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近年来石油企业油品零售竞争加剧、新能源在汽车等领域被广泛应用,央企 加油站销售油品盈利能力呈现微利水平,发展非油品业务势必会带来新的利润点。 然而中石油S分公司在黑龙江省2018年度非油品销售收入排名十一位,纵观S分 公司近五年非油品销售数据,不难看出S分公司非油品营销策略表现出一些实际 问题和潜在问题,这对非油品发展会带来一定阻力。改进营销策略意义在于提升 加油站配套服务、满足消费者多样化需求、挖掘并充分利用加油站优势,以提升 公司整体经营利润。 本文以中石油S分公司作为研究对象,结合国内外石油企业非油品营销策略 发展方向,从S分公司非油品营销现状出发,运用统计方法对S分公司2014年到 2018年非油品销售数据进行分析,对其宏观环境(PEST)、行业环境和内部环境 进行分析,以问卷调查和员工访谈为基础,分析消费需求及STP(市场细分、目 标市场选择、市场定位),进而归纳出其存在问题及其成因。从引进新产品、及 时处理滞销品、合理设置商品组合的产品策略,实施根据商品属性定价、优惠券 定价和捆绑销售价格策略,从供应商选择、采购管理和库存方面进行管理渠道, 开展油卡非一体化、主题活动、联合其他商家的促销策略四个层面提出基于“4P” 理论的营销策略改进建议。另外,本文在改进营销策略的基础上,对发展新零售、 数据营销、多样化能源发展智慧加油站做出了相应设想和规划。 本文的研究运用了数据统计法、文献研究法和案例研究法,通过实施问卷调 查、员工访谈等方式的调查研究法,利用了 PEST分析法和五力分析模型,以STP 理论分析归纳法,从理论与实际相结合的原则出发,对S分公司非油品营销策略 提出了改进建议。本文研究结果对于中石油S分公司乃至全国石油企业在非油品 营销领域如何根据实际情况改进营销策略、发展新零售、进行数据营销给出了一 些有益的建议。 关键词:中石油S销售分公司;非油品;营销策略;改进 哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文 - II - Abstract For the past few years, the competition of retailing oil in oil companies became more intense than ever, new energy resources have been widely used in automobile field and other fields,the profitability of oil products sold by central enterprises has shown a low level,developing non-oil business is a necessary method to generate new profit points. However, S Sales Company of Petro China ranked 11th in non-oil sales revenue of Heilongjiang Province in the year of 2018. Throughout the non-oil sales data of S Sales Company in the past five years, it is not hard to see that its non-oil marketing strategy demonstrated some practical problems and potential problems, which will lead some resistance to the development of non-oil business. The significance of improving marketing strategy is to set up the supporting services of gas stations, meeting the diversified needs of consumers, tapping and making full use of the advantages of gas stations to enhance the overall profit of S Sales Company. In this paper,the author took S Sales Company of Petro China as the research object, combining the development orientation of non-oil marketing strategies in domestic and foreign oil companies, and starting from the non-oil marketing present situation of S Company, using statistical methods to count data of non-oil merchandise in S Company from year 2014 to year 2018. Analyzed the macro environment (PEST), industry environment and the internal environment which have affected the non-oil marketing, summing up the problems of non-oil marketing strategies of S Company, and then summarized the causes of those problems. After generalizing problems and causes, on basis of consumer survey data and taking access to employees, as a result to summarize the survey results statistically, analyzing consumers’ demand and applying STP (market segmentation, target market selection, market positioning) method to get access to the cole demand.In addition, coming up with product strategy by introducing new product, timely disposing the unmarketable goods, building up reasonable mix of goods.Implementing price police such as pricing according to the commodity properties,coupon pricing and bundling sales.To manage the sales channels from selecting suppliers, purchasing and inventory management.Developing promotional tactics contains the integrated method of oil,oil card and non-oil development, theme activities, jointing promotional activities with other merchants.The above standpoints are proposed