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III 中文摘要 薪酬体系是人力资源管理的重要组成部分。合理的薪酬体系在吸引人 才,激励员工,留住员工和提高企业活力方面发挥着非常重要的作 用。对于 传统的国有企业来说,只有深化企业改革,建立现代企业薪酬管理制度,构 建与市场经济体制相适应的薪酬体系,才能适应不断变化的外部环境。 A水务公司是东南沿 海某地级市从事水务基础设施建设和自来水供应的 国有企业,近年来在业务规模快速发展和领导层变更的大背景下,技术与管 理人才匮乏的挑战日益凸显。本文通过深入分析A水 务公司的经营情况和薪 酬体系现状,发现A水务公司薪酬体系存在以下突出的问题:一是薪酬整体 水平较低,缺乏竞争性,公司现有的技术和管理人才极度匮乏,优秀人才难 以招 募到位,或是招来留不住;二是岗位分析和价值评价不明确,导致定薪 和调薪依据不明确、薪资标准与价值定位不匹配;三是薪资结构不合理,各 层级的薪资差距小,浮动薪酬 占比非常小,没有体现差异化,缺乏激励性; 四是薪酬体系死板,缺乏灵活性,缺乏定薪和调薪机机制,也缺少浮动绩效 的弹性考核机制,导致员工吃大锅饭,工作缺乏能动性 ,企业发展活力不 足。 基于薪酬体系存在的突出问题,以及该企业薪酬体系建设的目标和原 则,本研究提出了该企业薪酬体系变革的一系列解决方案,包括设置有竞争 力的薪 酬水平;建立岗位分析和价值评价系统;重新设计和调整薪资结构, 增加浮动薪酬比例和绩效考核机制;规范定薪与调薪标准,建立弹性考核机 制;加快招聘流程,尽快补充企 业急需的各类人才;并建立系统联动的薪资 协同系统,激励全体员工共同奋斗。 作为该企业市场化招募的人力资源部门负责人,本文作者亲历了该企业 深化改革和业务跨越式发 展的关键时期,主持并推动了该企业薪酬体系变革 方案的制定和实施,本研究的成果已转化为该企业薪酬体系变革方案的重要 内容,目前正在该企业逐步实施,并已得到各方面 的积极反馈。本研究还根 据变革推进情况和初步反馈,对未来企业薪酬体系的进一步调整和优化进行 了分析和展望。 关键词:薪酬体系;国企改革;水务公司;薪资结构 Abstract IV Abstract The salary system is an important part of human resource management. A reasonable salary system plays a very important role in attracting talents, motivating employees, retaining employees, and improving the vitality of enterprises. For the traditional state-owned enterprises, only by deepening the enterprise reform, establishing a modern enterprise salary management system, and building a salary system suitable to the market economy system, can they adapt to the constantly changing external environment. A Water Company is A state-owned enterprise engaged in water infrastructure construction and water supply in A prefecture-level city in the southeast coastal area. In recent years, under the background of rapid development of business scale and leadership change, the challenge of lack of technical and managerial talents has become increasingly prominent. Through in-depth analysis of the operating situation and the current situation of the salary system of A Water Company, this paper finds the following prominent problems in the salary system of A Water Company:First, the overall level of salary is low, lack of competitiveness, the company's existing technical and management talents are extremely scarce, it is difficult to recruit excellent talents, or the recruitment cannot be retained; The second is the unclear job analysis and value evaluation, which leads to the unclear basis of salary determination and salary adjustment, and the mismatch between salary standards and value positioning; third, the salary structure is unreasonable, the salary gap at all levels is small, and the proportion of floating compensation is very small. Reflecting differentiation and lack of motivation; fourth is the rigid salary system, lack of flexibility, lack of salary fixing and salary adjustment mechanism, and lack of flexible performance evaluation mechanism, resulting in employees eating a big pot of food, lack of initiative in work, and insufficient vitality for enterprise development. Based on the outstanding problems existing in the salary system, as well as the objectives and principles of the construction of the salary system of the enterprise, this study puts forward a series of solutions to the reform of the salary system of the enterprise, including setting competitive compensation level; Establish post analysis and value evaluation system; Redesign and adjust the salary structure, increase the floating salary ratio and performance appraisal mechanism; Standardize the standard of salary determination and adjustment, and establish a flexible assessment mechanism; Accelerate the recruitment process, as soon as possible to replenish the urgently needed talents; And the establishment of system linkage of the salary coordination system, Abstract V motivate all employees to work together. As the head of human resources department for marketization-recruitment in this company, the author went through its critical period of deepening reform and business development by leaps and bounds, hosted and promoted the enterprise salary system reform plan formulation and implementation. The results of this study has been converted into an important content of the salary system reform plan of the enterprise, is the enterprise gradually, and have got the all aspects of the positive feedback. This study also analyzes and looks forward to the further adjustment and optimization of corporate salary system in the future according to the progress of reform and the preliminary feedback. Key words: Salary system; state-owned enterprise reform; water company; salary structure 目录 VI 目录 第一章 绪论 ............................................ 1 第一节 研究的背景及意义 ......................................... 1 一、研究背景 .......................................................................................................................... 1 二、研究意义 .......................................................................................................................... 4 第二节 研究的内容和方法 ......................................... 5 一、研究内容 ............................................................. 5 二、研究方法 ............................................................. 6 三、技术路线 ............................................................. 7 第二章 薪酬理论 概述..................................... 9 第一节 薪酬基本理论 ............................................. 9 一、薪酬 ................................................................. 9 二、薪酬管理 ............................................................. 9 第二节 薪酬 体系的基本理论 ....................................... 9 第三节 薪酬体系设计的理论依据 .................................. 10 一、薪酬体系的分类 ...................................................... 10 二、薪酬体系设计原则 .................................................... 11 三、岗位分析和岗位价值 评价 .............................................. 12 四、薪酬定位 ............................................................ 13 第四节 绩效考核对薪酬管理 的应用 ................................ 13 第三章 A水务公司薪酬体系现状分析与诊断 ................ 15 第一节 A水务公司薪酬体系现状 .................................. 15 一、基础工资 ............................................................ 16 二、岗位工资 ............................................................ 17 三、年终绩效 ........................................................... 17 四、工龄工资 ............................................................ 18 五、各种补贴 ............................................................ 18 六、福利 ................................................................ 19 第二节 薪酬体系存在的问题 ...................................... 19 目录 VII 一、薪酬整体 水平较低,缺乏竞争性 ........................................ 19 二、岗位分析和价值评价不明确,缺乏指导性 ................................ 21 三、薪资结构没 有体现差异化,缺乏激励性 .................................. 22 四、薪酬体系死板,缺乏灵活性 ............................................ 22 第四章 A水务公司 薪酬体系的变革与重建 ....