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进入21世纪,全球通信电源产业竞争日趋白热化,加之这些年,金融危机 的影响及中美贸易战对整个全球的经济造成了巨大的冲击,同时新的市场增长点 尚未形成,如何提升企业自身竞争力成为公司管理层的战略焦点。测试工序完成 客户产品电气性能的检测,直接对产品质量负责,是通信电源生产制造的关键一 环。设备数量,设备可利用率,测试能力及良品率决定了测试工序的产能,现测 试工序产能的不足已成为了制约A公司生产产能的瓶颈。相比其他行业,通信电 源产品测试设备昂贵,企业如何在现有资源即不增加设备投入的条件下,通过提 升设备可利用率,测试能力及良品率来提升测试工序产能,将对公司生产产能的 提升发挥关键作用,同时,也是降低成本,提升企业自身竞争力的有效手段。 六西格玛理论诞生于20世纪80年代,最初由摩托罗拉公司提出并用于改善 产品缺陷,取得了巨大成功,六西格玛尊重数据,关注流程,现已广泛应用于各 行各业用以解决各种实际问题,并逐步发展成为提升企业核心竞争力的经营管理 战略;精益生产强调“准时制生产(JIT)”,通过减少浪费来提高业务流程的效 率,以快速取得成果为目标。 本文以六西格玛理论为指导思想,运用六西格玛理论的方法及工具,通过 DMAIC五个阶段,并结合精益生产相关改善理念,针对A公司测试工序产能不高 的实际问题,从设备可利用率,测试能力,良品率三个方面分别展开分析与研究。 首先,在界定阶段,通过对现有测试工序产能的数据表现及预期的生产需求界定 了本项目的改善目标;然后,在测量阶段,通过对数据的分析与整理,分别找出 影响可利用率,测试能力,良品率的关键因子;接着,在分析与改善阶段,对各 关键因子通过结合六西格玛理论与精益生产理念,给出了各自相应地解决方案; 最后,通过实施效果来验证解决方案对测试产能改善的有效性,并在控制阶段, 通过制定相应地管理措施来保证实施效果的可持续性,以切实保证测试工序产能 的提升。本文的研究过程与方法,不仅解决了本文所研究的5G通信电源生产线 测试产能不足的问题,而且为A公司的新产品及已经量产的其他产品的测试产能 提升提供了参考和指导依据,也为相关企业的测试工序产能提升提供了一些借鉴 与参考作用。 关键词: 六西格玛,产能,可利用率,测试能力,良品率 II Abstract Since the 21st century, the competition of global power supply industry slowly became white hot, in addition, the impact of the financial crisis and the trade war between China and USA both have had a huge impact on the global economy, at the same time, the new market growth point has not yet formed, how to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise itself has become the strategic focus of the company's top management. The test process implements the test of the electrical performance of the customer's products, directly responsible for the product quality, and is a key role in process of power supply manufacturing. The capacity of testing process is determined by the number of equipment, equipment available rate, testing capacity and product yield, now, the shortage of testing process capacity has become a bottleneck restricting the production capacity of company A. Compared with other industries, the test equipment for power supply is expensive, how to improve the testing process capacity by improving the equipment available rate, testing capacity and product yield without increasing the equipment investment will play a key role in improving the company's production capacity, at the same time, it is also an effective means to reduce costs and enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise itself. Six Sigma management theory was born in the 1980s, it was first proposed by Motorola and used to improve product defects, and achieved great success, Six Sigma respects data, focuses on processes, now it has been widely used in all walks of life to solve various practical problems, and gradually developed into a business management strategy to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises; Lean production emphasizes "just in time production (JIT)", it improves the efficiency of business process by reducing waste, and aims to achieve quick results. This paper takes Six Sigma theory as the guiding ideology, uses the method and tools of Six Sigma theory, through DMAIC five stages, and combined with the concept of lean production management, aiming at the actual problem of low production capacity of testing process in company A, then analyze and research problem through three aspects of available rate, testing capacity and product yield. First of all, in the Define stage, define the improvement objectives of the project basing on the data performance of the existing testing process capacity and the expected production demand; then, in the Measure stage, identify the key factors affecting the equipment available rate, testing capacity and product yield through analyzing and sorting the data; then, in the Analyze and Improve stage, through combining Six Sigma theory and the concept of lean production, the corresponding III solutions are given for these key factors; finally, verify the effectiveness of the solution to improve the test capacity through implementation effect, and in the Control stage, through formulating corresponding management solutions to ensure the sustainability of the implementation effect, so as to effectively guarantee the improvement of the test process capacity. The research process and method of this paper not only solves the problem of low testing capacity of the 5G power supply production line studied in this paper, but also provides reference and guidance for new products and mass production products to improve the test process capacity, and also provides some reference for the relevant enterprises to improve the test process capacity.。。。。。。以下内容略