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I 摘要 近年来国家加大对教育事业的支持力度,也逐渐形成了重视教育的社会环 境,民办职业教育面临着巨大的发展机遇。第十二届全国人民代表大 会常务委员 会第二十四次会议审议通过了《关于修改<中华人民共和国民办教育促进法>的 决定》,明确指出具体的发展目标:国家对民办教育实行积极鼓励、大力支持、 正确 引导、依法管理的方针。在国务院印发的《关于鼓励社会力量兴办教育的若 干意见》中,对民办学校(含其他民办教育机构)实行非营利性和营利性分类管 理。其中非营利性民 办学校举办者不取得办学收益,办学结余全部用于办学。营 利性民办学校举办者可以取得办学收益,办学结余依据国家有关规定进行分配。 民办学校依法享有法人财产权。这无 疑为营利性民办职业培训教育发展创造了机 遇。另一方面,在民办职业教育越来越同质化的今天,如何打造自身的特色,使 学校对优秀生源有独特的吸引力,同时享有更高的美 誉度,从而能够从高度同质 化的竞争中脱颖而出,也是一项越来越重要的课题。因此,云南 AIS 培训学校 也面临着如何更好的把握住发展机遇,加强品牌建设,打造自身品牌的 问题。 通过对品牌建设的理论回顾,对以前研究进行整合和梳理,本研究以品牌建 设理论、学校品牌建设理论为理论基础,对云南 AIS 培训学校品牌建设实践进 行分析。首先 ,运用问卷调查法与数据分析法对云南 AIS 培训学校品牌建设的 现状和面临的问题进行分析。通过分析,发现云南 AIS 培训学校品牌建设在品 牌定位、品牌塑造、品牌传播与 品牌维护四个方面均存在问题。其次,通过 SWOT 分析工具,找到云南 AIS 培训学校品牌建设所面临的优势、劣势、机会与威胁。 最后,通过分析针对性的提出解决措施,助力 云南 AIS 培训学校的品牌建设, 具体措施如下:根据 STP 分析,确定学校品牌定位策略;品牌塑造方面提升教 学质量,加强校园文化建设,提高生源素质与更新校徽校训;品 牌传播方面拓展 传播渠道,提高广告宣传力度与加强新媒体官方宣传;品牌维护方面完善校园管 理制度,加强危机管理与提升服务质量监控水平。 关键词:营利性民办职业学校 ;学校品牌;品牌定位;品牌建设Abstract II Abstract In recent years, the state has increased its support for education, and gradually formed a social environment to attach importance to education. Private vocational education is facing great development opportunities. At the twenty-fourth session of the standing committee of the twelfth National People's Congress, the decision on amending the law on promotion of private education of the People's Republic of China was deliberated and adopted, which clearly points out the specific development goals: the State implements the policy of actively encouraging, vigorously supporting, correctly guiding and managing private education according to law. In the "several opinions on encouraging social forces to set up education" issued by the State Council, the non-profit and profit-making classified management of private schools (including other private education institutions) is implemented. Among them, the non-profit private school organizers do not obtain school running income, and all the school running surplus is used for running the school. The organizers of profit-making private schools can obtain school running income, and the balance of running a school shall be distributed according to the relevant provisions of the state. Private schools enjoy the property right of legal person according to law. This undoubtedly creates opportunities for the development of private vocational training for profit. On the other hand, in today's increasingly homogeneous private vocational education, how to create its own characteristics, so that the school has a unique attraction for excellent students, while enjoying a higher reputation, so as to be able to stand out from the highly homogeneous competition is also an increasingly important topic. Therefore, Yunnan AIS training school is also faced with the problem of how to better grasp the development opportunity, strengthen the brand construction, and create its own brand. Through the theoretical review of brand building, the previous studies are integrated and sorted out. Based on the theory of brand building and school brand building, this study analyzes the practice of brand building in Yunnan AIS training school. First of all, using the method of questionnaire survey and data analysis, thisAbstract III paper analyzes the current situation and problems of brand building