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Land of quattro 青海探秘之旅 方案简介 2013年6月 目录/Contents 活动概述/ Event Overview 执行计划/Executive Plan 活动策略/ Strategy 活动策略/ Strategy quattro 奥迪品牌独有的领先科技的核心价值 key value of the unique technology of Audi Land of quattro 奥迪全球的品牌行动 international campaign China,land of quattro 奥迪品牌行动的“中国化演绎” 中央媒体、典型客户 central media, typical client 背景 Background North China land of quattro 奥迪品牌行动的区域落地 地方媒体、经销商、用户 local media, dealer, customer 活动策略/ Strategy quattro 的核心价值 代表产品 representative model:Q5、Q7 quattro quattro运动差速器 扭矩矢量 自锁中央差速器 第七代quattro 产品特性:全路况条件下轻松驾驭 product feature: easy to drive under all road conditions 消费者利益点:可以前往探寻更多的未知世界 consumer benefit point: explore the unknown 高性能 high performance: 杰出的牵引力 excellent tractive force 精准 accuracy: 容易控制的精确操控 controllable & accurate handling 安全 safety: 杰出的方向稳定性 extraordinary stability 活动策略/ Strategy 提升品牌形象 Improve brand image 提升客户口碑 Improve customer word of mouth 加强land of quattro品牌形象的传播,特别是Q系列车型的消费者心中形象的全面提升。 Strengthen the propagation of the brand image of land of quattro, especially improve the consumer brand in an all-round way. 以传播Land of quattro活动主题、增加集客和转化率为目的,通过自驾游的活动沟通概念及销售话术创造用户接触点,增加与用户直接接触机会,提升land of quattro客户口碑 On the purpose of promoting land of quattro & increasing customer volume and conversion rate, convey event concept and sales skills through self-drive events, increase the opportunity of direct contact with customers & improve the popularity of land of quattro. 提升产品销量Improve product marketing 加强land of quattro产品性能的深度体验,提升Q系列车型的集客量和销量。 Deepen the experience of land of quattro product performance, increase the customer volume & sales volume of Q series. land of quattro区域落地活动目的