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I 摘要 在国内经济规模持续增长、居民财富不断增加、银行存款利率持续下滑等环境变化 的驱动下,国内市场所释放出的理财需求逐渐增长。银行市 场竞争越来越激烈,作为一 种新的利润增长点,理财产品倍受业界关注,国内各大商业银行紧抓机遇,致力于理财 产品的研发与管理,除了产品之外,商业银行之间真正的比拼 是如何通过精准营销、全 渠道客户体验、优化理财专业化服务等占据理财市场优势。2018 年,随着国家资管新政 的落地,商业银行的理财业务将进一步规范,逐步回归资管本质 。银行体系的资管规模 位居国内百万亿级的资管市场之首,基于银行体系的资产配置与规模来看,银行体系所 发行的非保本理财产品余额规模处于绝对优势地位,是理财产品的 主要发行机构;基于 理财产品余额规模,2018 年国内银行体系个人理财产品余额达 19.16 万亿元,占全部续 存余额的 86.9%,同比上升 19.9%,由此可见,未来银行理财产品 将逐步普惠化。 在机遇与挑战并存之下,国有商业银行理财产品的营销普遍存在着产品创新能力不 足、营销渠道单一、理财专业化程度不高等问题。中国建设银行 B 分行同样亦 面临着诸 多问题,因此如何基于客户需求,立足产品、价格、渠道、促销、人员等推动理财产品 营销转型,满足更多客户需求及风险偏好的理财产品将是商业银行的重要课题之 一。 本文以建行 B 分行理财产品的营销为研究对象。首先,通过 PEST、SWOT 分析法 对建行 B 分行理财产品的营销环境进行深入研究与分析;通过调查问卷法对建行 B 分 行 理财产品营销现状进行调查分析;其次,对建行 B 分行理财产品的营销现状与存在的 问题进行全方位分析,更精准、清晰地掌握理财产品亟待提升的短板;最后,基于 STP、 7P 理论、6C 理论等提出 B 分行理财产品的市场营销优化策略,以期从建行 B 分行发行 理财产品的目标市场定位与细分、市场开发与营销策略、渠道与服务等进行多维度、系 统化 的研究,为建行 B 分行理财产品打破市场竞争格局带来一定启示。 关键词 建行 B 分行 理财产品 营销策略河北大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Driven by the continuous growth of domestic economic scale, the continuous increase of residents' wealth and the continuous decline of bank deposit interest rate, the demand for financial management released by the domestic market is gradually increasing. The competition in the banking market is becoming more and more fierce. As a new profit growth point, financial products have attracted the attention of the industry. Domestic commercial banks seize the opportunity to devote themselves to the R & D and management of financial products. In addition to products, the real competition between commercial banks is how to occupy the advantage of financial management market through precise marketing, Omni channel customer experience, and optimization of financial professional services 。 In 2018, with the implementation of the new national asset management policy, the financial management business of commercial banks will be further standardized and gradually return to the nature of asset management. Based on the asset allocation and scale of the banking system, the balance scale of non breakeven financial products issued by the banking system is in an absolute dominant position, and it is the main issuing institution of financial products. Based on the balance scale of financial products, the balance of personal financial products in domestic banking system reached 19.16 trillion yuan in 2018 , accounting for 86.9% of the total balance of continued deposits, with a year-on-year increase of 19.9%. It can be seen that in the future, bank financial products will be gradually inclusive. Under the coexistence of opportunities and challenges, the marketing of financial products of state-owned commercial banks generally has the problems of insufficient product innovation ability, single marketing channel and low degree of financial management specialization. Branch B of China Construction Bank is also facing many problems. Therefore, how to promote the marketing transformation of financial products based on customer demand, based on products, prices, channels, promotion, personnel, and so on, will be one of the important topics for commercial banks.Abstract III