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频发的企业社会责任缺失事件受到社会广泛关注,学者们对企业社会责任缺 失(Corporate Social Irresponsibility)的研究日益增多。企业社会责任缺失发生后 人们会对它发生的原因、责任判断进行归因。但是,现有企业社会责任缺失文献 较多地从企业层面关注了企业社会责任缺失的驱动因素,对企业社会责任缺失的 责任判断研究相对有限。现实中有一类企业社会责任缺失,它与消费者的不良需 求或需要、消费习惯及消费者参与有直接或间接的联系,本文称之为“受消费者 影响的企业社会责任缺失”。学者们尚未充分关注它的归因问题,从而忽略了消 费者对企业社会责任缺失的归因中企业失责和消费者失责的潜在影响。消费者失 责作为一个新兴的概念,是指消费者意识到自身在一定程度上促成了特定类型的 企业社会责任缺失。但是,消费者失责的表现、影响结果、作用机制和作用条件 尚未受到充分研究。因此,本文关注消费者对企业社会责任缺失的归因,围绕“受 消费者影响的企业社会责任缺失”的归因问题,基于个体消费者视角从消费者对 企业社会责任缺失的归因中企业失责和消费者失责两个方面,构建了消费者对企 业社会责任缺失的归因与消费者响应意愿的影响关系模型,研究消费者对企业社 会责任缺失的归因(本文以下内容中把“消费者对企业社会责任缺失的归因”简 称为“CSI 归因”)中企业失责和消费者失责对消费者惩罚意愿和消费者弥补意 愿的影响及其作用机制和作用条件。 本研究综合采用多种研究方法(包括访谈法、实验法和问卷调查法),通过II 四个具有逻辑关联性的研究,回答所提出的研究问题:(1)通过访谈法对 CSI 归因进行探索性研究,研究了消费者对企业社会责任缺失成因的理解、消费者失 责的表现等;(2)通过两项前测,选取了后续研究设计所需的企业社会责任缺 失情景,为 CSI 归因编制了启动材料。随后,研究一采用实验法进行了 CSI 归 因影响消费者响应意愿主效应的检验;(3)研究二采用实验法重复检验 CSI 归 因对消费者响应意愿的影响,同时检验愤怒和愧疚的中介作用;(4)研究三采用 问卷调查法对研究模型中的构念进行测量,检验道德认同的调节作用。 在已有文献的基础上,本研究更加丰富地提炼了 CSI 归因中消费者失责的表 现,并且发现消费者能够从“受消费者影响的企业社会责任缺失”中意识到消费 者失责并做出响应。本研究的实证结果表明 CSI 归因中的企业失责正向影响消费 者惩罚意愿;CSI 归因中的消费者失责正向影响消费者弥补意愿;愤怒在 CSI 归 因中的企业失责对消费者惩罚意愿的影响中具有显著的中介作用;愧疚在 CSI 归因中的消费者失责对消费者弥补意愿的影响中具有显著的中介作用;道德认同 高时(相比于道德认同低时),愤怒在 CSI 归因中的企业失责对消费者惩罚意愿 的影响中所起的中介作用更大;道德认同高时,愧疚在 CSI 归因中的消费者失责 与消费者弥补意愿之间所起的中介作用显著。 本研究从 CSI 归因中的企业失责和消费者失责两个方面,研究了“受消费者 影响的企业社会责任缺失”的归因问题,完善了消费者失责的具体表现,从而有 助于丰富企业社会责任缺失归因文献。在关注 CSI 归因中企业失责影响消费者惩 罚意愿的同时,本文构建并验证了消费者失责对消费者弥补意愿的影响及其作用 机制和作用条件,丰富了企业社会责任缺失与消费者响应的关系研究。同时,本 研究有助于企业认识 CSI 归因中的企业失责和消费者失责带来的不同影响结果, 指导企业随时关注消费者对企业行为的情感和行为响应,并且能够给消费者在日 常消费中管理消费者失责、减少因消费而助长的企业社会责任缺失提供指导建议。 关键词:企业社会责任缺失;归因;企业失责;消费者失责;道德情感;消 费者惩罚意愿;消费者弥补意愿III Consumers’Attributions of Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Its Impact on Consumers’Response Inclination Major: BusinessAdministration (Marketing) Name: Zhang Ting Supervisor: Zhou Yanfeng Professor ABSTRACT Frequent incidents of corporate social irresponsibility events have attracted extensive attention from the society. Researchers have also paid increasing attention to corporate social irresponsibility research. People tend to form inferences and make responsibility judgments for the corporate social irresponsibility. Prior corporate social irresponsibility research has paid more attention to the driving factors from the corporate level, while research on responsibility judgment is relatively limited. In practice, there is one certain type of corporate social irresponsibility (referred to as “consumer-influenced corporate social irresponsibility” in this dissertation), which is directly or indirectly related to consumers’ bad needs or demands, consumption habits, and consumers’ participation. Researchers have paid little attention to its attributions, leading to the neglect of the potential influences of corporate culpability and consumer culpability in consumers’ attributions of corporate social irresponsibility. As an emerging concept, consumer culpability refers to consumers' acknowledgement that they themselves partially contribute to certain corporate social irresponsibility types. However, research on its manifestations, outcomes, mechanisms and functional conditions has been insufficient. Hence, this