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零售信贷业务是银行资产业务的主要构成部分和主要收入增长点,其在银行业务的 重要性与日俱增:一方面由于金融脱媒日益加剧和互联网的影响, 社会融资渠道多元化, 传统的银行业务发展面临转型挑战;另一方面在国家实施乡村振兴战略和大力推进城镇 化等因素的共同作用下,城乡居民消费持续提升,衍生大量信贷需 求,零售信贷业务迎 来了新的发展机遇。以中农工建和邮储行为代表的大型商业银行,以打造大零售银行作 为战略目标,纷纷重返县域金融市场。在这个背景下,曾经的县域金 融主力军--农商行, 其零售信贷业务发展遭遇了瓶颈。本文希望通过研究A 农商行的零售信贷业务经营管 理现状,找出其存在的问题,并提出优化的建议和对策,进而为同类县 域农商行发展零 售信贷业务提供参考和借鉴。 本文以A 农商行作为研究对象,根据企业经营管理与银行管理理论为指引,以及A 农商行的经营数据信息为基础,通过文献研究法 、实地调查法、个案研究法、数据分析 法等分析方法,透析A 农商行的零售信贷业务。通过研究,发现A农商行的零售信贷 业务经营上存在业务发展结构失衡、经营效益有待提高 、资产质量有待改善、覆盖面有 待提升等问题。同时,在管理上存在战略发展目标不够清晰,经营理念上下传导不足, 组织架构有待进一步优化,人才队伍建设有待完善,薪酬 激励机制不健全,产品研发跟 不上发展需要,科技赋能基础薄弱,内部运营体系效率不高,渠道建设较为落后等问题。 毋庸置疑,适应金融改革发展洪流,及时调整零售信贷业 务经营管理方向和策略, 既是提升自身盈利能力和核心竞争力的需要,也是适用金融脱媒及同业竞争的必然手 段。由此,本文结合金融发展需求,参考同业竞争需要,以经营管 理问题为主要导向, 以可持续健康发展为长远目标,基于A农商银行的实际管理现状,提出了A农商行零 售信贷业务经营管理的建议:重构零售信贷业务战略、打造服务营销标准 化、健全产品 服务体系、强化团队建设、加强全渠道建设以及信贷全流程精细化管理等。 关键词:农村商业银行;零售信贷业务;经营管理 II Abstract Retail credit business is the main component and major revenue growth of assets business in the bank, and it has increasing important in the business of bank, on one hand, due to the increasing intensity of financial disintermediation, and influenced by internet, the financing channel in the society becomes diversity, and the development of traditional business in the bank is confronted with the challenge of transformation; while on the other hand, with the collaborative effects of rural revitalization strategy and great promotion of city construction, and other factors, the consumption of rural and urban citizens is improving consistently, which derives some demands for credit, so that the business of retail credit ushers new development opportunity. With the strategic target of creating big retail bank, the large commercial banks with the four national major banks and PSBC as representatives, they return to the financial markets in county regions. Under this background, the development of retail credit in rural commercial bank, which was the main force of finance in county regions previously, encountered bottleneck. In this thesis, it hopes to find the problems of A rural commercial bank by researching its operation and management status of retail credit business, put forward advice and solutions for optimization, so that it can further provide references for the development of retail credit business in other similar rural commercial banks.In this thesis, by taking A rural commercial bank as research object, with the guidance of theories of enterprise operation and management, and bank management, on the basis of operation data information of A rural commercial bank, by means of literature research method, field investigation method, case research method, and data analysis method, it has dialysis on the retail credit business in A rural commercial bank. Then, it can find that there are the problems of imbalance for the business development, space for improvement in operation benefit, poor quality of assets, and low coverage for the operation of retail credit business in A rural commercial bank. At the same time, it does not have clear target on the strategic development in management, insufficient conduction of operation concept, further optimization required on the organization structure, incomplete talent team construction, unsound