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I 摘要 商务出行和旅游度假等客源的快速增长推动了酒店业的快速发展,同时也对酒店 业的服务质量提出了更高的要求。作为服务型行业,酒店员工的服务质量直接影响着 酒店业的服务质量。因此,酒店业在不断提升硬件设施建设的同时,对员工的服务态 度和工作技能提出了越来越高的要求。在严苛的工作要求下,酒店员工承受着较大的 精神压力,还要应付各种突发事件,一旦处理不好不仅会受到领导的批评还会受到顾 客的投诉,直接影响个人的收入。相较于较大的工作压力,酒店员工的工资水平相对 较低,无法使员工在工作中获得较高的满足感,影响了员工的服务热情,从而产生了 职业倦怠。研究酒店员工工作满意度与职业倦怠之间的关系,有助于酒店根据员工的 实际需求提出有效的对策,保障酒店提供高质量的服务,从而提升酒店的竞争力。 本文以 RZ 酒店员工作为研究对象,在梳理工作满意度和职业倦怠相关理论和研 究成果的基础上,分别设计了针对 RZ 酒店员工实际情况的工作满意度调查问卷和职 业倦怠调查问卷。通过采用问卷调查的方法,了解 RZ 酒店员工工作满意度和职业倦 怠的现状并进行描述性统计分析。进一步采用实证分析的方法,利用 SPSS19.0 软件 对 RZ 酒店员工的工作满意度和职业倦怠进行相关性分析和回归分析。本文的研究表 明,RZ 酒店员工对工作基本满意,工作满意度得分达到中等水平。各维度的得分中排 在最后的是职业发展维度,得分较低的维度还有职业认同维度、工作报酬和工作安排, 而得分最高的为工作环境维度。RZ 酒店员工职业倦怠现象虽存在,但职业倦怠情况并 不严重。职业倦怠三大维度的得分中,排在第一位的是情绪耗竭维度,排在最后的是 去个性化维度。说明工作满意度越低,职业倦怠的状态越明显。通过分析工作满意度 各维度与职业倦怠相关性可以得出,工作环境和职业倦怠不存在显著的相关性,工作 安排、工作报酬、职业发展、职业认同、酒店管理与职业倦怠之间具有负相关的关系, 人际关系和职业倦怠不存在显著的负相关关系。依据以上研究结果提出了提高 RZ 酒 店员工工作满意度、消除职业倦怠的对策,RZ 酒店应该通过注重员工的成长与发展、 完善薪酬福利体系、为员工营造良好的工作氛围和帮助员工提高自我调节的能力等方 面,可行的措施提高员工满意度,改善酒店员工职业倦怠的状态,提高 RZ 酒店整体 服务质量,促进酒店的可持续发展。 关键词:RZ 酒店;工作满意度;职业倦怠;关系研究西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 II ABSTRACT The rapid growth of business travel and vacation has has kept the hotel industry growing, and also put forward higher requirements for the service quality of the hotel industry. As a service industry, the service quality of hotel staff directly affects the service quality of the hotel industry. Therefore, the hotel industry is constantly improving the construction of hardware facilities at the same time, the service attitude and work skills of employees put forward more and more high requirements. Under the strict working requirements, hotel staff are under great mental pressure and have to deal with various emergencies. If they fail to deal with them, they will not only be criticized by leaders but also be complained by customers, which will directly affect their personal income. Compared with the great work pressure, the salary level of hotel staff is relatively low, which can not make employees obtain higher satisfaction in work, which affects the service enthusiasm of employees, thus causing job burnout. The study on the relationship between job satisfaction and job burnout of hotel employees is helpful for hotels to put forward effective countermeasures according to the actual needs of employees, guarantee the hotel to provide high-quality services, and thus improve the competitiveness of hotels. This paper takes RZ hotel staff as the research object, and on the basis of combing relevant theories and research results of job satisfaction and job burnout, respectively designs the job satisfaction questionnaire and job burnout questionnaire for the actual situation of RZ hotel staff. Questionnaire survey was adopted to understand the status quo of job satisfaction and job burnout of RZ hotel staff and descriptive statistical analysis was conducted. The correlation analysis and regression analysis of job satisfaction and job burnout of RZ hotel staff were carried out using SPSS19.0 software. The research in this paper shows that employees of RZ hotel are basically satisfied with their jobs, and their job satisfaction score reaches a medium level. The career development dimension ranks last in the scores of each dimension, and the career identity dimension, job remuneration and work arrangement score lower, while the work environment dimension scores highest. Although the phenomenon of RZ hotel staff burnout exists, it is not serious. Among the three dimensions of job burnout, emotional exhaustion comes first and deindividuation comes last. The lower the job satisfaction, the more obvious the state of job burnout. Based on the above research results presented improve RZ hotel staff job satisfaction, to prevent theIII happening of