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随着互联网技术飞速发展和5G时代的到来,网络直播迅速崛起,2020年突如其 来的疫情,更是让直播的应用越来越普遍化。线下营销场景的变化倒逼传统企业加快 数字化转型的速度,疫情之下各大企业都在积极进入直播市场探索直播营销的新模式。 随着网络直播开始被越来越多的消费者所接受,传统企业必须意识到固有的营销模式 已无法满足变化的市场格局,只有积极的探索网络直播营销的新模式,扩大品牌的受 众群体,才能顺应时代发展的趋势获得未来的长远发展。 本文的研究对象W品牌是以直营门店经营模式为主的传统品牌,一直高度专注 于围巾披肩领域。在疫情之下,W品牌开始尝试通过网络直播营销的新模式寻找到品 牌发展新的增长点。但是在实际开展过程中,W品牌的直播营销活动处于混乱无序的 状态,并没有取得预期的效果。基于上述情况,本文对W品牌网络直播营销现状进 行深入研究,找寻其存在的问题,并提出针对性的优化方案。本研究对W品牌明确 品牌网络直播发展方向,布局未来品牌网络直播发展矩阵,实现品牌直播营销目标, 具有重要的参考意义。 本论文的主要研究为:使用PEST、SWOT分析方法对W品牌网络直播营销环境 进行分析,基于SICAS模型和精准营销理论,综合运用数据分析、问卷调研、深度 访谈等研究方法深度剖析W品牌网络直播营销现状,研究得出W品牌网络直播营销 目前在精准营销、品牌感知、兴趣度、交互沟通、消费行为及反馈分享六个维度存在 的不足之处,通过对问题产生的原因进行深入研究分析的基础上针对性的提出了W 品牌网络直播营销优化策略,并结合六个维度的优化策略制定了具体的实施计划和保 障措施,以确保W品牌网络直播营销优化策略的落地执行。通过对W品牌网络直播 营销策略的研究,一方面,可以丰富相关领域内的研究,另一方面,对服饰类品牌如 何开展网络直播营销策略也具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。 关键词:网络直播;营销策略;SICAS模型 III Abstract With the rapid development of internet technology and the advent of 5G era, the rapid rise of network broadcast, the sudden outbreak of epidemic in 2020, is making the application of live broadcast more and more universal. The change of offline marketing scene forces traditional enterprises to accelerate the speed of digital transformation. Under the epidemic situation, major enterprises are actively entering the live broadcast market and exploring new modes of live broadcast marketing. As webcast is accepted by more and more consumers, the traditional enterprise must realize the inherent marketing model has been unable to meet the market pattern of change, only positively explore the new live online marketing mode, expanding the audience for the brand, to conform to the trend of the development of the times for the long-term development of the future. The research object of this paper is Brand W, a traditional brand with direct store business model, which has always been highly focused on the field of scarves and shawls. Under the epidemic situation, Brand W tried to find new growth points for brand development through the new model of network live broadcast marketing. However, in the actual implementation process, Brand W's live broadcast marketing activities were in a disordered state and did not achieve the expected results. Based on above situation, this paper conducts an in-depth study on the current situation of Brand W network live broadcast marketing, seeks for its existing problems, and proposes targeted optimization schemes. This study has significant reference for Brand W to clarify the development direction of brand network broadcast, lay out the development matrix of brand network broadcast in the future, and achieve the marketing goal of brand live broadcast. The research mainly uses PEST and SWOT models to analyze Brand W live broadcast marketing environment, based on SICAS model and precise marketing theory, the integrated use of data analysis, questionnaire survey, in-depth interviews research methods such as in- depth webcast Brand W marketing present situation, study W live broadcast marketing in the precision of brand positioning, brand awareness, interest, interaction, communication, consumer behavior and feedback share six dimensions existed