by the“4P”marketing theory that would apply in the marketing plan of S Company. But beyond that, layered on the improvement of marketing strategy, this paper has conceived and planned the progress of New Retail business, data marketing, energy diversification to build up smart gas stations. 哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文 - III - The research in this paper took the usage of data statistics method for the non-oil goods sales of S Company, utilized the literature research method and case study method,and via the investigation and research methods such as questionnaire survey and employee access , through PEST analysis method,the five power model and STP theory, diversified management theory and other inductive methods, based on the principle of theory combined with the actual facts, the optimization of S Company non-oil marketing strategy has been discussed, analyzed and summarized. The results of this study gave some useful suggestions in improving marketing strategies,developing New retail and conducting data marketing for S Company of Petro China and even other national oil companies in the field of non-oil marketing strategies. Key words: S Sales Company of Petro China; non-oil business; marketing strategies; improvment 哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文 - IV - 目 录 摘要 ..... I Abstract .............................. II 第1章 绪论 ......... 1 1.1 课题研究背景与意义 .......................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..... 2 1.2 国内外在非油品营销方向的研究现状及分析 ................. 3 1.2.1 国外非油品业务营销的研究现状 ........................... 3 1.2.2 国内非油品业务营销的研究现状 ........................... 4 1.2.3 国内外研究评述 ........................ 6 1.3 主要研究内容 ....... 6 1.3.1 研究内容 ..... 6 1.3.2 研究方法 ..... 7 第2章 S分公司非油品营销概况、环境分析、营销策略存在的问题及成因 ........... 9 2.1 S分公司非油品业务概况 .................... 9 2.1.1 S分公司非油品产品种类 .......... 9 2.1.2 S分公司非油品收入分析 .......... 9 2.2环境分析 .............. 14 2.2.1 PEST模型分析宏观环境 ......... 14 2.2.2 五力模型分析竞争环境 .......... 14 2.2.3 内部环境分析 .......................... 15 2.3 S分公司非油品营销策略存在的问题 ............................. 15 2.3.1 产品和服务种类有待增加 ...... 16 2.3.2 产品定价机制不够灵活 .......... 16 2.3.3 营销渠道单一 .......................... 17 2.3.4 促销政策未能因地制宜 .......... 18 2.4 S分公司非油品营销策略存在问题成因 ......................... 18 2.4.1 商品调拨机制缺乏自动化 ...... 18 2.4.2 产品推广方式落后 .................. 19 2.4.3 营销渠道管理薄弱 .................. 19 哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文 - V - 2.4.4 信息系统开发技术制约 .......... 19 2.4.5 监管困难和专业人才缺乏 ...... 20 2.4.6 消费者需求细分不完善 .......... 20 2.5 本章小结 ............. 20 第3章 S分公司非油品营销策略改进 .................... 22 3.1非油品业务市场需求、消费者行为及STP分析 ........... 22 3.1.1 市场需求分析与预测 .............. 22 3.1.2 市场消费行为分析 .................. 24 3.1.3 非油品市场STP分析 ............. 26 3.2 非油产品改进策略 ............................ 30 3.2.1 及时引进新产品 ...................... 30 3.2.2 及时处理滞销品 ...................... 30 3.2.3 合理设置各便利店商品组合 .. 31 3.2.4 多样化能源发展智慧加油站策略 ......................... 31 3.3 非油产品价格策略 ............................ 32 3.3.1 根据商品品类特点制定价格 .. 32 3.3.2 开展优惠券定价策略 .............. 33 3.3.3 实施商品捆绑定价策略 .......... 33 3.4 非油品营销渠道改进策略 ................ 34 3.4.1 制定供应商选择、商品采购和库存方面质量标准 ............................ 34 3.4.2 开展线上线下营销渠道整合的新零售模式 ......... 35 3.5 促销策略 ............. 36 3.6 本章小结 ............. 38 第4章 中石油S分公司非油品营销策略实施保障 ........................... 39 4.1 制度保障 ............. 39 4.1.1 完善考核体系 .......................... 39 4.1.2 细化奖励体系 .......................... 39 4.1.3