of AIS training schools in Yunnan. Through the analysis, it is found that there are problems in brand positioning, brand building, brand communication and brand maintenance in Yunnan AIS training school.Secondly, through SWOT analysis tools, find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the brand building of Yunnan AIS training school. Finally, through the analysis of targeted solutions to help yunnan AIS training school brand building, the specific measures are as follows: according to STP analysis, determine the school brand positioning strategy; brand building to improve the quality of teaching, strengthen the construction of campus culture, improve the quality of students and update the school motto; brand communication to expand communication channels, improve the strength and end of advertising Good marketing strategy and strengthen official propaganda by new media; brand maintenance, improve the campus management system, strengthen crisis management and improve oversight of service quality. Key words: Private vocational schools; vocational brand;Brand Positioning; brand building目录 I 目 录 摘要.............I Abstract..........II 第一章 绪论.. 1 第一节 选题背景和研究意义....................1 一、选题背景.1 二、研究意义.2 第二节 国内外研究 文献综述....................3 一、国内文献综述........................3 二、国外文献综述........................4 三、文献述评.6 第三节 研究方法和技术路 线....................7 一、研究方法.7 二、技术路线.8 第二章 品牌建设理论基础.........9 第一节 学校品牌建设理论研究................9 一、品牌建设.9 二、学校 品牌建设理论..............11 第二节 STP 理论....... 13 第三章 云南 AIS 培训学校品牌建设问题分析.....15 第一节 云南 AIS 培训学校概况..............15 一、组织 机构..............................16 二、专业和课程建设..................17 三、师资建设..............................17 第二节 品牌建设问卷调 查......................18 一、调查目的..............................18目录 II 二、调查流程..............................18 三、问卷设 计..............................18 四、问卷发放与回收..................19 第三节 云南 AIS 培训学校品牌建设问题分析.....................22 一、云南 AIS 培训学 校品牌定位问题诊断............22 二、云南 AIS 培训学校品牌塑造问题诊断............24 三、云南 AIS 培训学校品牌传播问题诊断............26 四、云南 AIS 培训学 校品牌维护问题诊断............27 第四章 云南 AIS 培训学校品牌建设环境分析.....28 第一节 云南 AIS 培训学校的 PEST 分析..............................28 一、政 治环境(Politics)..........28 二、经济环境(Economy)......29 三、社会环境(Society)..........30 四、技术环境(Technique).....31 第二节 竞争者分析...31 一 、职业培训学校间的竞争..... 32 二、潜在进入者威胁..................33 三、生源人数减少......................33 四、用人单位威胁......................33 五、 替代者威胁..........................34 六、结论.......34 第三节 云南 AIS 培训学校的 SWOT 分析............................34 一、云南 AIS 培训学校的优势分 析........................34 二、云南 AIS 培训学校的劣势分析........................35 三、云南 AIS 培训学校的机会分析........................36 四、云南 AIS 培训学校的威胁分析........................37 五、SWOT 矩阵分析.................38 第五章 云南 AIS 培训学校品牌建设的对策.........39 第一节 云南 AIS 培训学校 STP 分析与品牌定位策略........39 一、云南 AIS 培训学校 STP 分析...........................39 二、云南 AIS 培训学校品牌定位策略....................41目录 III 第二节 云南 AIS 培训学校品牌塑造优化策略.....................43 一、提升教学质量......................43 二、加强校园文化建设..............45 三、提高生源素 质......................46 四、更新校徽校训......................47 第三节 云南 AIS 培训学校品牌传播优化策略.....................47 一、拓展传播渠 道......................47 二、提高广告宣传力度..............47 三、加强新媒体官方宣传..........48 第四节 云南 AIS 培训学校品牌维护优化策 略.....................48 一、完善校园管理制度..............48 二、加强品牌危机公关管理..... 49 三、提升服务质量监控水平..... 49 第六章 结论 50。。。。。。以 下内容略