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I 摘要 智能手机行业经过十年的高速发展,存在产品同质化严重、顾客换机意愿不 强、新兴市场增长乏力等现象,导致智能手机全球出货量从2017年开始已连续三 年呈现负增长。同时,由于市场增长乏力,行业竞争主要围绕存量市场展开等原 因,使得产品利润率不断下降。然而,智能手机行业存在技术迭代快、研发投入 高等特点,长期的过度竞争不利于行业和企业的长期发展。企业如何提高客户满 意度、构建新的盈利点、获得长期发展优势是企业亟待解决的问题。 本文以智能手机行业的结构件制造企业——HM公司为研究对象,对其面临的 行业状况和竞争环境,以及其核心能力和经营状况做了分析,得知HM公司面临 下面几个问题:市场占有率下降、客户需求变化和主营业务利润水平下降。文章 采取数据分析法、5WHY法、专家分析法、PEST分析法、波特五力分析法和问卷 调查法来分析HM公司的外部环境、内部环境和客户需求。从客户需求视角,研 究HM公司如何进行服务转型来增加客户价值、提升公司的服务效率和综合竞争 能力,从而解决其当前面临的问题。 文章首先从外部环境、行业竞争、市场占有率、客户流失和主营业务经营利 润等方面剖析HM公司存在的问题。紧接着,在HM公司的客户群体中展开客户 需求调查,从客户企业的性质和规模两个维度,对客户需求进行分析。并分析了 HM公司的主营业务利润提升途径,以及智能手机行业的发展趋势和机会。最后, 结合HM公司的实际情况,提出了由服务要素前置和业务模块化组成的客户需求 管理服务转型策略,由技术人才共享、增加技术服务要素和技术价值共创组成的 提升综合技术能力的服务转型策略,以及由非核心业务外包、建立多层次供应商 队伍和供应链协同开发平台组成的提升供应链整合能力的服务转型策略。HM公司 向客户提供中间产品,服务的价值将通过获得的新产品开发数量增加、供货份额 增加和产品成本降低等方式体现出来。 该服务转型策略能提升HM公司的产品系统集成服务能力和解决方案集成服 务能力,有助于HM公司快速抓住市场机会、降低企业投资风险和提高对供应链 的控制能力,逐步完成从OEM向ODM转变。同时,也为同行企业展开服务转型 研究提供了一种新的思路。 关键词:智能手机,制造业服务化,服务转型 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT After a decade of rapid development, the smartphone industry faces many severe phenomenons, such as product homogeneity, customer’s weak willingness to purchase a new phone for replacement, and slow growth in emerging markets. As a result, global smartphone shipments have been decreasing for three consecutive years since 2017. Meanwhile, industry competitions are mainly about the stock markets because of the lack of market growth, therefore product profit margins continue to decline. However, the smartphone industry is characterized by fast technology iteration and high R&D investment, so the long-term over-competition is not conducive to the future development of the industry and companies. How to improve customer satisfaction, build new profit points and gain long-term development advantages are urgent problems for companies. This paper conducts research on HM company, the structural component manufacturing enterprise in the smartphone industry. After analyzing the industry conditions and competitive environment it faced, as well as the core capabilities and operating conditions, it turns out that HM company faces the following issues: declined market share, changing customer needs, and decreasing main business profit. This paper adopts data analysis method, 5WHY method, expert analysis method, PEST analysis method, porter's five forces analysis method and questionnaire survey to analyze HM's external environment, internal environment and customer demand. From the perspective of customer demand, this paper studies how HM company makes service transformation to increase customer value, improve the company's service efficiency and comprehensive competitiveness to solve its current problems. Firstly, this paper analyzes the problems of HM company from the aspects of the external environment, industry competition, market share, customer loss and operating profit of the main business. Then, the customer demand survey was carried out in HM’s customer groups. The customer demand was analyzed in two aspects: the nature and scale of the customer company. Besides, the way to improve HM's main business profit and the development trend and opportunities of the smartphone industry is also involved. In the last, based on the current situation of HM company, three aspects of service transformation strategy are proposed: The customer demand management service ABSTRACT III transformation strategy consists of service element preposition and business modularization; The service transformation strategy of enhancing comprehensive technical ability consists of sharing of technical talents, increasing technical service elements and technical value co-creation; And the service transformation strategy to improve the ability of supply chain integration consists of non-core business outsourcing, establishment of multi-level supplier team and collaborative development platform of the supply chain. HM company provides intermediate products to customers, so the value of service transformation will be reflected by increasing the number of new product development, increasing supply share and reducing product cost. This service transformation strategy can improve HM's product system integration service capability and solution integration service capability, help HM seize market opportunities quickly, reduce enterprise investment risk and improve supply chain control capability, and gradually complete the transformation from OEM to ODM. At the same time, it also provides a new way of thinking for other manufacturing enterprises in the industry to carry out service transformation research. Keywords: smartphone, manufacturing servitization, service transformation 目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪 论 .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 ............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 文献综述 ............................................................................................................ 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ........................................................................................ 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ........................................................................................ 3 1.2.3 研究评述 ................................................................................................ 5 1.3 研究意义及创新 ................................................................................................ 6 1.3.1 研究意义 ................................................................................................ 6 1.3.2 研究创新 ................................................................................................ 7 1.4 研究思路与方法 ................................................................................................ 7 1.4.1 研究思路 ................................................................................................ 7 1.4.2 研究方法 ................................................................................................ 7 1.5 研究路线及论文框架 ........................................................................................ 8 1.6 本章小结 ............................................................................................................ 9 第二章 服务转型相关理论 .......................................................................................... 10 2.1 服务型制造的概念及特征 .............................................................................. 10 2.2 制造企业服务转型的理论基础 ...................................................................... 12 2.2.1 制造企业服务转型的动因 .................................................................. 12 2.2.2 制造企业服务转型的模式 .................................................................. 13 2.2.3 制造企业服务转型的路径 .................................................................. 15 2.3 本章小结 .......................................................................................................... 17 第三章 HM公司现状及存在的问题 ......................