dissertation considers consumers’IV attributions of corporate social irresponsibility, focusing on the attributions of consumer-influenced corporate social irresponsibility. It developed a theoretical model dealing with the relationship between consumers’ attributions of corporate social irresponsibility and consumers’ response inclination from the perspective of individual consumer by considering corporate culpability and consumer culpability. It investigated the impact of corporate culpability and consumer culpability in consumers’ attributions of corporate social irresponsibility (in the following content of this dissertation, “consumers’ attributions of corporate social irresponsibility” is shorted for “CSI attributions”) on consumers’ inclination to punish and compensate, as well as the underlying mechanisms and functional conditions. This dissertation adopted a mixed-methods approach (including interviews, experiments, and a survey) to answer the research questions via four logically relevant studies. Firstly, an exploratory study was conducted to understand consumers' understanding for the driving factors of corporate social irresponsibility and the manifestations of consumer culpability by using the interviews. Secondly, two pre-tests were conducted to select the corporate social irresponsibility context for the research design of the follow-up studies, and to create the priming material of CSI attributions. Then, study 1 tested the main effect of CSI attributions on consumers’ response inclination by using an experiment. Thirdly, study 2 replicated the effect of CSI attributions on consumers’ response inclination and examined the mediating role of anger and guilt by using an experiment. Finally, study 3 measured the constructs in the conceptual model and examined the moderating role of moral identity. Based on the existing literature, this dissertation had refined the manifestations of consumer culpability in CSI attributions and found that consumer could recognize the consumer culpability from the consumer-influenced corporate social irresponsibility. The empirical findings showed that corporate culpability in CSI attributions had significantly positive effect on consumers’ inclination to punish. Consumer culpability in CSI attributions had significantly positive effect on consumers’ inclination to compensate. Anger significantly mediated the effect of corporate culpability on consumers’ inclination to punish. Guilt significantly mediatedV the effect of consumer culpability on consumers’ inclination to compensate. The higher the moral identity, the stronger the mediating role of anger in the influence of corporate culpability on consumers’ inclination to punish. When participants indicated higher level of moral identity, the mediating role of guilt in the influence of consumer culpability on consumers’ inclination to compensate was significant. This dissertation studied the attributions of consumer-influenced corporate social irresponsibility from the aspects of corporate culpability and consumer culpability in CSI attributions and improved the manifestations of consumer culpability concept. Hence, it was helpful to enrich