job burnout, RZ hotel should be pay attention to the growth and development of employees, improve the c&b system, create a good working atmosphere for the staff and help employees improve the ability of self adjusting, etc., feasible measures to improve employee satisfaction, improve the state of hotel employees' job burnout, to improve the overall RZ hotel service quality, promote the sustainable development of the hotel. Based on the above research results presented improve RZ hotel staff job satisfaction, to prevent the happening of job burnout, RZ hotel should be pay attention to the growth and development of employees, improve the c&b system, create a good working atmosphere for the staff and help employees improve the ability of self adjusting, etc., feasible measures to improve employee satisfaction, improve the state of hotel employees' job burnout, to improve the overall RZ hotel service quality, promote the sustainable development of the hotel. Key Words:RZ hotel;Job satisfaction;Job burnout;Occupation development; Relationships research目 录 I 目 录 摘要...............I ABSTRACT .............................. II 第一章 导论1 1.1 研究背景 ........................... 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 ............... 1 1.2.1 研究目的 ..................... 1 1.2.2 研究意义 ..................... 2 1.3 研究综述 ........................... 3 1.3.1 工作满意度研究现状 . 3 1.3.2 职业倦怠研究现状 ..... 4 1.3.3 工作满意度与职业倦怠关系的研究现状 6 1.3.4 研究文献评述 ............. 6 1.4 研究思路与方法 ............... 7 1.4.1 研究思路 ..................... 7 1.4.2 研究方法 ..................... 7 1.4.3 技术路线 ..................... 8 1.5 可能创新之处 ................. 10 第二章 相关概念和理论基础.............................. 11 2.1 相关概念 ......................... 11 2.1.1 工作满意度的概念 ... 11 2.1.2 职业倦怠的概念 ....... 11 2.2 理论基础......................... 11 2.2.1 需求层次理论 ........... 11 2.2.2 公平理论 ................... 12 2.2.3 职业倦怠三维度理论 .............................. 12 第三章 RZ 酒店员工工作满意度现状.................14 3.1 RZ 酒店发展现状............ 14 3.1.1 管理制度不断完善 ... 14 3.1.2 岗位目标明确 ....... 14 3.1.3 注重人才招聘和培训 .............................. 14西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 II 3.1.4 福利待遇不断提高 ... 15 3.2 RZ 酒店员工工作满意度调查设计............... 15 3.2.1 问卷设计 ................... 15 3.2.2 调查实施 ................... 15 3.3 RZ 酒店员工工作满意度的统计分析........... 16 3.3.1 酒店员工基本情况统计分析 .................. 16 3.3.2 不同性别员工的工作满意度统计分析 .. 17 3.3.3 不同年龄员工的工作满意度统计分析 .. 18 3.3.4 不同部门员工的工作满意度统计分析 .. 18 3.3.5 不同工作年限员工的工作满意度统计分析 ......................... 19 3.4 RZ 酒店员工工作满意度不高的成因........... 19 3.4.1 薪酬水平相对较低 ... 19 3.4.2 内部晋升机会相对较少 .......................... 20 3.4.3 管理制度落实不到位 .............................. 20 3.4.4 职业认同感不高 ....... 21 第四章 RZ 酒店员工职业倦怠现状.....................22 4.1 RZ 酒店员工职业倦怠调查设计................... 22 4.2 RZ 酒店员工职业倦怠的统计分析............... 22 4.2.1 酒店员工职业倦怠描述性统计分析 ...... 22 4.2.2 不同性别员工的职业倦怠统计分析 ...... 23 4.2.3 不同年龄员工的职业倦怠统计分析 ...... 23 4.2.4 不同部门员工的职业倦怠统计分析 ...... 24 4.2.5 不同工作年限员工的职业倦怠统计分析 ............................. 24 4.3 RZ 酒店员工职业倦怠的成因....................... 25 4.3.1 工作态度消极 ........... 25 4.3.2 服务意识减弱 ........... 25 4.3.3 工作效率不高 ........... 25 4.3.4 人员流动较大 ........... 25 第五章 RZ 酒店员工工作满意度与职业倦怠关系实证分析............27 5.1 研究假设......................... 27 5.2 RZ 酒店员工工作满意度与职业倦怠的相关性分析.................. 27 5.2.1 总体工作满意度与职业倦怠的相关性分析 ......................... 27 5.2.2 工作满意度各维度与职业倦怠的相关性分析 ..................... 28 5.3 RZ 酒店员工工作满意度与职业倦怠的回归分析...................... 31目 录 III 5.3.1 总体工作满意度与职业倦怠的回归分析 ............................. 31 5.3.2 工作满意度各维度与职业倦怠的回归分析 ......................... 32 第六章 结论与建议建议.........34 6.1 研究结论......................... 34 6.2 对策建议......................... 35 6.2.1 关注员工职业发展 ... 35 6.2.2 完善薪酬福利体系 ... 35 6.2.3 营造舒心的工作氛围 .............................. 35 6.2.4 提升员工自我调节能力 .......................... 36 6.2.5 提高酒店的管理水平 .............................. 36。。。。。。以下内容略