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我国正在从外向型经济结构逐渐转为内向型经济结构,消费已连续5年成 为经济增长第一动力。伴随消费市场的兴起,消费者逐渐掌握消费市场的主动 权,零售业正式进入“买方市场”时代。消费者在前期的“低价狂欢”之后, 消费观念日趋理性,价格敏感度下降,注重消费品质,消费模式从购买产品向 购买服务、购买体验 转变。便利店行业具有便利性、距离消费者近的优势,适 应消费市场的变化,其销售增速年年攀升。2017 年,我国百强便利店企业销售 额平均增长率达16.9%,门店数量同比增 长18.1%,均为百强零售企业平均增幅 的两倍。M连锁便利店公司(下文简称M便利店)深耕便利店行业23年,面 对便利店行业的发展契机和激烈的市场竞争,需要根据企业发展的 现状,结合 内外部环境,制定可行的经营战略,扩大市场份额,提高市场占有率。 首先,本文从企业现状、发展历程入手,总结出M便利店发展中存在的问 题,通过SWOT分析企 业的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。结合PEST宏观环境分 析、行业竞争环境分析,全面探讨M便利店的经营环境。其次,通过对经营环 境和自身发展存在问题的分析,结合经营管理知 识,为M便利店制定经营战略。 经营战略的制定从制定原则、制定目标入手,强调经营战略的选择和实施,详 细阐述如何实施经营战略。M便利店可通过特许加盟、全国布局、完 善物流系 统来实现M便利店的扩张。结合老年人需求、自有品牌等方面实现商品差异化、 服务差异化、品牌形象差异化,形成M便利店的差异化竞争力。再次,为了确 保经营战略 高效实施,本文提出M便利店应在加强企业文化建设、强化人力资 源管理、构建高效的物流配送服务平台、科学规划门店选址及店面布局、建设 数字化信息服务平台五个方面做好 相应的保障措施,实现M便利店快速、稳健 的发展。最后,提出了本文的结论和展望。 本文创作过程中,具体分析M便利店经营战略的实施和保障,引入老年人 健康、餐饮等需求 ,为企业发展寻求新的增长点,不仅对M便利店的经营发展 提供现实指导,对其他便利店企业的经营发展研究也有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:M便利店;经营战略;战略环境;战 略保障 II Abstract As the economic structure of China is transitioning from an outward-oriented model to an inward-oriented one, the consumption has been the first driving force of economic growth for the past five years. The retail industry enteres into an era of "buyer's market", when the consumers take the initiative in the consumer market. After the shopping spree with low-price in the early period, the consumers become more rational, and for them the price sensitivity is reduced and the quality becomes the leading factor. Meanwhile, the consumer behavior is changed from buying products to buying services and experiences. In these years, convenience store industry kept a high growth rate due to the stores offering convenience, close to consumers and adapting themselves to the new changes in the consumer market. In 2017, the average sales growth rate of China's top 100 convenience store companies is 16.9%, and the growth rate of store number is 18.1%. Both of them are two times higher than the same average indicators of the top 100 retail companies. M chain convenience store company (referred to as M convenience store) has entered the convenience store industry for 23 years. At present, they are facing the opportunities for development and the market competition. They need the practical business strategies, which are based on the developing status of themselves and business environment, to expand market share. Firstly, this thesis presents the status and history of the company, then summarizes the problems in development. After that, this thesis analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the company through SWOT. Then, this thesis uses PEST macro-environment analysis and industry’s competitive environmental analysis to explore the operating environment of M convenience store. Secondly, by analyzing the business environment and its issues in development, the author uses the knowledge of business management to formulate business strategies for M convenience store. The strategies include the business principles and objectives, and emphasize the selection of business strategies and its implementation. The author points out that M convenience store could expand its share in market through III franchising, national distribution, and improving logistics systems. Meanwhile, M convenience store could meet the needs of old people and build the private brand, by which to form the competitive differentiations of its own in aspects of product, service, brand image and others. Thirdly, in order to ensure the implementation of business strategy, this thesis proposes that M convenience store should strengthen the corporate culture of its own, improve human resources management, build an efficient logistics service platform, choose store locations scientifically, and make a digital information system. Finally, the conclusion and outlook of this thesis are put forward. This thesis analyzes that how to carry out the M convenience store business strategy efficiently. Seeking new growth points for the enterprise by focusing on the needs of the elderly. It is of practical significance and has certain reference significance for the research on the operation and development of other convenience store companies. Keywords: M convenience store, business strategy, strategic environment, strategic guarantee IV 目录 摘要 ..................................................... I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 绪论 ............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景与意义 .......................................... 1 第二节 文献综述 ................................................ 3 第三节 研究内容与方法 .......................................... 5 第四节 研究思路与结构 .......................................... 5 第二章 M便利店经营现状分析.............................. 7 第一节 M便利店经营概况 ........................................ 7 第二节 M便利店内部条件分析 .................................... 8 一 优势分析 ........................................................ 9 二 劣势分析 ....................................................... 11 第三节 M便利店经营中遇到的 问题 ............................... 12 一 加盟店人员管理薄弱 ............................................. 12 二 对消费需求变化的调节滞 后........................................ 12 三 物流配送体系亟待完善 ........................................... 12 四 管理信息化和智能化水平不足 ...................................... 13 第三章 M便利店的经营环境分析 ........................... 14 第一节 M便利店宏观环境分析 ................................... 14 一 政治法律环境分析 ............................................... 14 二 社会经济环境分析 ............................................... 15 三 社会文化环境分析 ............................................... 16 四 技术条件环境分析 ............................................... 18 V 第二节 M便利店行业竞争分析 ................................... 19 一 消费者(买方)的讨价还价能力分析 .................................. 19 二 供应商(卖方)的讨价还价能力分析 .................................. 19 三 行业内现有企业之间的竞争分析 .................................... 20 四 潜在进入者的威胁分析 ........................................... 20 五 替代商家的压力分析 ............................................. 21 第三节 M便利店外部条件分析 ................................... 21 一 机会分析 ....................................................... 21 二 威胁分析 ....................................................... 22 第四节 M便利店经营环境总结 ................................... 23 第四章 M便利店经营战略的制定 ........................... 25 第一节 M便利店经营战略制定原则和目标规划 ..................... 25 一 M便利店经营战略的制定原则 ...................................... 25 二 M便利店经营战略的目标规划 ...................................... 26 第二节 M便利店经营战略的选择 ................................. 27 一 扩张型战略 ..................................................... 27 二 差异化竞争战略 ................................................. 28 第三节 M便利店经营战略的具体