This paper takes the marketing of financial products of B branch of China Construction Bank as the research object. First of all, through pest and SWOT analysis, the marketing environment of financial products of CCB branch B is deeply studied and analyzed; through the questionnaire method, the marketing status of financial products of CCB branch B is investigated and analyzed; secondly, the marketing status and existing problems of financial products of CCB branch B are comprehensively analyzed, so as to grasp the short board of financial products to be improved more accurately and clearly; Finally, based on STP, 7p theory and 6C theory, this paper puts forward the marketing optimization strategy of B branch's financial products, with a view to carry out multi-dimensional and systematic research on the target market positioning and segmentation, market development and marketing strategy, channels and services, etc., so as to bring some enlightenment for the financial products of CCB branch B to break the market competition pattern. Key words B Branch of China Construction Bank Financial Products Marketing Strategies河北大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 第一章 绪 论··1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ·······1 1.1.1 研究 背景········1 1.1.2 研究意义········2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ·······3 1.2.1 国外研究现状··3 1.2.2 国内研究现状··4 1.3 研究方法和内容 ·······7 1.3.1 研究方法·········7 1.3.2 研究内容········7 1.4 研究的创新点···········8 第二章 相关概念界定与理论基础 ·· ··········9 2.1 相关概念界定 ··········9 2.1.1 商业银行理财产品的概念 ·····9 2.1.2 商业银行理财产品的分类 ·····9 2.1.3 商业银行 理财产品的特征 ····10 2.2 理论基础 ···············10 2.2.1 消费者认知理论················10 2.2.2 STP 理论········ 12 2.2.3 7P 营销理论····14 2.2.4 6C 营销理论 ···15 2.3 市场营销理论综述····16 第三章 建行 B 分行理财产品营销环境分析17 3.1 建行 B 分行内部环境分析 ············17 3.1.1 建行 B 分行简介 ················17目 录 V 3.1.2 建行 B 分行理财产品市场定位分析··········17 3.1.3 建行 B 分行理财业务行业环境分析··········18 3.1.4 其他金融产品对理财业务发展的威胁 ·······18 3.2 建行 B 分行宏观环境分析 ········· ···19 3.2.1 政策环境·······19 3.2.2 经济环境·······20 3.2.3 社会环境·······22 3.2.4 技术环境·······22 3.3 SWOT 分析····· ········23 3.3.1 优势··············23 3.3.2 劣势··············23 3.3.3 机遇··············24 3.3.4 挑战·· ············24 3.4 建行 B 分行理财产品营销调查分析 ·················25 3.4.1 调查问卷的设计 ················25 3.4.2 问卷发放与回收 ················26 3.4.3 调查分析·······26 第四章 建行 B 分行理财产品营销现状及问题分析 ·······34 4.1 建行 B 分行理财产品营销现状 ·····34 4.1.1 产品策略·······34 4.1.2 价格策略········36 4.1.3 渠道策略········36 4.1.4 促销策略····· ···37 4.1.5 人员策略········37 4.1.6 有形展示········37 4.1.7 服务流程········37 4.2 B 建行理财产品营销存在的问题····38河北大 学硕士学位论文 VI 4.2.1 产品创新力不足 ················38 4.2.2 营销渠道搭建力度薄弱 ·······38 4.2.3 目标市场定位缺失 ········ ·····38 4.2.4 促销方式固化 ·39 4.2.5 理财客户经理服务能力有限·39 4.2.6 理财产品有形展示薄弱·······39 4.2.7 服务流程滞后 ·39 第五章 建行 B 分行 理财产品营销策略制定·················41 5.1 重构市场定位 创新产品种类 ········41 5.1.1 理财产品市场应用场景细分·41 5.1.2 理财产品目 标市场选择·······42 5.1.3 理财产品市场定位分析·······43 5.2 基于 7P 服务营销策略的优化建议 ·44 5.2.1 创新产品 提升竞争力 ········44 5.2.2 优化价格策略 ·45 5.2.3 优化渠道建设·45 5.2.4 革新促销方式 ·46 5.2.5 提升理财业务专业化团队建设················46 5.2.6 创新理财产品 的有形展示 ····47 5.2.7 改进服务流程 ·47 第六章 总结与展望·············49 6.1 研究结论 ················49 6.2 研究展望 ·· ··············49。。。。。。以下内容略