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近二十年来,我国的房地产行业得到快速发展。但随着房地产市场政策的不断 完善,城镇化进行的加快,城镇化率的提升,房地产营销环境发生了很大变化,无 论是市场环境,还是客户需求,都发生了深刻的变革。加之,近年来房地产金融政 策的收紧,对房地产企业的回款能力,提出了更高要求。在政策环境与市场变革的 双重影响下,对房地产企业来说,抓住客户需求,制定切实可行的营销策略,提升 营销管理能力,实现销售快速回款,关系到企业的持续健康稳定发展。 由于房地产行业受地域影响较大,本文以LS公司济南A住宅项目为研究对象, 通过文献搜集法、实地调查法、案例研究法、理论与实践结合法,搜集和调查LS公 司基本情况和营销现状,研究房地产相关营销概念和理论,提出营销策略优化建议。 首先,在综合研究国内外营销理论基础上,详细分析了LS公司的营销环境,先是运 用PEST分析法,具体分析LS公司在政治、经济、社会、技术四个维度的外部营销 环境,再从土地市场、住宅市场、成交结构三个方面分析中观营销环境,又从竞争 者、客户、供货方、营销中介四个角度分析微观营销环境。其次,介绍了LS公司基 本情况与营销现状,并查找了营销中存在的问题。再次,先是运用SWOT分析法,系 统分析LS公司的优势和劣势,评价判断LS公司面临的机会和威胁,在此分析评价 基础上,运用STP理论,完成济南A住宅项目市场细分、市场选择与市场定位。最 后,运用4P营销组合理论,从产品、价格、渠道、促销策略及保障措施等方面提出 了济南A住宅项目营销组合策略建议。 通过本文的研究发现,LS公司虽然在发展中暴露出一些问题,但是随着济南城 市的不断发展,房地产市场发展的空间较大,市场需求增幅明显,LS公司应该密切 关注市场变化,补齐短板弱项,发挥自身优势,把握市场机会,明确市场定位,充 足挖掘济南市场需求潜力,创新营销策略,在产品、价格、渠道、促销、保障措施 方面进行优化完善,制定符合济南A住宅项目实际情况的营销策略,也为LS公司整 体营销管理能力的改进提升提供借鉴。 关键词:房地产;市场定位;营销策略 II LS Company Jinan A Housing Project Marketing Strategy Research Abstract In the recent twenty years, the real estate industry in China has been developing rapidly. However, with the continuous improvement of real estate market policies, the acceleration of urbanization and the improvement of urbanization rate, or even the trend of the customer demands has been significant changes the current real estate marketing environment. Currently, the tightening of real estate financial policies in recent years has put forward higher requirements for the repayment ability of real estate enterprises. More and more entrepreneurs have already realized that how important the policies and market changes for the businesses to achieve the customer demands, make the marketing strategies, improve marketing management abilities, and achieve the repayment abilities, it is also important for the sustainability, healthy and stable development of real estate enterprises. This essay is taking a state-owned real estate enterprise in Shandong province as the research object through literature search method、field survey method、case method and in combination with the theory and practice research on real estate marketing theory and the basis of integrated marketing theory and comprehensive marketing environment analysis of the Jinan A residential project. The PEST analysis is the first important method that the article used to concrete analyses the Jinan residential project with different aspects, such as: political, economic, social and technical aspects of the external marketing environment ,and also contain the Jinan residential project with internal marketing environment from four aspects: investment control ability, fund-raising ability, marketing ability, organization and management ability. SWOT analysis method is also used to analyze the object with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Jinan residential project. Moreover, the article will show the marketing situation of LS company with analysis method and find out the potential problems of the marketing strategies, and compare the differences of the competitors with many real cases in Shandong province, in order to approve all methods and theories that used in this article. On the basis of the above analysis of the marketing environment, the article puts forward the marketing strategy solution with the STP theory to complete the market segmentation, market selection and market positioning of Jinan A residential project, and used the 4P marketing theory to formulate the marketing strategy of Jinan A residential project from the aspects of product, price, channel, promotion and measure guarantee. According to the research, however, some problems of LS have arisen due to the rapid III development, obviously, there is a huge potential market demands are continuously increasing with the development of the city. LS company should pay more attention to the market changes, find and fix the weaknesses, use their advantages to maximus the good results of LS company. The company should also concern that how to seize market opportunities from the competitive market, because it is also an important factor that will influence the result of company. Last but not least it’s to find a proper position in the market and to optimize the products, prices, channels, promotions and safeguard measures in order to satisfy the potential demands of Jinan city, and provide reference for the improvement of the overall marketing management ability of LS company. Key words: Real estate; Market positioning; The marketing strategy IV 目 录 第1章 绪论 ......................................................... 1 1.1研究背景及意义 ................................................. 1 1.1.1研究背景 .................................................. 1 1.1.2研究意义 .................................................. 3 1.2 国内外研究现状 ................................................. 3 1.2.1国外主要营销理论研究 ...................................... 3 1.2.2国内房地产营销策略研究 .................................... 5 1.2.3国内房地产营销模式研究 .................................... 7 1.2.4研究不足与创新点 .......................................... 9 1.3 研究内容、方法和架构 ........................................... 9 1.3.1研究内容 .................................................. 9 1.3.2研究方法 .................................................. 9 1.3.3研究架构 ................................................. 10 第2章 相关营销概念和理论基础 ....................................... 12 2.1 相关营销概念 .................................................. 12 2.1.1 市场营销 ................................................ 12 2.1.2 房地产市场营销 .......................................... 13 2.2 理论基础 ...................................................... 13 2.2.1 4P理论 .................................................. 14 2.2.2 4C理论 .................................................. 15 2.2.3 4R理论 .................................................. 15 2.3 战略分析理论 .................................................. 16 2.3.1 PEST分析 ................................................ 16 2.3.2 SWOT分析 ................................................ 18 2.3.3 STP理论 ................................................. 19 第3章 LS公司营销环境分析 .......................................... 21 3.1宏观营销环境 .................................................. 21 3.1.1政治环境 ................................................. 21 3.1.2经济环境 ................................................. 23 3.1.3社会环境 ................................................. 25 3.1.4技术环境 ................................................. 25 3.2中观营销环境 .................................................. 26 3.2.1土地市场 ................................................. 26 3.2.2住宅市场 ................................................. 28 3.2.3成交结构 ................................................. 29 3.3微观营销环境 .................................................. 30 3.3.1竞争者 ................................................... 30 3.3.2客户 ..................................................... 30 3.3.3供应商 ................................................... 31 3.3.4营销中介 ....................