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2010 年以来,随着医改不断推进,国家层面密集出台各项政策支持社会力 量办医,引导社会资本注入医疗行业,相关政策为民营医院发展提供了有利 的条 件,民营医院数量在 2015 年首次实现对公立医院的超越,截止 2019 年底民营医 院数量达到 2.2 万家。民营医院尽管在总体数量上超过公立医院,但服务量仅占 14%,缺 少高技术人才、缺少资金、缺少患者是当前民营医院发展的三大瓶颈, 其中,人才的匮乏最为明显。临床科室一直以来是医院的核心部门,其绩效考核 方案的优劣直接影响医院 的整体绩效评价与战略发展,行之有效的绩效办法可以 有效的吸引和留住人才,调动员工的积极性和主动性,为医院长远发展注入不断 的源泉,因此研究临床科室绩效考核具有 重要意义。 本文主要运用案例分析法、问卷调查法、实地访谈法以及专家打分法,以中 部地区一家二级综合民营医院—A 医院临床科室为实例进行研究。采用问卷形式 对现有绩 效方案进行调查,通过问卷星进行数据统计分析,通过实地走访找出 A 医院临床科室绩效考核存在的问题并进行原因分析。针对现行绩效方案的不足, 基于绩效管理理论、目标 管理理论和社会责任理论,结合平衡计分卡和关键指标 方法,从财务、客户、内部流程以及学习和成长四个维度选取关键绩效考核指标, 通过专家打分,借助层次分析法进行权 重测算,最终从经济效益和社会效益均衡 的视角对 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核提出优化方案,对同类型医院具有借鉴意 义。 文章包括六个部分,第一部分为绪论,阐述本文 研究背景及意义,对国内外 研究成果进行归纳总结,概括本文的研究思路、内容及方法,阐述文章的创新点。 第二部分阐述相关概念及理论基础,介绍绩效考核的一般方法。第 三部分采用问 卷对 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核现状进行调查,得出现行绩效考核单一、员工 满意度低、过于重视经济效益而忽视社会效益以及绩效考核体系无法与医院中长 期发展相适应等问题,并就问题进行原因分析。第四部分重点针对 A 医院临床科 室绩效考核存在的问题进行优化设计,提出将财务指标和非财务指标相结合、突 出满意度指标、 将经济效益和社会效益相结合的总体绩效优化建议。第五部分为 新方案效果评价及保障措施,绩效考核一直是难点,需要医院各方的支持,尤其 是主要领导的认同。第六部分是 结论与展望,对全文进行总结,得出优化后方案 适应 A 医院临床科室发展,同时指出绩效优化方案是一个动态调整的过程。 关键词:民营医院;临床科室;绩效考核;优化2 ABSTRACT Since 2010, with the continuous advancement of the medical reform, various policies have been intensively issued at the national level to support social forces to run medical services and guide social capital to be injected into the medical industry. Related policies have provided favorable conditions for the development of private hospitals. The number of private hospitals was realized for the first time in 2015 Overtaking public hospitals, the number of private hospitals reached 22,000 by the end of 2019. Although private hospitals surpass public hospitals in total, the service volume only accounts for 14%. Lack of high-tech talents, lack of funds, and lack of patients are the three major bottlenecks in the development of private hospitals. Among them, the lack of talents is the most obvious. The clinical department has always been the core department of the hospital. The quality of its performance appraisal program directly affects the overall performance evaluation and strategic development of the hospital. Effective performance methods can effectively attract and retain talents and mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of employees , To inject a constant source of long-term development of the hospital, so it is of great significance to study the performance evaluation of clinical departments. This article mainly uses case analysis method, questionnaire survey method, field interview method and expert scoring method, taking the clinical department of A hospital, a secondary general private hospital in the central region, as an example to conduct research. Use questionnaires to investigate the existing performance plans, conduct statistical analysis of data through questionnaire stars, and find out the problems in the performance appraisal of the clinical departments of Hospital A through field visits and analyze the causes. Aiming at the shortcomings of the current performance plan, based on performance management theory, goal management theory and social responsibility theory, combined with balanced scorecard and key indicator methods, key performance evaluation indicators are selected from the four dimensions of finance, customers, internal processes, and learning and growth. Through expert scoring and weighting calculation with the aid of analytic hierarchy process, finally, from the perspective of the balance of economic and social benefits, an optimized plan for the performance evaluation of clinical departments of A private hospital is proposed, which is of reference significance for similar hospitals. The article consists of six parts. The first part is an introduction. It explains the background and significance of the research, summarizes the research results at homeA 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化研究 3 and abroad, summarizes the research ideas, content and methods of this article, and elaborates the innovations of the article. The second part explains the related concepts and theoretical basis, and introduces the general method of performance appraisal. The third part uses questionnaires to investigate