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近年来,新能源汽车被认为是发展可持续交通的最有希望的替代品之一,吸引了 国内外众多学者对其展开研究。但融资难,一直是我国新能源汽车企业等新兴产业面 临的最直接、最现实问题。作为资金及技术密集型的行业之一,银行业如何解决新能 源汽车企业融资困境的同时保障信贷安全,成为眼下亟须解决的重大问题。 目前SW银行对新能源汽车企业的信贷管理存在一定的不足之处,比如更倾向于 行业内的传统龙头车企,对所谓“造车新势力”抱有谨慎态度,审批偏好较为保守, 未加强下游企业的挖掘营销。本文的研究致力于进一步完善SW银行对新能源汽车行 业的信贷管理,为商业银行提供一个较为完善的信贷管理策略,更好地为新能源汽车 行业发展提供金融支持。之所以选择SW银行作为研究对象,原因有二,一是SW银行 综合授信份额为9.16%,在全部金融机构中位列第二,对SW银行开展研究具有行业 代表性;二是在数据获取上,笔者作为内部人员能够取得SW银行内部数据,能够取 得市场上未披露的数据。 本文以SW银行的业务数据为分析主体,通过文献研究法、定量分析和定性分析 相结合、案例分析法多种方法,运用信息不对称理论、风险管理理论、商业银行风险 理论、客户细分理论,结合风险分析、行业分析等手段,对新能源汽车行业现状,市 场情况、行业预测、授信状况等方面进行了多维度分析,反映出SW银行授信偏好更 倾向于行业内的传统龙头车企,存在审批人员素质良莠不一、对国有背景企业掉以轻 心、担保条件弱化等问题。通过结合银行内不同行业的授信情况对比、投资机构对新 能源汽车行业的投资情况分析,针对SW银行对新能源汽车行业信贷发展的风险情况 提出了贷前、贷中、贷后及行业风险优化建议,提出总体原则为紧跟政策、择优支持。 紧紧围绕新能源汽车的核心技术,重点扶持一批符合国家产业政策、综合实力强、拥 有核心技术的新能源整车企业,对于技术研发不成熟、近期难以实现规模化生产的新 能源企业,应谨慎介入的信贷政策,以期实现银企之间实现双赢。 关键词:新能源汽车,信贷管理,信贷风险 III SW Bank Research on Credit Management of New Energy Automobile Industry Abstract In recent years, new energy automobile have been regarded as one of the most promising alternatives for the development of sustainable transportation, and they have attracted many scholars at home and abroad to conduct research on them. However, the difficulty of financing has always been the most direct and practical problem faced by my country's new energy automobile companies and other emerging industries. As one of the capital and technology-intensive industries, how the banking industry can solve the financing difficulties of new energy automobile companies while ensuring credit security has become a major issue that needs to be resolved urgently. At present, SW Bank has certain shortcomings in the credit management of new energy automobile companies. For example, it is more inclined to the traditional leading auto companies in the industry, and it is cautious about the so-called "new car-making forces", and approval preference is relatively conservative, has not strengthened the excavation and marketing of downstream enterprises. The research of this article is dedicated to further improving SW bank's credit management of the new energy automobile industry, providing commercial banks with a relatively complete credit management strategy, and better providing financial support for the development of the new energy automobile industry. There are two reasons for choosing SW Bank as the research object. First, SW Bank has a comprehensive credit share of 9.16%, ranking second among all financial institutions, and the research on SW Bank is representative of the industry; second, it is in terms of data acquisition. As an insider, the author can obtain internal data of SW Bank, and can obtain data that has not been disclosed in the market. This article uses SW Bank's business data as the main body of analysis, through literature research, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, and case analysis methods, using information asymmetry theory, risk management theory, commercial bank risk theory, and customer segmentation theory. , Combined with risk analysis, industry analysis and other means, carried out a multi-dimensional analysis of the current situation of the new energy automobile industry, market conditions, industry forecasts, credit status, etc., reflecting that SW Bank’s credit preference is more inclined to traditional leading auto IV companies in the industry. There are problems such as the difference in the quality of approving personnel, taking state-owned enterprises lightly, and weakening guarantee conditions. Based on the comparison of the credit status of different industries in the bank, the investment situation of investment institutions in the new energy automobile industry is analyzed, and the SW Bank’s investment in the new energy vehicle industry The risk situation of the credit development of the energy automobile industry puts forward suggestions on pre-loan, in-loan, post-loan and industry risk optimization. The overall principle is to follow the policy and select the best support. Focusing on the core technology of new energy vehicles, we will focus on supporting a group of new energy vehicle companies that comply with national industrial policies, have strong comprehensive strength, and have core technologies. For new energy companies that are not mature in technology research and development and are difficult to achieve large-scale production in the near future, The credit policy should be cautiously intervened in order to achieve a win-win situation between banks and enterprises. Key words:New energy automobile, Credit management, Credit loan risk V 目录 中文摘要 ............................................................. II Abstract ............................................................ III 第一章 绪论 ........................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景与研究意义 ............................................. 1 1.1.1 选题背景 ................................................. 1 1.1.2 研究目的及意义 ........................................... 1 1.2 研究内容 ....................................................... 2 1.3 研究方法和研究创新 ............................................. 2 1.3.1 研究方法 ................................................. 2 1.3.2 研究创新 ................................................. 2 1.4 文献综述 ....................................................... 3 1.4.1 国外研究综述 ............................................. 3 1.4.2 国内研究综述 ............................................. 3 1.4.3 国内外文献述评 ........................................... 4 第二章 相关概念界定及理论基础 ........................................ 6 2.1概念界定 ........................................................ 6 2.1.1新能源汽车定义 ............................................. 6 2.1.2信贷的定义 ................................................. 7 2.1.3信贷管理的定义 ............................................. 7 2.2理论基础 ........................................................ 7 2.2.1 信息不对称 ................................................ 7 2.2.2风险管理 ................................................... 7 2.2.3商业银行风险 ............................................... 8 2.2.4客户细分 ................................................... 8 第三章 新能源汽车行业发展现状分析 ..................................... 9 3.1新能源汽车行业 .................................................. 9 3.1.1纯电动汽车产业链发展模式 ................................... 9 3.1.2国家政策支持情况 .......................................... 10 3.2新能源汽车市场 ................................................. 12 3.2.1全球新能源汽车市场情况 .................................... 12 3.2.2我国新能源汽车市场情况 .................................... 12 3.3新能源汽车行业政策 ............................................. 15 3.3.1双积分考核促使乘用车企加速新能源汽车布局 .................. 15 3.3.2补贴政策刺激新能源乘用车健康持续发展 ...................... 16 VI 3.4新能源汽车企业面临的问题 ....................................... 17 第四章 新能源汽车行业信贷情况 ........................................ 18 4.1 SW银行对新能源汽车行业信贷情况 .............................