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亚麻地板是一款新型环保商用弹性地板,它主要由亚麻籽油、木粉、石灰石粉以 及黄麻等天然有机物和矿物通过混合、压轧等过程生产而成。它主要区别于其他商用 地面材料的特点是原材料的环保性。随着中国市场对环保地面材料的广泛应用,亚麻 地板开始慢慢进入中国市场。虽然它进入中国市场已有 10 多年的时间,但由于中国 商业建设项目对地面材料选择习惯的不同以及亚麻地板较高的价格,使得其销量远低 于其他商用弹性地板。近年来,我国的商业建设项目发展迅速,建材行业的竞争也随 之日益激烈。亚麻地板属于建筑材料的一种,不仅面临着各种价格的竞争,同时也面 临着如产品同质化现象、利润空间一再被压缩等一系列的问题,这些问题给亚麻地板 的生产制造商们带来了巨大的挑战,同时也带来了许多的机会。如何应对这样的挑战 以及抓住这样的机会,是 AS 公司需要慎重考虑的。AS 公司进入中国市场以来,一 直是行业标准的制定者以及研发、生产与销售的领导者,怎样在行业内始终保持这样 的领先地位并扩大市场占有率是值得 AS 公司仔细研究与思考的重要议题。 本研究基于营销学经典的 4P 策略理论,针对 AS 公司如何为新的进口亚麻地板 产品制定更科学有效的营销策略展开讨论与研究。目前 AS 公司亚麻地板产品主要面 临着目标市场不明确、产品种类单一、市场价格偏高、渠道支持不足以及促销推广薄 弱这五大问题。针对这五大问题,本文将重点运用 4P 营销理论并结合 STP 理论给出 优化方案。本文首先将针对 AS 公司的亚麻地板产品所面临的营销环境进行分析,改 进亚麻地板目标市场的选择与定位。第二步将通过剖析 AS 公司内部的优势与劣势以 及外部所面临的机会与威胁,重点运用 4P 理论,制定详细的产品、价格、渠道以及 促销等优化策略,从而改善 AS 公司亚麻地板的营销问题。最后,给出亚麻地板营销 策略优化实施的保障措施的建议,以确保最终能够让 AS 公司实现亚麻地板策略的优 化,从而帮助 AS 公司抢占更多的市场份额,始终保持行业的领先地位。 本文希望通过对亚麻地板产品营销策略的研究,使企业找到一个更加优化的产品 营销策略,以提高亚麻地板产品在中国市场的销量。 关键词:亚麻地板营销;4P 营销策略;营销策略优化III Abstract Linoleum floor is a new type of enviornmentally friendly commercial resilient floor. It is mainly produced by natural organic substances and minerals such as linoleum seed oil, wood powder, limestones, and jute through mixing, rolling and other processes. It is mainly distinguished from other commercial resilient floors by it’s outstanding quality of environmental protection. Linoleum flooring products began to enter the Chinese market as the Chinese market became more widely used for environmentally friendly flooring materials. Although it has been in the Chinese market for more than 10 years, due to the differences in the choice of flooring products for Chinese commercial construction projects and the higher price of linoleum flooring products, its sales volume is far lower than other commercial resilient floors. In recent years, with the rapid development of commercial construction projects in China, the competition in building materials industry is becoming increasingly fierce. Linoleum flooring products belong to one kind of building materials. They are not only facing the competition of various prices, but also facing a series of problems, such as homogenization of products and repeated compression of profit margins. These problems have brought great challenges to the manufacturers of commerical flooring materials, as well as many opportunities. How to deal with such challenges and seize such opportunities is a matter for AS company to consider carefully. Since AS entered the Chinese market, it has been the industry standard maker and the leader of R&D, production and sales. How to maintain such a leading position and expand market share in the industry is an important issue worthy of carefully study and consideration by AS. This paper will discuss and study how AS company can formulate more scientific and effective marketing strategies for new imported linoleum flooring products under the classic theory of 4P strategy in marketing. AS company has five big marketing issues of linoleum flooring products, such as uncertain of target market, single product range, low product price, insufficient channel support and weak promotion. This paper will mainly use 4P marketing theory and combine with STP theory to give an optimization plan. Firstly, this paper will analyze the competitive environment faced by AS company's linoleumIV flooring products, and improve the selection and