the performance appraisal status of the clinical departments of A private hospital. It is found that the current performance appraisal is single, employee satisfaction is low, too much emphasis on economic benefits while ignoring social benefits, and the performance appraisal system is unable to adapt to the medium and long-term development of the hospital. Problem, and analyze the cause of the problem. The fourth part focuses on optimizing the design of the performance appraisal of the clinical departments of A hospital, and putting forward overall performance optimization suggestions that combine financial indicators and non-financial indicators, highlight satisfaction indicators, and combine economic and social benefits. The fifth part is the effect evaluation of the new plan and safeguard measures. Performance appraisal has always been a difficult point and requires the support of all parties in the hospital, especially the approval of the main leaders. The sixth part is conclusions and prospects. It summarizes the full text and concludes that the optimized scheme adapts to the development of clinical departments in Hospital A, and points out that the performance optimization scheme is a dynamic adjustment process. KEYWORDS:private hospital;clinical department;performance appraisal; optimiz ationA 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 第一节 研究背景与意 义.......................... 1 一、研究背景............1 二、研究意义............1 第二节 相关文献综述.............................. 2 一、国外文献综述....2 二、国内文献综述....4 三、文献评述............7 第三节 研究内容与方法.......................... 7 一、研究内容与思路7 二、研究方法............9 第四节 文章创 新点... 9 一、研究对象的选择9 二、研究方法的选择9 第二章 相关概念与相关理论10 第一节 相关概念界定............................ 10 一、民营医院..........10 二 、临床科室绩效考核.........................10 三、民营医院临床科室绩效考核.........11 第二节 相关理论基础............................ 11 一、绩效管理理论..11 二、目标管理理论..12 三、社会责任理论..12 第三节 绩效考核的一般方法................ 12 一、关键绩效指标(KPI)...................13 二、平衡计分卡 (BSC).......................13 三、相对价值尺度法(RBRVS)...........13目录 2 四、病种付费法(DRGS).........................14 五、目标管理 (MBO)...........................14 第三章 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核现状调查与分析...................15 第一节 A 民营医院及其临床科室概况. 15 一、A 民营医 院简介..............................15 二、A 民营医院组织架构......................15 三、A 民营医院临床科室概况..............16 四、A 民营医院临床科室人员职 称结构.............................16 第二节 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核现状.......................... 17 一、A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核思 路.............................17 二、A 民营医院临床科室现行绩效考核方案.....................17 第三节 A 民营医院临床科室绩效问卷调查与分析............ 18 一 、问卷调查设计..18 二、问卷调查结果统计分析.................18 第四节 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核问题及成因分析.... 22 一、A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核存在的主 要问题.........22 二、A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核问题成因分析.............23 第四章 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化设计25 第一节 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化 目标和思路.25 一、临床科室绩效考核优化设计的总体目标....................25 二、临床科室绩效考核优化设计的主要思路....................25 第二节 A 民营医院临床 科室绩效考核优化原则................ 26 一、科学性原则......26 二、适应性原则......26 三、重要性原则......26 四、成本效益原则..26 五、权变性原则......27 第三 节 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化指标的选择.... 27 一、绩效考核优化方案选择.................27 二、A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化指标选择.............27 第四 节 基于层次分析法 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核指标权重设计.......... 30A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化研究 3 一、指标权重优化方法的确定.............31 二、 具体 指标权重测算过程...............31 三、临床科室绩效评价考核要求.........36 四、科室二次分配方案建议.................37 第五章 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化方 案效果评价及保障.38 第一节 A 民营医院临床科室绩效考核优化方案效果评价 38 一、指标评分方法..38 二、指标评价标准..38 三、实施效果评价..40 第二节 A 民营医院临床 科室绩效考核优化方案保障措施 41 一、必须获得医院高级管理者支持.....41 二、完善医院绩效管理制度和流程建设............................42 三、完善以 HIS 为主体 的医院信息化建设........................42 四、重视绩效考核结果的反馈.............42 五、推进医院文化建设.........................42 第六章 研究结论与展 望.........44 第一节 研究结论..... 44 第二节 政策性建议. 44 一、A 民营医院临床科室应进行适当人才储备.................44 二、A 民营医院临床科室应制定中长期发 展规划.............45 三、A 民营医院临床科室应重视考核结果且奖优惩后.....45 第三节 研究不足及未来展望................ 45 一、研究不足..........45 二、未来展 望..........45。。。。。。以下内容略