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随着我国经济的不断发展,地方国有企业面对国际化与激烈竞争的市场环 境,如何脱颖而出立于不败之地。目前,许多国有企业也在与时俱进,不断深化 改革,积极迎接市场挑战。在改革的实践中,企业管理者日益认识到绩效管理的 重要性,绩效管理是企业战略管理的一部分,不仅可激励员工提高效能,还可以 帮助企业实现各项指标,支撑企业发展战略规划顺利达成。 本文选取了苏州高新集团金融事业部为研究对象,具备一定的地方国有企 业代表性。苏州高新集团从属于苏州高新开发区管委会国资办下设的国有投资 平台,自 2014 年设立金融事业部以来,先后设立了担保、科贷、农贷、融资租 赁、商业保理、资产监管、供应链金融等多家公司,未来以城镇化为依托向金融 控股集团发展。本文通过访谈法、问卷调查法等工具对现有绩效管理方案研究, 发现金融事业部虽然一直坚持执行绩效考核管理制度,但实际过程中还是发现 了许多问题是不可小觑的,具体包括一是金融事业部绩效管理与发展战略是独 立无关联的;二是认为绩效管理就是绩效考核;三是绩效考核全过程缺乏科学性; 四是过程沟通机制和反馈不够及时;五是不能充分激励提升员工工作效能。这些 在地方国有企业的绩效管理中有代表性的症结,可以说是具备一定的普遍性。这 些症结会影响企业未来的发展战略的贯彻落实,限制企业未来市场竞争发展力。 本文采用文献研究法学习国内外绩效考核管理的学术理论,和国内标杆企 业的实践著作,对苏州高新集团金融事业部目前绩效管理方案进行解析思考,探 索一个更有效率,更具备市场竞争力的战略绩效管理方案。本文共分为四章内容, 第一章介绍本文研究背景和意义,提出苏州高新集团金融事业部绩效管理方案 的思路与方法,明确主题。第二章主要介绍了本文采用绩效管理方案实施情况问 卷调查,对金融事业部绩效管理方案的实施现状和存在问题进行调查研究,深入 分析了症结产生的原因,力图找到症结所在,并尝试建立一个更有效、更有竞争 力的绩效管理实施方案。第三章是本文的重点,运用平衡计分卡、关键绩效指标、II 目标管理法等先进的绩效管理方法,明晰企业未来发展战略,将公司发展战略进 一步解析到公司各部门和下级控股管理企业,设计了一套更加适合苏州高新集 团金融事业部发展的全面绩效考核方案,并提出建立约束与长效激励机制、高管 奖励、员工跟投等方面创新绩效管理的见解。第四章主要论述了苏州高新集团金 融事业部绩效管理方案的实施保障,从绩效管理制度设计、完善组织架构、打造 公司绩效管理文化、搭建绩效考核软件管理系统等四个方面开展工作。 本文期望对苏州高新集团金融事业部提供更加科学、有效的绩效管理方案, 为企业未来的管理实践中起到充分激励人才、充分发挥员工潜能,聚焦公司核心 发展竞争力,也为地方国有企业的战略绩效管理方案提供更丰富的可供借鉴内 容。 关键词: 地方国有企业;绩效管理;关键绩效指标III ABSTRACT Study On The Performance Management Optimization With Financial Services Division Of SND Group Faced with an open market and fierce competition, local state-owned enterprises stand out in the global market competition and are in an invincible position. Performance management plays an important role in the management. The talent strategy plays an important role. This paper selects the financial department of SND Group as the research object, and has certain representativeness of local state-owned enterprises. SND was established in SND Zone in 1990. Since 2014, SND Group Finance Since its establishment, the Ministry has established a number of companies such as guarantees, corporate loans, agricultural loans, financial leasing, commercial factoring, asset supervision, and supply chain finance. In the future, it will develop into financial holding groups based on urbanization. Although the financial department of SND Group has insisted on implementing the performance system, due to the traditional thinking mode, there are still some problems , which leads to the company's future development strategy has not been effectively implemented. By learning the performance appraisal, these papers analyzes the performance management plan currently implemented by SND Group Financial Department, and explore a strategic performance management plan that is more effective and more competitive. This paper is divided into four chapters, the first chapter explains the background of the topic and the meaning of the topic, and conceives the research ideas and methods, and clarifies the objectives of the whole article. The second chapter introduces the existing problems of the performance management plan of the financial department of SND Group. As a state-owned enterprise, there is still a lack of close integration between performance management and enterprise development strategy; performance management is recognized as performance appraisal; organizationalIV performance appraisal is lack of science. The lack of process communication mechanism and feedback is not timely enough. This paper analyzes the causes of these problems, tries to find out the problem, and establish a more efficient implementation plan. The third chapter builds a performance management plan for the financial department of SND Group,uses performance management methods such as balanced scorecard and key performance indicators. The fourth chapter explains the implementation guarantee of the performance management plan of the financial department of SND Group. The implementation of the performance management program is carried out in four aspects: the design of the performance management system, theestablishment oftheenterprise,andtheestablishmentoftheperformance appraisal management system. Finally, the conclusions and research shortcomings of this paper has practical guiding significance for the improvement of the performance management of the financial department of SND Group. It can better motivate talents and make the best use of them in the future modern management practice. Competitiveness and hope to provide a reference for the strategic performance management program of local state- owned enterprises in our country. Keywords: local state-owned enterprises stand; performance management; key performance indicatorsV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究内容与方法............................................................................ 3 1.3 文献综述和理论基础.................................................................... 4 第 2 章 苏州高新集团金融事业部绩效管理现状及存在问题 ........ 10 2.1 金融事业部基本情况介绍.......................................................... 10 2.2 金融事业部绩效管理工作现状 ................................................. 13 2.3 绩效管理方案存在的问题分析 ................................................. 17 第 3 章 苏州高新集团金融事业部绩效管理方案构建..................... 23 3.1 金融事业部绩效管理构建原则与思路 ..................................... 23 3.2 考核指标方案设计...................................................................... 24 3.3 过程控制与结果反馈.................................................................. 39 3.4 考核结果应用.............................................................................. 41 第 4 章 苏州高新集团金融事业部绩效管理方案的实施保障 ........ 44 4.1 设计绩效管理制度...................................................................... 44 4.2 完善绩效管理组织机构.............................................................. 44 4.3 营造公司绩效管理文化.............................................................. 45VI 4.4 建立绩效考核软件管理系统...................................................... 46 结 论 ..................................................................................................... 47