positioning of the target market. The second step is to make an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of AS company and the opportunities and threats faced by the outside so as to make the specific product, price, channel and promotion optimization marketing strategy for linoleum flooring products. Finally, this paper will give some suggestions on how to optimize the implementation of linoleum flooring products’ marketing strategy, so as to ensure that the optimization of linoleum flooring products’ strategy can ultimately be achieved by AS company, so as to help AS company seize more market share and keep the leading position in the industry. This paper hopes that through the study of marketing strategy of linoleum flooring products, enterprises can find a much more optimized strategy for linoleum products to improve the sales of linoleum flooring products in Chinese market. Keywords:Marketing Strategy of Linoleum Flooring Products; Marketing Theory of 4Ps; Optimization of Marketing Strategy目录 致谢.............I 摘要...........II Abstract .... III 第 1 章 绪论.............................1 1.1 选题背景与研究意义.. 1 1.1.1 选题背景................1 1.1.2 研究意义................2 1.2 国内外研究现状.......... 3 1.2.1 国内研究现状........3 1.2.2 国外研究现状........6 1.2.3 国内外研究现状评述...........................7 1.3 研究内容与基本框架.. 8 1.3.1 研究内容................8 1.3.2 基本框架................8 1.4 研究方法...................... 9 1.4.1 研究方法................9 1.4.2 技术路线................9 1.5 主要创新点................ 10 第 2 章 理论基础...................12 2.1 STP 理论..................... 12 2.1.1 STP 理论的基本内容 .........................12 2.1.2 STP 理论在本研究中的应用 .............13 2.2 4P 理论 ....................... 14 2.2.1 4P 理论的基本内容............................14 2.2.2 4P 理论在本研究中的应用................15 第 3 章 亚麻地板营销环境分析..........................173.1 亚麻地板消费环境分析............................ 17 3.1.1 亚麻地板产品特性.............................17 3.1.2 亚麻地板消费对象.............................18 3.1.3 亚麻地板社会消费能力.....................19 3.2 亚麻地板竞争环境分析............................ 21 3.2.1 亚麻地板行业内竞争对手.................21 3.2.2 亚麻地板行业潜在进入者的威胁.....22 3.2.3 亚麻地板行业替代者的威胁.............23 3.2.4 亚麻地板行业供应商的议价能力.....25 3.2.5 亚麻地板行业购买者的议价能力.....26 第 4 章 AS 公司亚麻地板营销现状及存在的问题 ..........................28 4.1 AS 公司简介及 SWOT 分析 .................... 28 4.1.1 AS 公司简介........28 4.1.2 AS 公司 SWOT 分析 .........................29 4.2 AS 公司亚麻地板营销策略现状 ............. 37 4.2.1 市场定位现状......37 4.2.2 产品现状..............38 4.2.3 价格现状..............38 4.2.4 渠道现状..............38 4.2.5 促销现状..............39 4.3 AS 公司亚麻地板营销存在的问题 ......... 39 4.3.1 目标市场定位不够明确.....................39 4.3.2 产品种类单一......40 4.3.3 市场价格偏高......41 4.3.4 渠道支持不足......42 4.3.5 促销推广薄弱......43 4.4 AS 公司亚麻地板营销问题原因分析 ..... 43 4.4.1 目标市场定位的信息调研简单仓促.434.4.2 产品引进品类少..44 4.4.3 价格受制于产品品类,未形成高中低区别....................45 4.4.4 经销渠道管理不善.............................45 4.4.5 品牌传播意识较弱.............................46 第 5 章 AS 公司亚麻地板营销策略的优化 .......48 5.1 精准目标市场定位.... 48 5.2 增加产品引进种类.... 53 5.3 丰富产品价格............ 57 5.4 合理拓展销售渠道.... 59 5.5 加强品牌的推广与传播........................... 61 第 6 章 AS 公司亚麻地板营销策略优化的实施 ..............................64 6.1 AS 公司亚麻地板营销策略优化实施的计划 ........................ 64 6.2 AS 公司亚麻地板营销策略优化实施的保障 ........................ 64 6.2.1 人力资源保障......64 6.2.2 财力资源保障......65 6.2.3 其他方面保障......66 6.2.4 优化前后的比较..69 第 7 章 结论与展望...............71 7.1 基本结论..................... 71 7.2 本研究中的不足......... 72 7.3 后续研究与展望......... 73。。。。。。以下内容略