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当前中国经济由高速增长转变为高质量增长,呈现“L”型走势。伴随着经 济增长,人们的生活习惯和消费期待也在同步升级,对于健康的态度由顺其自然 被动接受向主动预防保健转变,这种消费认知的变化让运动健身逐步成为时下都 市人群的生活潮流和日常刚需。JK 共享健身仓项目就是在这样的背景下出现的, 该项目将商业健身和共享经济结合起来,从一定程度上可以化解大众健身过程中 遇到的各种“借口”,解决户外健身环境差和传统健身房离家远、不方便的问题, 充分挖掘闲置资源的经济价值,避免浪费。该项目创新商业模式,通过便利的地 理位置和单仓较低的投资成本,将原本高昂的健身会员费转变为按运动时长缴 费,将传统的大型健身房变革成为居家小区内 24 小时运营的健身仓。 本文介绍了 JK 共享健身仓项目背景、模式、产品、团队等内容,并运用 PEST 分析法分析“共享+健身”模式的宏观环境,利用波特五力模型来量身打造 JK 共 享健身仓的近期发展目标和远期发展战略,利用 SWOT 分析法剖析 JK 共享健身仓 项目发展过程中存在的优劣势,充分挖掘项目所面临的机遇和威胁,沙盘推演项 目发展过程中可能存在的风险并逐一制定风险预案和应对措施,根据相关分析制 定符合目标市场和潜在顾客的营销策略,通过财务指标判断项目的可投资性及可 盈利性,通过实施时间表和关键里程碑确定 JK 共享健身仓项目的关键节点和阶 段性工作侧重点。 JK 共享健身仓发掘商业健身中的细分领域,服务于高度注重生活质量和身 体健康,愿意为品质、创新、品味、潮流付出溢价的人群,专注解决其有健身需 求,但由于健身房位置不便利而无法坚持健身的“痛点”。在创业初期通过为目 标客户量身订做的一系列营销组合策略,快速占领目标市场、扩大客户基数,着 重增加客户重复购买率。待项目模式成熟后,通过加盟等多种方式增加投放仓体 数量,迅速占领空白市场,努力将 JK 共享健身仓打造成为立足兰州、带动甘肃、 辐射西北的知名共享健身品牌。 关键词:商业计划书;健身;共享经济;创新MBA 学位 作者:白天翔 JK 共享健身仓商业计划书 II Abstract At present, China's economy has been transformed from high-speed growth to high quality growth, presenting a steady growth of L. Along with economic growth, people's consumption consciousness is also in the upgrade, are also constantly changing demand for health, is gradually from passive to active preventive care treatment, exercise gradually became a trend of life. This is the backdrop for JK Shared fitness program. The project combine commercial fitness and sharing economy, from a certain extent, can solve encountered in the process of mass fitness of all kinds of pretext, solve the problem of outdoor gym environment and the distance from the gym, fully excavate the economic value of idle resources, avoid waste. The project's innovative business model, which has been transformed by the convenience of geography and low cost of investment, has turned the expensive gym membership into a sports hour, and change the traditional big gym into a 24-hour gym. In this paper, starting from the JK sharing fitness warehouse project background, through the use of PEST, porter five model method to analyze the market environment in the process of project implementation, using the method of SWOT analysis Shared fitness warehouse project advantages and disadvantages exist in the process of its development, fully excavating opportunities and threats the project will faced. According to the analysis, formulate the project marketing strategy, according to the actual situation, predict the risks of JK Shared gym and propose corresponding countermeasures. JK Shared gym to explore areas of business fitness subdivision, service the people who has the high attention to the quality of life and healthy body, is willing to pay a premium for quality, innovation, and taste, focus on solving the problem of the gym position is not convenient to insist on fitness. In the early stage of entrepreneurship, through the Internet and other marketing measures , expand the user group and increase the user's repeated purchase rate. When the project mode is mature, it will rapidly increase the number of positions and occupy the blank market by joining and other means, strive to build JK Shared gym into a well-known Shared fitness brand which based on Lanzhou, leading Gansu and radiating northwest. Key words: Business Plan;Fitness; Sharing economy;InnovateMBA 学位 作者:白天翔 JK 共享健身仓商业计划书 III 目录 中文摘要.....I Abstract.... II 一、 绪论..1 (一)研究的背景和意义....1 (二)相关理论介绍3 (三)研究方法和内容..4 二、项目介绍..7 (一)创意来源..7 (二)项目概述..7 (三)项目特色..8 (四)团队成员介绍8 三、产品介绍..8 (一)产品描述..8 (二)产品特色..9 (三)产品运行..9 四、市场和竞争分析10 (一)宏观环境分析....10 (二)行业环境分析....13 (三)竞争环境分析....15 (四)项目 SWOT 分析....18 (五)总体战略20 五、营销策略21 (一)STP 目标市场营销..21 (二)营销组合策略....23 六、财务分析26 (一)融资需求与投向26 (二)融资方案27 (三)投资分析28 (四)盈利预测28 (五)退出机制36 七、风险管理及控制36MBA 学位 作者:白天翔 JK 共享健身仓商业计划书 IV (一)风险因素分析....36 (二)风险控制37 八、实施日程39 (一)实施时间表..39 (二)关键里程碑..39 九、结论..40