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通信信息产业是促进国民经济和社会发展的基础性、战略性和先导性产业。近年来, 我国通信信息产业规模快速增长,特别是“斯诺登事件”以后,设备国产化已然大势所趋, 国有通信信息技术企业迎来了蓬勃发展的春天。核心技术人才作为技术型企业最重要的 组成要素,掌握着企业的前沿技术和核心竞争力。因此,合理优化核心技术人员的激励 制度,激发他们的能动性、创造性、积极性就显得尤为重要。 JG公司作为国有通信信息技术企业中的一员,同样面临着与其他国有高新技术企业 一样的改革难题——核心技术人员激励问题。立足于JG公司的激励制度现状,在激励满 意度因素分析的基础上构建满意度模型,设计分析公式,策划实施问卷调查,通过深入 解析激励制度存在的问题及原因,可见JG公司的核心技术人员激励制度缺乏系统性、层 次性和战略性,无法体现核心技术人员激励的战略统筹意义。具体表现在:物质激励方 面,传统的薪酬体系设计不适用于核心技术人员的留用和发展,且缺乏中长期的激励政 策,物质激励不能匹配企业的发展;精神激励方面,行政手段渗透过多,惩罚机制严苛, 弱化了精神激励的作用;能力开发方面,交流沟通、学习培训等能力提升措施执行不到 位,能力开发激励运用不足;职业发展方面,价值贡献考核评定尺度模糊,职业发展渠 道不畅等。究其原因,主要是JG公司人力资源管理理念落后,激励制度不尽完善;公司 管理层人本主义思想欠缺,不能准确把握核心技术人员的真正需求。这些原因都在一定 程度上造成了核心技术人员的激励困境。 为破解核心技术人员的激励难题,“四维协同”的激励制度是JG公司激励优化的可 行方案。从物质激励、精神激励、能力开发激励和职业发展激励四个维度,统筹协同并 有所侧重地激励核心技术人员。其中,物质激励是保障,给予核心技术人员相对宽裕的 物质基础,为科研创新工作提供基础保障;精神激励是引领,满足核心技术人员的尊重 需要,激发他们扎身科研工作的内生动力;能力开发激励是途径,充分发掘核心技术人 员的知识创新潜能,全面提升职业素质和能力;职业发展激励是目标,成就核心技术人 员自我实现的同时,助力JG公司科技创新实力的全面提升。 从JG公司的角度来看,“四维协同”的激励优化方案可以提升薪酬激励的战略层 次。在充分考虑企业性质和经济发展现状的基础上,建立一套较为合理的激励优化方案, 发挥薪酬激励的引导、竞争和约束作用,激发高值人力资本的内生活力,为JG公司进一 步改革创新,迎接“十四五”规划期间的二次腾飞奠定了基础。从核心技术人员的角度 来看,“四维协同”的激励优化方案为核心技术人员疏通了实现自我价值的路径,将个 人、岗位、贡献和激励有机串联起来,打造了一个畅通的职业渠道,鼓励一般员工积极 投身科研创新一线,争取成为核心技术骨干,同时激励核心技术人员模范引领、冲锋前 线,用智慧书写明天。由此可见,“四维协同”的激励优化方案对于像JG公司这样激励 制度相对落后且正值改革转型关键时期的国有高新技术企业来说具有一定的理论意义和 II 实践作用。 关键词:核心技术人员;激励制度;四维协同 III Abstract Information communication technology (ICT) is the fundamental, strategical and piloting industry in promoting economic and social development. In recent years, ICT industry has achieved fast increase. Especially after Snowden Event, the localization of communication equipment has become an irresistible trend. State-owned ICT companies ushering a booming spring, Core technical personnel is the most important element for ICT companies, deciding a company’s edge-cutting technology and core competitiveness. So, optimizing incentive system for core technical personnel and exciting their motivation, creativeness and initiative becomes unprecedented important. As one of the state-owned ICT companies, JG Company also faces the same reform challenge as other state-owned high-tech enterprises: the issue of incentives for core technical personnel. Based on the current status of the incentive system of JG Company and through satisfaction model building on satisfaction factors, analysis formulas design, questionnaire implementation and in-depth analysis, we can see its incentive system lacks systematicness, hierarchy and strategicness, and cannot reflect the strategic significance of incentive system for core technical personnel. In terms of material incentives, the traditional salary system lacks medium- and long-term incentive policy, and does not match company development. It is not suitable for the retention and development of core technical personnel. In terms of spiritual incentives, too much administrative means and severe punishment mechanism weakens the role of spiritual incentives. In terms of ability development, insufficient application and weak implementation of communication, learning and training are still the two big problems. In terms of career development, contribution assessment is fuzzy and career development is not smooth. The reason is various. The human resource management concept of JG Company falls behind society development, and the incentive system is not full. The management committee lacks humanistic thinking and cannot grasp the real needs of core technical personnel accurately. These reasons have caused the incentive dilemma of core technical personnel to a certain extent. In order to solve the incentive problem for core technical personnel, Four-Dimensional Synergy incentive system is the feasible solution for JG Company which means synergy of material incentive, spiritual incentive, ability development incentive and career development incentive and has some focus. Material incentive is the guarantee, which provides relatively generous material foundation for scientific research and innovation work. Spiritual incentive is the pilot, which satisfies the respect needs of core technical personnel and motivates their endogenous power. Capability development incentive is the way to fully explore their innovation potentials and professional capability. Career development incentive is the goal, which satisfies self-realization and helps company improvement. IV From JG Company view, Four-Dimensional Synergy incentive system has effectively improved the strategic level of salary incentive system. The optimized scheme provides a positive guiding, competition and restrain effect, stimulates the endogenous power of core technical personnel, which lays a solid foundation for company reform and innovation in the 14th Five-year Plan and second takeoff. From core technical personnel view, Four-Dimensional Synergy incentive system clears the path for self-achievement, and links individual, position, contribution and incentives organically. The smooth profession planning encourages ordinary personnel to participate in the front line and strive to become core technical personnel and core technical personnel to lead by example and charge the front line. So, Four-Dimensional Synergy incentive system has theoretical significance and practical effect for state-owned high-tech company like JG Company. Key words: Core technical personnel;incentive system;Four-Dimensional Synergy V 目 录 摘要 ................................................................................................................... I Abstract ........................................................................................................... III 一、 引言 .................................................................................................................. 1 (一) 研究背景及意义 ............................................................................................. 1 1.研究背景 ..................................................................................................... 1 2.研究意义 ..................................................................................................... 1 (二) 文献综述 ....................................................................................................... 2 1.激励因素研究 ................................................................................................. 2 2.激励机制研究 ................................................................................................. 3 3.国有企业核心技术人员激励 ........................................................................... 4 (三) 研究思路和研究方法 ...................................................................................... 5 1.研究思路 ........................................................................................................ 5 2.研究方法 ...........