salary incentive mechanism, backward product research and development to the demand of development, weak basis of science and technology endowment, low efficiency of internal operation system, and relatively lagging channel construction, and other problems. There is no doubt that the adaption to the trend of financial reform and development, and timely adjustment on the management orientation and strategy for retail credit business III operation are not only the requirements to improve earning capacity and core competitiveness, but also the essential methods for financial disintermediation and horizontal competition. Therefore, combining the demands of financial development, with reference to the demands of horizontal competition, guided by the problems of operation and management, taking sustainable sound development as long-term objective, and on the basis of actual management status of A rural commercial bank, it puts forward the advice on the operation and management of retail commercial business in A rural commercial bank, which are reconstructing the strategy of retail credit business, creating service marketing standardization, perfecting product service system, strengthening team construction, and enhancing omni-channel construction and delicacy management of whole process of credit, and etc. Key words:Rural Commercial Bank;Retail credit business;Operation and management IV 目 录 摘要 ............... I ABSTRACT . II 目 录 ............ IV 图清单 ........ VII 表清 单 ....... VIII 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景 ............................. 1 1.2 研究意义 ............................. 2 1.3 文献综述 ............................. 2 1.3.1 国外研究现状 .............. 2 1.3.2 国内研究现状 .............. 4 1.4 研究内容与方法 ................. 5 1.4.1 研究内容 ...................... 5 1.4.2研究方法与技术路线 ... 6 第二章 A农商行零售信贷业务经营现状 ................ 8 2.1 A农商行简介及发展概况 .. 8 2.1.1 A农商行的经 营范围 ... 8 2.1.2 A农商行的市场定位 ... 8 2.1.3 A农商行的机构人员 ... 8 2.1.4 A农商行的机构设置 ... 8 2.1.5 A农商行的经营规模 ... 9 2.2 A农商行零售信贷业务 发展现状 ..................... 9 2.2.1 A农商行零售信贷业务类型 ...................... 9 2.2.2 A农商行零售信贷业务发展规模 ............ 11 2.2.3 A农商行零售信 贷业务团队建设 ............ 11 2.2.4 A农商行零售信贷业务渠道建设 ............ 15 2.2.5 A农商行零售信贷业务科技支撑 ............ 16 2.3 本章小结 ........................... 16 V 第三章 A农商行零售信贷业务经营管理问题及成因分析 ................. 17 3.1 A农商行零售信贷业务经营发展问题 ........... 17 3.1.1 发展结构问题 ............ 17 3.1.2 经营效益问题 ............ 19 3.1.3 资产质量问题 ............ 21 3.1.4 客户覆盖面问题 ........ 22 3.2 A农商行零售信贷 业务管理问题 ................... 23 3.2.1 员工问卷调查揭露的管理问题 ............... 23 3.2.2 员工访谈调查揭露的管理问题 ............... 30 3.3 A农商行零售信 贷业务经营管理问题成因剖析 .......................... 33 3.3.1 新政治周期和新经济背景下,零售信贷业务的选择 .......... 33 3.3.2 战略发展目标及经营理念传导不 匹配 ... 34 3.3.3 组织架构及内部运营体系不匹配 ........... 35 3.3.4 队伍建设及激励机制不匹配 ................... 35 3.3.5 产品研发及业务发展需要不匹配 ........... 36 3.3.6 科技赋能及渠道建设基础不匹配 ........... 36 3.4 本章小结 ........................... 37 第四章 A农商行零售信贷业务经营管理对策 ...... 38 4.1 重构零售信贷业务战略,全员确立经营理念 ............................. 38 4.1.1 制定清晰的零售银行战略 ....................... 38 4.1.2 明确具体的零售信贷 目标 ....................... 39 4.2 打造营销标准体系,梳理组织运营秩序 ...... 40 4.2.1 客户分户、分类、分层的客户信息管理 .............................. 40 4.2.2 做好精细化客户管理和服务 ................... 41 4.2.3 实施综合性专业型宣传营销 ................... 43 4.3 完善产品研发流程,满足业务发展需求 ....