shortcomings, through to the cause of the problem on the basis of the in-depth research and analysis of targeted Brand W IV live online marketing optimization strategy was proposed. In addition, specific practical plans and safeguard measures are formulated in combination with the optimization strategy of six dimensions to ensure the implementation of the optimization strategy of Brand W network live broadcast marketing. On one hand, the research on the marketing strategy of Brand W network live broadcast can enrich the research in related fields; On the other hand, it also has certain enlightenment and reference significance for apparel brands to carry out the marketing strategy of network live broadcast. Keywords: Network Broadcast; Marketing Strategy; SICAS Model 目录 致谢 ............ I 摘要 .......... II Abstract .... III 第1章 绪论 .............................. 1 1.1研究背景与研究意义 ..... 1 1.1.1研究背景 .................. 1 1.1.2研究目的 .................. 2 1.1.3研究意义 .................. 3 1.2国内外研究现状 ............. 4 1.2.1国外研究现状 .......... 4 1.2.2国内研究现状 .......... 5 1.2.3研究现状述评 .......... 5 1.3相关理论 ......................... 6 1.3.1SICAS模型 ............... 6 1.3.2精准营销理论 .......... 8 1.4研究内容与研究方法 ..... 9 1.4.1研究内容 .................. 9 1.4.2研究思路 .................. 9 1.4.3研究方法 ................ 10 1.5创新点 ........................... 11 第2章 W品牌营销环境分析 . 12 2.1W品牌介绍 ................... 12 2.2W品牌PEST分析 ........ 13 2.2.1政治环境因素 ........ 14 2.2.2经济环境因素 ........ 14 2.2.3社会环境因素 ........ 15 2.2.4技术环境因素 ........ 16 2.3 W品牌SWOT分析 ..... 17 2.3.1优势分析 ................ 17 2.3.2劣势分析 ................ 18 2.3.3机会分析 ................ 18 2.3.4威胁分析 ................ 19 第3章 W品牌网络直播营销现状及问题分析 .... 20 3.1W品牌网络直播营销现状 .......................... 20 3.2问卷调查 ....................... 24 3.2.1问卷调查的目的与设计 ....................... 24 3.2.2描述性统计分析 .... 25 3.2.3信度及效度分析 .... 27 3.2.4调查结果分析 ........ 28 3.3深度访谈 ....................... 31 3.3.1深度访谈概况 ........ 31 3.3.2访谈提纲与结果 .... 32 3.3W品牌网络直播营销存在的问题及原因分析 ......................... 33 3.3.1直播营销活动开展低效 ....................... 33 3.3.2用户对品牌感知度低 ........................... 34 3.3.3直播吸引力不够 .... 35 3.3.4关注与交互不足 .... 35 3.3.5购买行动力不强 .... 36 3.3.6用户自传播效应未形成 ....................... 37 第4章 W品牌网络直播营销策略制定 ................ 38 4.1定位直播营销活动 ....... 38 4.1.1梳理直播平台与引流通道 ................... 39 4.1.2提升精准化运营能力 ........................... 40 4.2提升用户感知 ............... 41 4.2.1加强品牌文化输出 41 4.2.2打造品牌专业主播团 ........................... 42 4.3激发用户兴趣 ............... 43 4.3.1策划差异化直播方案 ........................... 43 4.3.2延伸多样化直播场景 ........................... 44 4.4加强交互沟通 ............... 45 4.4.1设计品牌特色的交互活动 ................... 46 4.4.2创造深层参与的用户体验 ................... 46 4.5促进购买行动 ............... 47 4.5.1制造营销驱动力 .... 47 4.5.2完善售后服务体系 48 4.6增强用户自传播 ........... 48 4.6.1培养品牌意见领袖 49 4.6.2驱动用户社交分享 50 第5章 W品牌网络直播营销策略的实施计划和保障 ....................... 51 5.1实施计划 ....................... 51 5.1.1确定直播营销策略目标与实施路径 ... 51 5.1.2开展合作宣传与推广 ........................... 52 5.1.3直播营销方案的执行与复盘 ............... 52 5.2实施保障 ....................... 53 5.2.1制度保障 ................ 53 5.2.2人力资源保障 ........ 53 5.2.3技术保障 ................ 54 5.2.4财务保障 ................ 55 第6章 结论与展望 ................ 56 6.1结论 56 6.2不足与展望 ................... 57。。。。。。以下内容略