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我国的商业银行在上世纪 80年代逐步建立,虽然银行在体制上逐步完善,但是由 于我国存在对外资银行市场准入、业务范围的限制政策保护,使得我国商业银行金融服 务质量水平不高。随着我国金融市场的全面开放、小微企业信贷服务需求的不断升级和 互联网信息技术行业迅速发展,在信息化推动下小微企业对商业银行“智慧信贷”的需 求不断上升。金融行业也呈现信息化、电子化、网络化的趋势,人工智能、物联网、移 动通讯、指纹识别等信息技术的发展,为提升商业银行服务质量的策略的实施提供了良 好的创新基础。信息化的发展给商业银行带来了新的业务模式、新的信贷产品、新的营 销渠道等新的发展方式。我国现阶段的商业银行信贷服务质量层次不齐的现状也倒逼商 业银行不断通过实施与时俱进的创新策略,提升对小微企业信贷服务质量的水平。 基于此,为了提升商业银行小微企业信贷领域的服务质量水平,有必要对小微企业 信贷领域的服务创新策略进行研究。本文以A商业银行为例,首先,对研究商业银行小 微企业信贷服务质量的背景意义和国内外现状理论进行阐述。其次,基于A商业银行小 微企业客户调查问卷基础上,收集调查问卷信息数据,并运用修改调整后SERVQUAL 模型对A银行小微企业信贷服务满意度现状和服务质量进行评价分析。再次,得出目前 商业银行小微企业信贷服务存在最突出的四个问题为信息技术应用不足、信贷审批办理 流程效率繁琐、风险防范控制滞后和缺乏提供个性化信贷产品。最后,从信息技术应用、 服务流程、风险防控和产品研发设计四个方面提出创新策略,并提出了健全产品研发机 制、加强信息化管理建设、构建信贷创新人才队伍和实行信贷创新激励考核制度四个方 面的创新策略实施保障措施。通过本文的上述分析,一方面可以提高商业银行的信贷服 务质量水平、降低经营成本,另一方面也可以提高小微企业融资的满意度,从而为提升 商业银行小微企业信贷服务质量提供一定的借鉴与参考。 关键词:商业银行;小微企业;信贷服务质量;创新策略 II RESEARCH ON INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE THE CREDIT SERVICE QUALITY OF SMALL AND MICRO ENTERPRISES OF A COMMERCIAL BANK ABSTRACT China's commercial banks were gradually established in the 1980s. Although the banking system is gradually improved, the financial service quality of China's commercial banks is not high due to the restrictions on market access and business scope of foreign banks. With the comprehensive opening of China's financial market, the continuous upgrading of the credit service demand of small and micro enterprises, and the rapid development of the Internet information technology industry, the demand of small and micro enterprises for "smart credit" of commercial banks keeps rising under the promotion of informatization. The financial industry also presents a trend of informatization, electronization and networked. The development of information technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of things, mobile communication and fingerprint identification provides a good innovation foundation for the implementation of strategies to improve the service quality of commercial banks. The development of informatization has brought new business models, new credit products, new marketing channels and other new development modes to commercial banks. At present, the uneven level of credit service quality of commercial banks in China also forces commercial banks to continuously improve the credit service quality of small and micro enterprises by implementing the innovative strategy of keeping pace with the times. Based on this, in order to improve the service quality level in the credit field of small and micro enterprises of commercial banks, it is necessary to study the service innovation strategy in the credit field of small and micro enterprises. This paper takes A commercial bank as an example. First, it expounds the background significance, current domestic and international III theories of the research on credit service quality of small and micro enterprises in commercial banks. Secondly, on the basis of the customer survey of small and micro enterprises of A commercial bank, the questionnaire information data was collected, and the SERVQUAL model was used to evaluate and analyze the credit service satisfaction status and service quality of small and micro enterprises of A bank. Thirdly, it is concluded that the four most prominent problems existing in the credit service