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c公司工程机械产品土耳其市场营销策划方案 摘要 本营销策划方案选取作者负责的c公司工程机械产品土耳其市场营销为背 景,以日常市场营销工作中积累的经验和市场数据为基础,进行分析和思考, 设计了该套方案。该方案主要包括以下内容:c公司工程机械产品营销案例背景 简介、土耳其市场PEST分析、C公司工程机械产品土耳其市场SWOT分析、 C公司工程机械产品土耳其营销及竞争分析、C公司工程机械产品4PS营销组 合策略、C公司工程机械产品营销策划方案。 营销案例的研究对象c公司是中国西部最大的工程机械制造企业,是新中 国成立以后最早的四大工程机械制造商之一。拥有包括轮式装载机、挖掘装载 机、平地机等主机产品以及液力变矩器、变速箱等自主研发部件,主机年产能 达20000余台。C公司从2005年开始拓展海外市场,并在2006年正式成立海 外业务部,销量连续三年成倍增长,但受到2008年金融海啸影响,后续五年年 销量回落至450台左右。C公司海外市场分为六大片区:俄语片区、欧洲片 区、非洲片区、中东片区、北美片区、南美片区。本策划案将以欧洲片区的土 耳其市场为例,具体阐述营销策划的完整过程。 从宏观坏境来看,政治上土耳其政府采取亲西方政策,与美国保持传统战 略合作伙伴关系的同时加强与欧洲国家的关系。土耳其从1987年开始申请加入 欧盟,直至1999年才获得候选国资格。所以,在土耳其市场销售的产品都必须 按照欧盟的CE标准作为准入门槛。经济方面,随着欧亚大陆之间交往日益密 切,土耳其作为重要的交通枢纽对基础建设的需求与日俱增,政府宣布未来几 年内会有多个世界级的工程项目将启动,所以,未来5年土耳其工程机械市场 容量将持续增长。社会环境方面,土耳其是伊斯兰教国家,社会治安良好,民 风淳朴。近几年人口出生率为1.35%,到2050年,土耳其人口有望到达9500 万,人口结构年轻化,平均年龄只有29.7岁,这为土耳其的经济发展创造了有 力条件。技术环境方面,土耳其政府重视科技研发,给予税收、基础设施、贷 款担保支持。所以,从宏观环境来看,土耳其适合进行长期商务拓展。 从优劣势分析,C公司具有一定的优势,从2006年起C公司就在土耳其市 场实现了销售,具有一定的市场基础;通过几年的市场拓展,对该市场有一定 的了解;C公司拥有该市场需求的主流机型,且通过了 CE认证。与之对应,C 公司的劣势在于虽然2006年就在该市场实现销售,但数量太少,没有品牌影响 力;与其他国产品牌相比,C公司没有价格、产品、服务方面的优势,更没有 稳定的代理商。面临的机会,C公司曾经与土耳其最大的集团公CUKUROVA I 成都理工大学硕士学位 合作,给潜在客户以无形的说服力;目前土耳其是空白市场,有多家潜在客户 表示购买意愿,成功建立渠道,就能实现销售。威胁方面,c公司产品质量不 太稳定,售后服务不能满足客户需求;土耳其市场准入高,C公司产品性价比 不高;土耳其市场融资难度大,代理商基本都是无银行参与融资形式,且周期 长。 通过对宏观环境和优劣势的分析,c公司在土耳其市场的营销战略:在现 有的潜在客户中,筛选出一家具有一定规模,分销网络健全,售后服务能力强 的代理商,长期合作,把品牌影响力做出来。在目标市场选择方面,应该将重 点放在整机重量17-20T、13-17T、大于28T上,终端用户以釆矿场、砂石场和 工程基建用户为主。在市场定位方面,应该提高自身产品附加值,价格定位于 中国产品的高位,以更佳的性价比争夺日韩品牌的市场份额。 关于市场分析,土耳其市场目前只接受有CE认证的工程机械产品在市场 上销售。对于C公司来说,在土耳其市场的主要是竞争对手应该是进入市场最 早的徐工和目前销量最高的柳工。 关于4PS组合营销策略,产品方面主要有三种机型CC935G、CC958G、 CC990H;价格方面应以标准价格为基准,实行阶梯价格;推广方面主要有四种 方式,即参加工程机械展会、公路展、产品试用和杂志推广,四种推广方式可 同时进行,也可以根据市场开拓阶段不同而选取任意几种组合开展;渠道方 面,应该在潜在客户中选择一家具有一定服务能力和销售网络的代理商,同时 愿意和厂家一起培养市场,共同成长。 关于项目策划方案,主要围绕渠道培养和品牌推广来展开,旨在培养稳定 的代理商,提高C公司品牌影响力,实现批量销售。渠道培养方面,通过对 HARMAN提供免费的技术培训、工程师派驻、易损件赠送与寄售来提高代理 商的服务能力;通过对HARMAN提供出口信用保险来缓解代理商资金压力, 促进销售。品牌推广方面,参加区域性工程机械展会ANKOMAK,提高C公 司品牌知名度,促进销售,C公司在国内制作宣传物料随参展样机一起发给代 理商;公路展是土耳其比较盛行的工程机械产品推广方式,HARMAN在这方 面有丰富操作经验,C公司可分担路展部分费用;工程机械产品试用,C公司 安排工程师全程跟踪维护,与代理商共同承担试用过程中的风险和费用;杂志 推广,在土耳其最为专业的工程机械杂志MAKINA-MARKET上投放广告,宣 传C公司品牌。 关键词:C公司工程机械产品土耳其市场竞争分析4PS组合营销策略 II Abstract Marketing Plan For Company C In Turkey Abstract The background of this marketing plan is Company C,s construction machinery products in turkish market which the author takes in charge of. According to the experience and market data from the daily marketing work,the author designed this marketing plan by analyzing and considering. This marketing plan include the flowing contents: Company C,s construction machinery products marketing plan background abstract, turkish market PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, Turkish market and competitive analysis, 4PS marketing strategy and marketing plan. Company C is the biggest construction machinery manufacture in west of China,it was one of the four earliest construction machinery manufactures in People's Republic of China. Company C has the product lines of wheel loader,backhoe loader and motor grader, production capacity is around 20000 units per year. It also designs and produces hydraulic transmissions and wet axles by itself. Company C started to develop overseas market from 2005,and set up overseas department officially in 2006.The sales quantity increased 200% very year in the beginning three years,but decreased to 450 units/year in the later five years because of the economic