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摘要 人力资源管理的重点是激励机制。薪酬分配是激励员工的重要手段之一。绩效考核 是绩效管理和薪酬分配的核心。绩效考核关系整个企业的人员配置、薪酬制定,从而直 接影响着企业的整体绩效和竞争力。因此,如何强化企业自身管理意识,建立与现代企 业制度相配套的适合企业自身发展的绩效考核体系、薪酬管理制度与分配方案,以最大 限度地开发企业人力资源的潜能,充分调动员工积极性和创造性,是永坪炼油厂面临的 主要问题之一。 本文运用绩效考核与薪酬管理的相关理论和方法,分析了永坪炼油厂薪酬分配方案 存在的问题,并为该厂设计了新的薪酬分配方案。全文共分五章: 第一章在阐述选题背景和研究意义的基础上,阐述了本文研究的思路、方法、创新 点等。 第二章阐述了薪酬管理和绩效考核的相关理论,以及国内外研究动态,为本文研究 奠定了理论基础。 第三章在介绍永坪炼油厂现行薪酬分配方案的基础上,重点从薪酬分配和绩效考核 两方面分析了该方案中存在的问题,并提炼出困扰该厂薪酬分配方案设计的主要问题。 第四章分别运用等差点数法和软硬指标相结合的绩效考核方法,为该厂设计了新的 岗位工资确定标准和绩效工资分配标准,并分析了新方案的优点。 第五章在总结本文研究的主要结论,为永坪炼油厂釆用本文所设计的薪酬分配方案 提出合理化建议。 【关键词】延长石油集团永坪炼油厂薪酬分配方案设计 【研究类型】应用研究 Title: The Salary Allocation Program Design of Yongping Oil Refinery Yanchang Petroleum Refining & Petrochemical Company Specialty: EMBA The key of human resources management is the incentive problems. Salary allocation is an important means of motivating. Performance appraisal is the core for performance anagement and pay distribution. Performance Assessment relations business staffing, salary development, so it impacts on the overall performance and competitiveness of a companydirectly. Therefore, how to strengthen the company's management awareness, and establish the performance appraisal system, the salary management system as well as the distribution programs which not only match to modern enterprise system,but also suit for the development of enterprise ,to maximize the potential of human resources who belongs to the company, to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees,is One of the main problems that Yongping Oil Refinery facing. In this paper, the author use the theories and methods which relative to performance evaluation and salary management, analyzed the problem about the salary allocation which used by Yongping Oil Refinery now, and designed a new pay distribution plan for the company. The whole paper is divided into five chapters: The first chapter based on elaborate research background and significance of this study,as well as the main ideas, methods, and innovation. The second chapter, compensation management and performance appraisal Name: Fan Mingxi Tutor: Yan Hanping Abstract theory, and research trends at home and abroad, has laid a theoretical foundation for this study. The third chapter based on the introduces of current pay distribution scheme which used by Yongping Oil Refinery ,the focus of this chapter is the problem analysis of it from both the performance assessment and the salary distribution ,and extract the problems that plagued the company to design its salary allocation. The chapter forth used the performance assessment methods of arithmetic points method,as well as the method which combined the soft and the hard indicators together, and designed a new job wage-setting standards and performance wage distribution standards for the company ,mean while, analyzed the advantages of the new program. The fifth chapter based on concluding the main conclusions, provided reasonable suggestions for the company to use the new design from strengthening basic management. [Key words] Yanchang Oil Field CO丄TD; Yongping Oil Refinery; Salary allocation;Design. [Research Type]Applied Research 目录目录 1雜 7 1.1选题背景 7 1.2研究的意义 9 1.3研究思路及方法 10 1.4研究内容 11 1.5特色和创新点 11 2薪酬分配方案设计的理论综述 13 2.1薪酬管理理论 13 2.2绩效考核的理论 14 2.3薪酬管理和绩效考核的关系 15 2.4薪酬分配方案设计的原则 16 2.5国内外研究动态综述 16 3永坪炼油厂现行薪酬分配方案分析 20 3.1永坪炼油厂概况 20 3.2永坪炼油厂员工构成状况 23 3.3永坪炼油厂现行薪酬分配方案 28 3.4永坪炼油厂薪酬分配方案的问题 36 3.5永坪炼油厂薪酬分配中存在问题的原因 44 4永坪炼油厂薪酬分配新方案的设计 46 4.1新方案的设计原则 46 4.2新薪酬方案设计的内容 47 4.3新方案的实施细则 49 4.4新方案的员工满意度调查 54 4.5新设计方案的优点 55 4.6新方案设计的意义 57 5永坪炼油厂薪酬分配新方案的保障措施 58 5.1企业文化保障 58 5.2制度建设保障 58 V .-r- 5.3组织保障 59 6结论及有待于研究的问题 60 6.1主要结论 60 6.2有待于研究的问题