........................ 26 3.3.4威胁 ........................ 26 3.4本章小结 ....................... 26 第4章 B公司绩效考核现状及问题剖析 .......... 28 4.1 绩效考核现状 ............... 28 4.1.1 创新思维开发度 ... 29 4.1.2 员工潜能激发度 ... 29 4.1.3 团队协同默契度 ... 30 4.1.4 市场变化敏锐度 ... 32 4.2现有绩效考 核问题的原因分析 .................. 32 4.2.1 考核无法促进创新 .............................. 32 4.2.2 指标设置自上而下 .............................. 33 4.2.3 考核结果不公开透明 .......................... 33 4.2.4 考核时间跨度较长 .............................. 35 4.3 本章小结 ...................... 36 第5章 B公司绩效考核优化方案 ....................... 37 5.1 设定目标(O) ........... 37 5.1.1 建立企业总体目标 .............................. 37 5.1.2 建立部门目标 ....... 38 5.1.3 建立个人目标 ....... 38 5.2 明确关键结果(KRs) .............................. 39 5.2.1 制定企业关键结果 .............................. 39 5.2.2 制定部门关键结果 .............................. 40 5.2.3 制定个人关键结果 .............................. 41 5.3 定期回顾 ...................... 42 5.3.1 沟通与打分 ........... 43 5.3.2 员工激励 ............... 44 5.3.3 时时追踪 ............... 45 第6章 B公司绩效考核优化方案的实施保障 ... 46 6.1 时间安排 ...................... 46 6.2 资源保障 ...................... 47 6.2.1 人力资源保障 ....... 47 6.2.2 资金资源保障 ....... 48 6.3 潜在风险及应对方案 .. 49 第7 章