crisis in 2008. The overseas department of Company C was divided to six areas: Russia market, Europe market,Africa market,Mideast market,North America market and South America market. This marketing plan will take Turkish market in Europe area as example to elaborate the whole process of marketing plan in details. From the macroscopical environment analysis, The government takes the pro- western policies to keep the traditional strategy partner relationship with America and enhance the relationship with European countries in the same time. Turkey started to apply joining in European Union in 1987,but got the qualification of candidate country until 1999,so all the products sold in Turkish market must have CE certification. In economy, with the increasingly close interaction between Eurasia,Turkey has a great demand for infrastructure,the government anounced that there will be a number of world-class projects starting in next few years5so the next five years Turkish construction machinery market capacity will continue to grow.In social environment, Turkey is a Islamism country, so the social security is very good and people are simple, honest and unspoiled. The fertility rate in these years are III 成都理工大学硕士学位 1.35%, there will be 95 million population in 2050,the demographic structure is very young, average age is only 29.7 years old, this creates a very good condition for Turkish economy development. In technical environment, Turkish government pay much attention to technology research and development, give many support on tax revenue,infrastructure and loan guarantee. So for the PEST analysis, Turkey is suitable for business development in long-term. For the SWOT analysis, Company C has some advantages, such as C started to sell machines in Turkish market in 2006, established some market foundation and got some market information after several years developing, also, C has the most popular models in Turkish market and they passed CE certification. For the disadvantages, the sales quantity is very small in this market even though C stared to sell in 2006, so there is no brand influence. Compare to other Chinese brand, C has no advantages in price, products and after service, and the most important one, C has no stable distributor in Turkey. For the opportunities, C has been cooperated with CUKUROVA which is the biggest group company in Turkey, this will give strong persuasiveness to the potential customers. Now Turkish market is a blank market for C,and there are some potential customers showed their cooperation interest, it will achieve the sales soon once the sales network is established. For the threats, the products of Company C is not very stable,and after service capacity can't satisfy the customers requirements. And Turkish market access is very high,C products can't make good balance on performance and price. Also,it is very hard to get loan from the financial system when customer buy the machines,so most of the distributors give loan to the customers by themselves in long term,it is really a big pressure for the construction machinery distributor. According to the PEST and SWOT analysis, the market strategy in Turkish market for Company C should be: select one distributor which has sales network and after service capacity among the potential customers, then give them financial, parts, training and promotion supports to improve the brand influence and service capacity. For the target market, C