of small and micro enterprises of commercial banks are insufficient application of information technology, cumbersome efficiency of credit approval process, lagging risk prevention and lack of personalized credit products. Finally, innovation strategies are put forward from four aspects: information technology application, service process, risk prevention and control, and product research and design, and put forward to perfect product R&D mechanism, enhance information administration, build credit innovation talent and implement credit incentive appraisal system four aspects of innovation strategy implementation safeguard. Through the above analysis, on the one hand, it can improve the credit service quality of commercial banks and reduce operating costs , on the other hand, it can also improve the financing satisfaction of small and micro enterprises, so as to provide certain reference and reference for improving the credit service quality of small and micro enterprises of commercial banks. KEY WORDS:Commercial Bank; Small And Micro Enterprises; The Quality Of Credit Service; Innovation Strategies IV 目 录 摘要 ............. I ABSTRACT . II 第1章 绪论 .. 1 1.1研究背景和意义 ............. 1 1.1.1研究背景 .............. 1 1.1.2研究意义 .............. 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............ 3 1.2.1小微企业融资研究 ............................. 3 1.2.2服务质量评价方法研究 ..................... 4 1.2.3提升服务质量创新策略研究 ............. 9 1.2.4文献评述 ............ 10 1.3研究方法和框架 ........... 11 1.3.1研究方法 ............ 11 1.3.2研究框架 ............ 12 1.4研究特色 ............... 13 第2章 A银行小微企业信贷服务质量满意度评价 ............................. 15 2.1 A银行概况 ................... 15 2.1.1银行简介 ............ 15 2.1.2信贷业务发展简介 ........................... 15 2.2信贷服务满意度调查 ... 15 2.2.1问卷的设计 ........ 16 2.2.2数据的收集 ........ 17 2.2.3数据的检验 ........ 18 2.3信贷服务质量评价及分析 .......................... 20 2.3.1有形性评价分析 21 2.3.2可靠性评价分析 21 2.3.3响应性评价分析 21 V 2.3.4保证性评价分析 22 2.3.5移情性评价分析 22 2.3.6整体性评价分析 22 第3章 A银行小微企业信贷服务质量存在问题及成因 ..................... 24 3.1信息技术应用不足 ....... 24 3.1.1信息互交互享程度低 ....................... 24 3.1.2大数据分析应用有待加强 ............... 25 3.2信贷服务流程较为繁杂 .............................. 25 3.3信贷服务风险监测滞后 .............................. 27 3.3.1贷前风险识别渠道狭窄 ................... 27 3.3.2贷中风险监测体系不健全 ............... 27 3.3.3贷后风险考核监督较弱 ................... 27 3.4信贷服务产品创新不足 .............................. 28 3.4.1产品设计导向不明晰 ....................... 28 3.4.2产品担保方式单一化 ....................... 28 3.4.3产品便利化整合度不高 ................... 28 第4章 提升服务质量创新策略 .............................. 29 4.1信息技术应用创新策略 .............................. 29 4.1.1搭建“政务+银行”数据共享平台 . 29 4.1.2开发“云信贷”手机应用软件 ....... 30 4.2信贷服务流程创新策略 .............................. 31 4.2.1“云申请”—电子自助式贷前前置申请 ....................... 31 4.2.2“云审核”—统一化、批量化审查审批 ....................... 31 4.2.3“云放款”—签订、支付发放环节整合 ....................... 32 4.3信贷服务风控创新策略 .............................. 33 4.3.1开发贷前调查风险评估系统 ........... 33 4.3.2构建贷中审批风险监测体系 ........... 33 4.3.3实行贷后管理分行业风险预警 ....... 34 4.4信贷服务产品创新策略 .............................. 35 4.4.1创新“信用团体”批量信贷产品 ... 35 VI 4.4.2创新“供应链”场景信贷产品 ....... 36 第5章 服务创新实施保障措施 .............................. 39 5.1建立健全产品研发机制 .............................. 39 5.1.1加大产品研发资金投入 ................... 39 5.1.2建立“按需设计”产品研发制度 ... 39 5.2加强信息化管理建设 ... 39 5.2.1加强数据存取应用管理 ................... 39 5.2.2打通“数据信息壁垒” ................