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截止2017年,我国汽车销量连续9年全球第一,2017年产销量达到2902万辆 和2888万辆,然而这么大的市场及产业,我国只是成为了一个汽车生产消费 大国, 而并非汽车设计强国,关键核心汽车技术依然被外资品牌牢牢掌控,相比较于欧美 日汽车老牌资本主义国家,我国的汽车技术依然比较落后,没有形成系统的自主创 新能 力。 本文将从W汽车公司采用合资方式,采用市场换技术,引进外资品牌的技术。但 是由于核心技术被英国母公司掌控,导致引进符合中国市场需求的车型受限制,核心 部件国 产化受限制,零件成本受限制,及进口零部件供应原因导致产能受限制等等。 因为进口零部件没有自主开发选择权,每年需要支付大额的设计费给英国母公司,从 而导致英国母 公司获得了W汽车汽车公司大部分利润。因技术上的依赖,W汽车公 司的未来命运受制于英国母公司。自己的命运掌控在别人手中,是个极其危险的。基 于以上原因,W汽车公司根 据内部环境分析(波士顿矩阵),外部的环境分析(PEST 模型),行业环境分析(波特五力模型),以及采用SWOT模型分析自己的优势、劣势、 机会和威胁,制定相关技术战略 。其战略选择模式为模仿加追随。本文首先从研发模 式创新上入手,策略是引进母公司技术、产学研合作、重点开发领域、研发产品的商 业模式创新等。其次从组织结构上进行 优化,将W汽车公司的研发部独立出来建立研 发中心,让研发中心有更多独立的话语权。再次就是组织人才培养模式的三个方面优 化,第一是人才的招聘,科学优化招聘方式。第 二是宽带薪酬的设计开发,激励和提 高招聘的竞争力。第三是考核与激励的研究,将考核与激励纳入技术战略的实施的一 部分。最后将战略供应链培育纳入技术战略的组成部分 ,确保供应来源的保障。综合 以上所述,W汽车的技术战略包含了研发模式创新、组织结构优化、人力资源的建设、 供应链的培育等,确保技术战略可以有效实施。 关键词:汽 车 技术 战略管理 II 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract Till 2017, China has been continuously the first place in terms of car sales in the world in the last 9 years. Only in 2017, the production and sales has achieved 29 mio and 28.9 mio. However, China is only the car manufactory country, without design advantages, while some key technologies are still developing and controlled by foreign-owned companies. China has not yet well developed its innovation capabilities with systematic mindset, and is still far behind some European and American companies. This thesis is about a joint-venture called W Car Manufacturing Company, which wants to get the key technologies by selling its marketing share with a foreign company. However, most of the technologies are still controlled by the headquarter, the models imported to China are limited, the spare parts are not compatible with local capacity, and it is also difficult to localize the spare parts. Due to the limitation of development capability, the company has to pay a lot of design cost to the headquarter in England, which shared a lot of profit. It is too risky for the company if the key technology developed by others.W company takes actions to have its own strategy by analyzing the internal situations (Boston matrix), external environment (PEST model), and the industrial overall development (Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model), trying to highlight its own advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threaten (SWOT). This topic will start from R&D, learn from headquarter of its technology and focus on developing new products. Moreover, W company will optimize the organization by creating new R& D department, and promote them as independent decision maker. To support the technology development, the company also invests in hiring and promoting new talents, as well as designing new performance appraise policies, which will be linked to the technologies development strategy. W company also pays attention to integrate strategic supply chain management into the technology development project, to make sure the whole chain reliable. To III 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 summarize, the strategy includes: R&D innovation, organization optimization, Human Resource Business Partner, and Supply China integration to make sure the strategy completely developing.。。。。。。以下内容略