should focus on the models of operating weight in 17-20T, 13-17T, above 28T which are used in mine factory,sand factory and infrastructure projects. For the market positioning, the price of CE models from Company C are in the high level in Chinese brands, so C should make the better balance between price and performance to grab the market share from Japanese and Korea brands. For the market analysis, only the CE certificated products can be sold in Turkish market. For Company C, the main competitors are XCMG which is the earliest market IV Abstract pioneer and LIUGONG which is the number one sales in this market now. For the 4PS market strategy: about the products,Company C has three models, they are CC935Q CC958G and CC990H.About the price, a lot of distributors complained that the high price gave them big pressure on sales, Company C should show some support by giving multi-step quotation basis on the standard price.About the promotion, there are four popular ways,they are construction machinery exhibition, road show,on trial and magazine advertisement. These four promotion ways can be assembled in different ways according to the market target and period; about the place, C should choose one distributor which has sales network and service capacity to bring up the market, and grow up together. For the action plan, it is all about sales network development and brand promotion,the main targets are bringing up a stable distributor and increasing brand influence in Turkish market. About the sales network development,Company C should improve the after service capacity of tiie distributor according to free technique training, engineer stationed, parts donation or parts consignment sales. Company C should relieve the financial pressure of the distributor according to Chinese Export Credit Insurance. About the brand promotion, the distributor will take C models to attend ANKMAK construction machinery exhibition, Company C should send the promotion material together with the exhibition machine to the distributor. Road show is another popular promotion ways in Turkey, the distributor has plentiful experience on operation, Company C may share some cost on it. Machine on trial, in order to guarantee the sample machine perform well,Company C should arrange the engineer to follow up in the whole journey and share the risk and cost witii the distributor. Magazine advertisement will be put in the most popular and professional magazine MAKINA-MARKET, in order to promote Company C brand. Keywords: Company C Construction Machinery Products Turkish Market Competitive Analysis 4PS Marketing Strategy v 目录 目录 m ^ I Abstract Ill 第1章绪论 1 1.1选题背景 1 1.2研究意义 2 1.3国内外相关研究综述 2 1.4研究思路、方法及技术路线 4 1.5研究内容及结构 5 第2章土耳其市场PEST分析 6 2.1 政治环境(Political) 6 2.2 经济环境(Economic) 6 2.3 社会环境(Social) 7 2.4 技术环境(Technological) 8 第3章C公司工程机械产品土耳其市场SWOT分析 9 3.1 C公司的优势分析(Strengths) 9 3.2 C公司的劣势分析(Weaknesses) 10 3.3 C公司面临的机会分析(Opportunities) 11 3.4 C公司面临的威胁分析(Threats) 11 第4章C公司工程机械产品土耳其营销市场及竞争分析 13 4.1消费者行为分析 13 4.2 土耳其工程机械产品市场营销现状 13 4.3竞争分析 14 4.3.1徐工集团 14 4.3.1广西柳州机械股份有限公司 15 4.4 C公司土耳其市场目标选择、产品市场定位及市场细分战略..16 4.4.1目标市场选择 16 4.4.2产品市场定位 17 4.4.3市场细分战略 17 第5章C公司工程机械产品4PS营销组合策略 19 5.1 产品策略(Product) 19 5.2价格策略(Price) 20 5.3 促销策略(Promotion) 21 VII 成都理工大学硕士学位 5.3.1工程机械展 21 5.3.2公路展 21 5.3.3产品试用 22 5.3.4杂志推广 22 5.4 渠道策略(Place) 23 第6章C公司工程机械产品营销策划方案 27 6.1渠道培养 27 6.1.1渠道目标 27 6.1.2台量目标 27 6.1.3服务目标 27 6.2品牌推广 28 6.3市场拓展 32 6.4售后服务 32 6.5融资支持 35 ^ it 37 Ifi: 39