the corporate social irresponsibility attributions literature. When studied the impact of corporate culpability in CSI attributions on consumers’ inclination to punish, this work developed and examined the impact of consumer culpability on consumers’ inclination to compensate and its mechanisms and functional conditions, which had enriched the literature on the relationship between corporate social irresponsibility and consumer responses. Meanwhile, the findings can help corporates to understand the outcomes of corporate culpability and consumer culpability in CSI attributions and to remind the corporates paying attention to consumers' emotional and behavioral responses towards corporate behaviors. In addition, this study can be helpful to provide suggestions to consumers to manage consumer culpability and to reduce the corporate social irresponsibility facilitated by consumption. Key Words: corporate social irresponsibility; attributions; corporate culpability; consumer culpability; moral emotions; consumers’ inclination to punish; consumers’ inclination to compensateVI 目 录 摘要..I ABSTRACT.................. III 目 录..............................VI 图表目录........................IX 第 1 章 绪论.................1 1.1 研究背景..............1 1.2 研究问题.............5 1.3 研究目的和意义.7 1.3.1 研究目的.......7 1.3.2 研究意义.......8 1.4 研究思路和方法10 1.4.1 研究思路....10 1.4.2 研究方法....14 1.4.3 技术路线....16 1.5 本研究的创新点17 第 2 章 文献综述...........19 2.1 企业社会责任缺失的定义和分类..19 2.1.1 企业社会责任缺失的定义.......19 2.1.2 企业社会责任缺失的维度及分类..........................22 2.2 企业社会责任缺失的归因研究......25 2.2.1 归因理论....25 2.2.2 企业社会责任缺失归因中的企业失责..................27 2.2.3 企业社会责任缺失归因中的消费者失责..............29 2.2.4 企业社会责任缺失归因中的其他责任..................34 2.3 企业社会责任缺失与消费者响应...35 2.3.1 企业社会责任缺失对消费者响应的影响..............35 2.3.2 企业社会责任缺失影响消费者响应的作用机制..38VII 2.3.3 企业社会责任缺失影响消费者响应的作用条件..43 2.4 道德净化效应...45 2.5 文献研究总结...48 第 3 章 研究假设...........51 3.1 CSI 归因中的企业失责与消费者惩罚意愿...................52 3.2 CSI 归因中的消费者失责与消费者弥补意愿...............54 3.3 愤怒和愧疚的中介作用..................56 3.3.1 愤怒的中介作用.......................57 3.3.2 愧疚的中介作用.......................58 3.4 道德认同的调节作用.......................59 第 4 章 CSI 归因的探索性研究..................64 4.1 研究目的...........64 4.2 研究设计和过程..............................64 4.3 研究发现...........66 4.3.1 企业社会责任缺失的表现及原因..........................66 4.3.2 消费者失责的表现...................67 4.3.3 受消费者影响的企业社会责任缺失......................70 4.3.4 消费者失责与消费者响应.......71 4.4 研究小结...........72 第 5 章 CSI 归因影响消费者响应意愿的主效应研究.............74 5.1 前测一:企业社会责任缺失事件的选择.....................74 5.1.1 研究目的....74 5.1.2 研究设计....74 5.1.3 研究结果....75 5.1.4 前测一小结78 5.2 前测二:CSI 归因的启动材料........78 5.3 研究一:CSI 归因对消费者响应意愿的影响研究......81 5.3.1 研究过程....81 5.3.2 研究结果....82 5.3.3 研究一小结84 第 6 章 CSI 归因影响消费者响应意愿的作用机制和作用条件研究....................85VIII 6.1 研究二:愤怒和愧疚的中介作用研究.........................85 6.1.1 研究设计和程序.......................85 6.1.2 研究结果....87 6.1.3 研究二小结89 6.2 研究三:道德认同的调节作用研究.............................90 6.2.1 研究目的....90 6.2.2 构念测量....90 6.2.3 预调研........91 6.2.4 正式调研....93 6.2.5 研究三小结.............................100 第 7 章 研究结论和未来研究展望..........102 7.1 研究结论..........102 7.2 理论启示..........103 7.3 实践启示..........105 7.4 研究局限性与展望.........................107。。。。。。以下内容略