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I 摘要 随着我国利率市场化进程的不断推进,中国商业银行按照“规模为王”的发 展方式开始显现疲态,尽管我国商业银行规模及营业收入依然保持了一定速度的 增长,但盈利能力未表现出同样的增长情况,净利润增速持续的降低。随着利率 市场化改革的持续深入,中小商业银行面临的利率风险持续的在增加,同时由于 缺乏衍生品相关资质,无法通过产品对冲的方式降低利率风险,只能被动的接受 利率风险,中小商业银行经营风险持续的增加。在该种背景下借鉴国内外商业银 行管理经验,建立一套适合城市商业银行本身的内部资金转移定价管理体系,通 过建立内部资金转移定价提高产品定价水平,完善绩效考核,提高盈利能力,优 化银行资源配置,剥离利率风险,实现全面资产负债管理方面将具有重大的意义。 内部资金转移定价(Funds Transfer Pricing,简称 FTP),是指商业银行负债 吸收单位通过有偿且全额的方式将吸收的资金转移至资金中心(也成为司库), 资金中心通过向资金使用部门收取利息并向负债吸收单位支付利息的一种内部 定价机制,是商业银行开展精细化管理的利器。但由于我国商业银行客户结构、 经营战略、信息系统支持上面存在的巨大的差异,国外通用内部资金转移定价无 法适用于每一家中小商业银行,无法快速复制。 本文主要是从内部资金转移定价的基础理论分析出发,将基础理论与 H 银行 的具体情况相结合。对 H 银行在定价范围、定价对象、定价方式及收益率曲线的 建立应用等进行了全面解析,并对内部资金定价的实现方式进行分析,最后从内 部资金转移定价的实施后对 H 银行产品定价、利率风险管理、存贷比优化和考核 机制等方面的影响进行分析,提出进一步优化的措施。 关键词:内部资金转移定价;产品定价;存贷比;利率市场化ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the continuous advancement of interest rate marketization process in China,China's commercial banks began to show up in the way of scale oriented development.Although both scale and operating income have grown up, it also shows the disadvantages of decreasing profitability and increasing interest rate risk, especially in city commercial banks. Therefore, it is of great significance for city commercial banks to learn from foreign commercial banks’ experience and establish a set of internal funds transfer pricing management mechanism which is suitable for city commercial banks to raisethe product pricing ability, perfect the performance appraisal, improve profitability, optimize the resource allocation, strip the interest rate riskand realize the comprehensive asset liability management.Funds transfer pricing, refers to the internal pricing mechanism that the liabilities absorption unit transfers the absorbed funds to the fund center (also known as the Treasurer) through the way of compensated payments and in full amount, the fund center charges interest from the fund using unit and pays interest to the liabilities absorption unit. It is a highly effective tool for the commercial banks to carry out fine management. As Chinese markethas not yet fully realized the interest rate marketization, at the same time, eachcommercial bank has great differences in the structure of assets and liabilities, customer structure, information technology system and development strategy, it is unable to rapidly replicate each other. Based on funds transfer pricing theory, this paper combines theoretical analysis with the specific situation of bank H.It detaillyexplains the pricing scope, pricing object, pricing approach and yield curve of bank H, and comprehensively analyzes the realization of internal funds transfer pricing.Finally, this paper analyzes theoptimization impact of bank H product pricing, interest rate risk management, loan-to-deposit ratio after the implementation of internal fund transfer pricing, and puts forward further recommendations. Key Words:Funds transfer pricing model ;Product pricing; Resource allocation目录 III 目 录 摘要············I ABSTRACT·····II 第一章 绪论·····1 第一节 研究背景········1 第二节 研究意义········3 第三节 国内外研究现状··············4 一、国内研究现状········4 二、国外研究现状········6 第四节 研究思路及方法··············7 一、研究思路················7 二、研究方法················8 第五节 创新之处········9 第二章商业银行 FTP 的相关概念及定价方法··10 第一节 FTP 的基本概念·············10 第二节 FTP 定价的基本方法·····11 一、平均资本定价法··11 二、期限匹配法定价法················12 三、现金流匹配法······13 四、偿还曲线法··········15 五、指定利率法··········15 第三节 主要定价方法对比········16 第三章 H 银行建立 FTP 背景·········· 18 第一节 H 银行简介···18 第二节 H 银行经营情况·············18 一、贷款机构以对公为主,零售贷款占比较低············ 18 二、存款来源较为集中,流动性压力较大·· 19 三、资金业务占比较高,利率敏感度较高·· 20 四、息差收窄,盈利能力降低····20 第三节 H 银行建立 FTP 的发展路径···········21 第四章 H 银行 FTP 定价范围及定价单元········22 第一节 FTP 定价范围及定价对象···············22 一、定价范围··············22 二、定价对象··············22 第二节 FTP 定价单元的设计·····24 第五章 H 银行收益率曲线的构建···25 第一节 收益率曲线··25 一、利率市场化国家市场收益率曲线··········26 二、我国市场收益率曲线············26目录 IV 第二节 H 银行收益率曲线调节项及其应用·· 32 一、内生性调节因素··32 二、政策性调节因素··33 第六章 H 银行构建收益率曲线后可解决的问题···············35 第一节 有利于优化生息资产定价方式······35 一、利率管制资产类产品定价····35 二、利率市场化资产类产品定价36 第二节 有利于集中控制利率风险··············37 第三节 有利于提升存贷比管理质量··········38 第七章 H 银行实施 FTP 定价需配套的具体措施·············40 第一节 改革绩效考核体系········40 第二节 恰当的选择金融市场业务曲线······41 第三节 建立数据仓库················42 一、关键数据丢失······42 二、系统普遍缺乏相连,数据孤岛普遍存在················ 42 第八章 结论与展望·········43。。。。。。以下内容略