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I 摘要 近年来体育培训市场发展迅猛,其中体育艺术类项目培训深受社会认可和家长 欢迎。石家庄天麒艺术培训学校作为办校较早、规模较大的体育 培训学校,目前正 处于重要的战略机遇期。面对激烈的市场竞争,天麒艺术培训学校需要在规模和品 质上进一步发展,学校进行战略调整势在必行。 本研究采用文献法、工作坊 研讨确立研究思路,运用访谈法、现场观察法、逻 辑分析法归纳了天麒艺术培训学校的基本情况。运用 PEST 工具对天麒艺术培训学校 的政治、经济、社会、技术环境进行分析 ;运用五力模型分析行业竞争情况。同时 对学校内部资源和教学能力、营销能力、管理能力、信息运用能力进行盘点。在此 基础上运用 SWOT 工具总结了学校的优势、劣势、机 遇、威胁,并进行组合矩阵分 析,得出天麒艺术培训学校应选择 ST 战略组合,采取纵向整合战略,进行价值链的 垂直延伸:上游拓展生源地合作业务,下游强化产出项目,加 强学校内外竞赛活动 策划;在业务层战略上选择差异化战略,培育体育舞蹈品牌项目,并在教学、训练、 赛事等方面形成特色,力求获得防御性竞争优势;最后通过人力资源、 市场营销、 教学与训练、信息化升级等职能层战略保障天麒艺术培训学校在市场竞争中进一步 发展壮大。 关键词 体育舞蹈;培训项目;环境分析;民营学校;战略选择河北科 技大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract In recent years, the sports training market has developed rapidly, among which the Sports Arts Training has been recognized by the society and welcomed by parents. As an early-established and large-scale Sports Training School, the Tianqi Arts Training School in Shijiazhuang is now in an important strategic opportunity period. Facing the fierce market competition, Tianqi Art Training School needs to further develop in scale and quality, so it is imperative for the school to carry out strategic adjustment. The literature method and the workshop discussion are used to establishes the research mentality. The interview method, the scene observation method, the logical analysis method are used to summarize the Tianqi Art Training School's basic situation. The political, economic, social and technical environment of Tianqi art training school are analyzed with PEST tool, and the industry competition is analyzed with five-force model. At the same time, the school's internal resources and teaching capacity, marketing capacity, management capacity, the ability to use information inventory are checked. On this basis, SWOT tools are used to summarize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the school, and carries on the combination Matrix analysis. Through the analysis of combination matrix, it is concluded that Tianqi art training school should choose st strategy combination and adopt the vertical integration strategy to extend the value chain vertically: to expand the cooperation business of the source of students in the upper section, to strengthen the output project in the lower section, and to strengthen the planning of competition activities inside and outside the school; to choose the strategy of differentiation at the business level, and to establish brand of sports dance projects, and to form the characteristics in teaching, training, competition and other aspects, and strive to obtain Defensive Competitive Advantage; Finally, through human resources, marketing, teaching and training, information-based upgrading and other functional level strategy to ensure the development of Tianqi art training school in the market competition. Key words Dancesport;Training Program;Environmental Analysis;Private schools; Strategic Choice目 录 III 目 录 摘要·· ········I Abstract········II 第 1 章 绪 论···············1 1.1 研究背景与意义····· 1 1.1.1 研究背景·········1 1.1.2 选题意义·········1 1.2 国内外研究现状····· 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状···2 1.2.2 国内研究现状···2 1.3 研究思路与方法····· 3 1.3.1 研 究思路·········3 1.3.2 研究方法·········4 第 2 章 天麒艺术培训学校外部环境分析7 2.1 天麒艺术学校发展的外部宏观环境分析(PEST 分析)···· ·····7 2.1.1 政治环境·········7 2.1.2 经济环境·········7 2.1.3 社会环境·········9 2.1.4 技术环境·········9 2.2 天麒 艺术学校行业竞争环境分析(五力模型分析)············ 10 2.2.1 教学资源供应者议价能力分析················ 10 2.2.2 消费者议价能力 分析·········· 10 2.2.3 现有竞争者的竞争能力分析· 10 2.2.4 潜在进入者分析················ 12 2.2.5 替代项目的替代能力分析···· 12 2.2.6 竞争环境的综合分析·········· 13 2.3 天麒艺术培训学校外部环境综合评价············ 13 2.3.1 天麒艺术培训学校外部环境整体评价过程 ·13 2.3.2 天麒艺术培训学校外部环境整体评价结果·14 2.4 本章小结·············15 第 3 章 石家庄天麒艺术培训学校内部环境分析·······17 3.1 天麒艺术学校简介·17河北科技大学硕士学位论文 IV 3.2 内部资源分析·······17 3.2.1 物质资源········17 3.2.2 天麒艺术学校组织资源······· 18 3.2.3 人力资源状况· 19 3.2.4 财务资源········20 3.2.5 无形资产········21 3.2.6 办学资质········21 3.3 内部能力分析·······22 3.3.1 管理能力········22 3.3.2 营销能力········23 3.3.3 教学能力········24 3.3.4 项目研发和创新能力·········· 25 3.3.5 信息 资源运用能力············· 27 3.4 天麒艺术培训学校内部环境综合评价············ 27 3.5 本章小结·············28 第 4 章 石 家庄天麒艺术培训学校战略选择·············31 4.1 天麒艺术培训学校 SWOT 分析·· 31 4.1.1 学校优势(Strength)········· 31 4.1.2 学校劣势 (Weakness)······· 32 4.1.3 学校机会(Opportunity)·····32 4.1.4 石家庄天麒艺术培训学校面临威胁分析····33 4.2 天麒艺术培训学校 SWOT 矩阵组合 分析········ 34 4.2.1 SO 战略分析···35 4.2.2 WO 战略分析··35 4.2.3 WT 战略分析··35 4.2.4 ST 战略分析··· 35 4.3 天麒艺术培训学校发展战略选择 35 4.3.1 办学定位········36 4.3.2 指导思想········36 4.3.3 发展目标········36 4.3.4 战略实施路径· 36 4.4 竞争战略选择······· 37 4.5 本章小结·············37 第 5 章 石家庄天麒艺术培训学校战略实施保障措施·39目 录 V 5.1 重构与战略相适配的组织结构··· 39 5.2 推动管理模 式从经验管理走向科学管理········· 40 5.3 打造专业高效的人力资源队伍··· 40 5.4 发起战略联盟增强抗风险能力和竞争能力······ 41 5.5 严把教学与 训练质量关成就品牌美誉度········· 42 5.6 本章小结·············44 结 论········45 附 录········47 附录 1·· 47。。。。 。。以下内容略