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本项研究是证明在社交网站持续行为意向产生的过程中,心流体验 发挥了显著的作用;同时证明隐性动机(包括:隐性成就动机、隐性亲 和动机、隐性权力动机)对心流体验或特殊领域满意度的形成发挥了显 著的调节作用;进而更加完整地描述社交网站用户持续使用行为意向的 形成过程和机制。 本研究选择的对象是社交网站的用户,具体包括:人人网、开心网、 豆瓣网、Facebook、QQ空间、微信朋友圈等的用户。在对其进行测试 时,将要对用户填写SNS使用情况的调查问卷,检查他们是否属于社 交网站用户,不属于社交网站用户的被测者将被剔除。研究过程分为两 部分。第一部分是在前人研究社交网站持续使用行为意向研究的基础上, 加入用户个人内部因素——心流体验变量,建立结构方程理论模型,应 用拟合度方法得到原期望确认模型的各变量(包括感知有用性、期望确 认度、满意度、持续使用意向)与心流体验之间的路径、方向和载荷量。 第二部分的研究引入多动机网格技术(MMG)测量方法来测量隐性动 机,并对前人研究方法进行改进。研究中采用实验方法,通过电脑展示 测试图片,并控制了被测者看图和选择题项的时间。然后,对隐性动机 (隐性成就动机、隐性亲和动机、隐性权力动机)分别进行回归分析, 检验期望确认度对心流体验和满意度的正向作用中,隐性动机发挥调节 作用。 本项研究显示社交网站用户的“满意度”对“持续使用行为意向” 具有显著的正向作用(P<0.05)。社交网站用户的“感知有用性”对“满 意度”具有显著的正向作用(P<0.001)。社交网站用户的“期望确认度” 对“感知有用性”具有显著的正向作用(P<0.001)。社交网站用户的“期 望确认度”对“满意度”具有显著的正向作用(P<0.001)。社交网站用 户的“期望确认度”对“心流体验”具有显著的正向作用(P<0.001)。 社交网站用户的“满意度”对“心流体验”具有显著的正向作用(P<0.001)。 社交网站用户的“心流体验”对“持续使用行为意向”具有显著的正向 作用(P<0.01)。但是,社交网站用户的“感知有用性”对“持续使用行 为意向”正向作用不显著(P>0.05)。另外,回归分析的结果显示所有 模型的F 值均在p<.001的水平下达到较显著水平,并且各交互项的非 标准化系数β值均在p<.001的水平下达到较显著水平,各模型的ΔR2 证明了它们对心流体验或满意度有良好的解释能力。因此,证明了隐性 成就动机、隐性亲和动机、隐性权力动机在社交网站用户的“期望确认 度”正向影响“心流体验”(或“满意度”)的过程中,起到了调节作用。 本项研究结论具有相当新奇性:第一,通过新路径,发现验证社交 网站用户的期望确认度对心流体验的正向影响,使原有模型没有的个人 与情境的互动过程得以体现,这是对原期望确认模型路径的扩展。第二, 引入新的测量方法,尝试在社交网站用户研究中使用的多动机网格技术 测量方法,测量用户的隐性动机。第三,将心流理论、动机匹配理论和 期望确认理论有机地结合在一起,描述个人因素与情境因素对持续使用 行为意向的影响,提升理论模型的解释力,从而创新了理论。 研究结果有助于研究社交网站活跃用户持续使用意向的原因,并帮 助社交网站企业通过留住更多的活跃用户来提升品牌价值。另外,本研 究将有助于从个人心理方面,探索引起社交网站成瘾的原因,为人们理 解和完善自己的使用行为提供参考。因此,本研究具有一定的理论与现 实价值。 关键词:社交网站,持续使用行为意向,心流体验,隐性动机,期望确 认度 The Research of Social Network Sites Continuance Intention on the Basic of Motivation Theory Abstract This study is to prove that flow experience plays a significant role in the continuance intention of social networking sites, and that implicit motivations (including: implicit achievement motivation, implicit affiliation motivation and implicit power motivation) can interact with expectation confirmation, and moderate the formation of flow experience or special satisfaction. So it can describe the formation process and mechanism of the continuance intention of social networking sites more completely. The object of the existing research is the social network users, including: Renren net, Kaixin net, Douban net, QQ space, Facebook, friend circle of Wechat. In the test, there is a questionnaire to check whether they are users of social networking sites. If he or she does not belong to the social networking site users, he or she will be removed. The research is divided into two parts.First part is on the basis of previous research of SNS users’ continance intention, and add flow experience as the new variable to establish a structural equation model. It get the path, direction and loading capacity between the variables of original Expectation Confirmation Model (including perceived usefulness, expectation confirmation, satisfaction and continuance intention) and the flow experience. The second part of the research introduces the multi motivation grid (MMG) method to measure the implicit motivation, and to improve the previous research methods. Experimental methods in the study, display test images by computer, and control the time of looking pictures and choosing items. Then, make regression analysis of the implict motivation (implicit achievement motivation, implicit affiliation motivation and implicit power motivation) to check the implicit motivation moderate the processing that SNS users’ expectation confirmation predicts flow experience or satisfaction. This study shows that social networking site users' satisfaction has a significantly positive effect on the continuance intention (P<0.05). The social networking site users' perceived usefulness has a significant positive effect on the satisfaction (P<0.001). The social networking site users' expectation confirmation has a significant positive effect on the perceived usefulness (P<0.001). The social networking site users' expectation confirmation has a significant positive effect on the satisfaction (P<0.001). The social networking site users' expectation confirmation has a positive effect on the flow experience (P<0.001). The satisfaction has a positive effect on the flow experience (P<0.001).. The flow experience has a positive effect on the continuance intention (P<0.01). However, the perceived usefulness of Social Web sites is not significantly positive for the continuance intention (P>0.05). In addition, the results of regression analysis showed the F values of all models are at significant level (p<.001), and the non-standardized coefficients β values of all Interaction term are at significant level (p<.001), the ΔR2 of all models proved them have good explanation ability to flow experience and satisfaction. It proves that the implicit achievement motivation, implicit affiliation motivation and implicit power motivation moderate the processing that SNS users’ expectation confirmation predicts flow experience or satisfaction. The research conclusion is quite novelty: firstly, through the new path found and prove SNS users’ expectations confirm has the positive effect on flow experience. The original model can not reflect the interaction between the personal and situational, but in new model, it can be reflected. So it extends the original Expectation Confirmation Model. Secondly, the new measurement method is introduced, and the method of multi motive grid technology is used in the research of social website users, and the implicit motivation of users is measured. Thirdly, Flow Theory, Motive Disposition Theory and Expectation Confirmation Theory are organically combined together, describing the effect of personal factors and situational factors on continuance intention, and enhancing the explanatory power of the theoretical model. So the research innovate the theory. The results of the study are helpful to study the reasons for the continuance intention of social networking site, and help social networking site companies to enhance brand value by retaining more active users. In addition, this study will help to explore the cause of social addiction from the individual psychology, and provide reference for people to understand and improve their behavior of using social network sites. Therefore, this study has theoretical and practical value. Keywords: social network sites, continuance intention, flow experience, implicit motivation, expectation confirmation 目录 目录 摘要......................... I Abstract ................... IV 第1章 绪论....... 1 1.1 研究动机.............................. 1 1.2 研究理论框架与提出问题.. 2 1.2.1 研究目标.......................