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我国进入经济转型期后,知识产权的重要性日益凸显,专利申请量在 逐年增长,导致全国的专利服务市场在不断扩大,同时也派生出了许多专 利服务市场的新需求。广西的专利服务行业也逐渐发展,由以专利申请为 主的服务市场转向专利转化服务的发展,整个市场对专利运营的需求也越 来越急迫,F公司也在进行专利运营服务创新。 本文以F公司为研究对象,结合品牌价值理论和服务创新理论,运用 文献研究法、实地调研法和归纳演绎法对F公司的专利服务创新进行研究。 制定好技术路线后,首先通过对国内外文献的梳理发现,目前还没有在品 牌价值视角下的专利服务创新研究。其次,通过对F公司专利服务现状分 析寻找出F公司专利服务存在的问题,同时总结出F公司专利服务品牌价 值现状。再从F公司的内部条件分析F公司进行专利服务创新的资源和能 力,以及从外部环境剖析F公司进行专利服务创新的机会和威胁。然后, 针对F公司专利服务存在的问题,从品牌价值的功能价值、服务价值、情 感价值、社会价值、成本价值和创新价值这六个方面制定专利服务的创新 策略,通过创新服务增强F公司的专利服务实力,建立一站式的专利服务 品牌。最后为了更好地实现F公司的专利服务创新,提出了组织保障、人 力保障、业务来源保障和制度保障等保障措施。 本文最终得出以下结论,文中从品牌价值角度分析专利服务的缺陷并 制定策略,在原有专利服务的基础上进行以下创新服务:(1)提供专利质 II 押融资;(2)匹配项目部的项目需求做专利服务;(3)建立专利管理系 统统一管理、买卖、监控专利;(4)促进科技成果转化;(5)利用多个 板块业务进行资源引流。本文的视角新颖,从品牌价值的视角去剖析专利 服务的创新,且创新的内容新颖,通过增加以上服务将F公司打造成一个 生态链式的专利服务品牌,对以后专利服务行业的发展具有参考意义。 关键词:品牌价值 专利服务 服务创新 III RESEARCH ON PATENT SERVICE INNOVATION OF F COMPANY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF BRAND VALUE ABSTRACT After China has entered the economic transformation period, the importance of intellectual property rights has become increasingly prominent, and the number of patent applications is increasing year by year, which leads to the continuous expansion of the national patent service market, and at the same time, many new demands of patent service market are derived. The patent service industry in Guangxi is also gradually developing. From the patent application oriented service market to the patent transformation service, the demand for patent operation in the whole market is becoming more and more urgent. Company F is also carrying out patent operation service innovation. In this paper, F company as the research object, combined with brand value theory and service innovation theory, using literature research method, field research method and inductive deduction method to study the patent service innovation of F company. After making a good technical route, first of all, through the literature review at home and abroad, it is found that there is no patent service innovation research from the perspective of brand value. Secondly, through the analysis of the patent service status of F company, we find out the problems existing in the patent service of company F, and summarize the status quo of brand value of patent service of company F. Then, from the internal conditions of company F, the paper analyzes the resources and capabilities of patent service innovation of company F, and analyzes the opportunities and threats of patent service innovation of company f from the external environment. IV Then, in view of the problems existing in the patent service of F company, the paper formulates the innovation strategy of patent service from the six aspects of the function value, service value, emotional value, social value, cost value and innovation value of the brand value. Finally, in order to better realize the patent service innovation of F company, some safeguard measures are put forward, such as organization guarantee, human resource guarantee, business source guarantee and system guarantee. Finally, this paper draws the following conclusions. From the perspective of brand value, this paper analyzes the defects of patent services and formulates strategies, and carries out the following innovative services on the basis of the original patent services: (1) providing patent pledge financing; (2) matching the project needs of the project department to do patent services; (3) establishing a patent management system to manage, trade and monitor patents uniformly; (4) promoting scientific and technological achievements Transformation; (5) use multiple business sectors to drain resources. This paper analyzes the innovation of patent service from the perspective of brand value, and the content of innovation is novel. By increasing the above services, F company will be built into an ecological chain patent service brand, which has guiding significance for the development of patent service industry in the future. KEY WORDS:Brand value;Patent service;Service Innovation V 目 录 摘要 .................................................................. I ABSTRACT .............................................................. III 第一章 绪论 ............................................................ 1 1.1研究背景 ............................................................ 1 1.2研究目的和意义 ...................................................... 2 1.2.1研究目的 ......................................................... 2 1.2.2研究意义 ......................................................... 2 1.3研究现状 ............................................................ 3 1.3.1国内研究现状 ..................................................... 3 1.3.2国外研究现状 ..................................................... 5 1.3.3研究现状评述 ..................................................... 6 1.4研究内容及研究方法 .................................................. 7 1.4.1研究内容 ......................................................... 7 1.4.2研究方法 ......................................................... 8 1.5创新之处 ............................................................ 9 第二章 研究的理论基础 ................................................. 10 2.1品牌价值理论 ....................................................... 10 2.1.1品牌价值的内涵 .................................................. 10 2.1.2品牌价值的构成因素 .............................................. 10 2.2服务创新理论 ....................................................... 13 第三章 F公司专利服务现状及存在的问题分析 ............................... 15 3.1 F公司简介 ......................................................... 15 3.2 F公司的专利服务现状 ............................................... 16 3.2.1 F公司专利服务内容 .............................................. 16 3.2.2 F公司专利服务流程 .............................................. 17 3.2.3 F公司专利服务经营情况 .......................................... 18 3.2.4 F公司专利服务品牌价值现状 ...................................... 20 3.3F公司专利服务存在的问题 ............................................ 21 3.3.1 F公司专利服务满意度调查 ........................................ 21 VI 3.3.2 F公司专利服务内容存在的问题 .................................... 23 3.3.3 F公司专利服务品牌的问题 ........................................ 27 第四章 F公司专利服务创新内部条件与外部环境分析 ......................... 33 4.1 F 公司内部条件分析 ................................................. 33 4.1.1 F公司专利服务创新资源分析 ...................................... 33 4.1.2 F公司服务创新能力分析 .......................................... 34 4.2 F公司专利服务的外部环境分析 ....................................... 36 4.2.1 F公司专利服务创新的机会分析 .................................... 36 4.2.2 F公司专利服务创新的威胁分析 .................................... 38 4.3本章小结 ........................................................... 39 第五章 品牌价值视角下F公司专利服务的创新策略制定 ...................... 40 5.1 F公司专利服务创新的方向和重点 ..................................... 40 5.1.1 F公司专利服务创新的方向 ........................................ 40 5.1.2 F公司专利服务创新的重点 ........................................ 41 5.2 F公司专利服务功能创新策略 ..............