首页 > 资料专栏 > 论文 > 经营论文 > 企业文化论文 > 2020年MBA毕业论文_兰州银行企业文化认同提升方案研究DOC



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当前,银行之间的竞争不仅体现在传统的金融产品和服务方面,更是企业文 化的竞争,但仍有许多管理者对企业文化的了解不够深入、重要意义认识不足, 造成员工无法充分了解企业文化,对其认同度不够,使企业文化无法发挥应有的 积极作用。兰州银行推行企业文化建设已有十余年,但至今尚未对企业文化的认 同情况做过系统的、深入的调查和研究。本文在对兰州银行的企业文化认同现状 进行广泛调查与深入研究的基础上,旨在找到目前兰州银行在企业文化认同上存 在的问题,同时分析造成这些问题的原因,进而制定有助于提升兰州银行企业文 化认同的方案及措施,以期为兰州银行企业文化的建设提供管理启示。 本文的研究主题就是围绕兰州银行员工企业文化认同度的提升,首先对国内 外有关企业文化认同的研究进行了深入的梳理和回顾,归纳了相关学者关于企业 文化研究的起源、发展和作用方面的见解,在充分理解认识“认同”、“文化认同” 和“企业文化认同”等概念的基础上,研究分析了企业文化认同的衡量维度与初 步结构以及影响因素。其次,通过对问卷调查和员工访谈结果的定量和定性分析, 对兰州银行员工企业文化认同现状进行分析,数据分析结果发现 24%的员工对兰 州银行企业文化持不认同的态度,而且在企业文化认同方面上存在明显的差异和 区别。再次,本文针对调查到的企业文化认同现状,以及发现的相应问题,设计 了针对性较强的提升方案,主要从方案的设计原则、目标要求、总体思路、内容 及实施流程五个方面进行阐述。最后,为保证兰州银行企业文化认同提升方案的 顺利实施,提出了相应的支撑保障措施,包括建立落实协作共建工作机制、加强 对企业文化理念的宣贯、强化管理者的带动作用、强化“以人为本”的文化理念、 注重企业文化活动的仪式感、营造良好的组织文化氛围和建立落实考评激励督导 机制七个方面。 关键词:企业文化;文化认同;核心价值观;文化落地II RESEARCH ON PROMOTING CORPORATE CULTURAL IDENTITY OF BANK OF LANZHOU Abstract At present, the competition between banks is not only reflected in traditional financial products and services, but also in corporate culture. However, there are still many managers who do not have a deep understanding of corporate culture and the importance of understanding is insufficient. This causes that employees can not have a full understanding of corporate culture, and the recognition of corporate culture is not high enough, so that corporate culture can not play its due positive role. The construction of corporate culture has been carried out in Bank of Lanzhou for more than ten years, but up to now, there has been no systematic and in-depth investigation and research on the identity of corporate culture. On the basis of extensive investigation and in-depth study on the status quo of corporate culture identity of Bank of Lanzhou, the purpose of this paper is to find out the existing problems of corporate culture identity of Bank of Lanzhou. At the same time, the causes of these problems are analyzed, and then the plan and measures to help enhance the corporate culture identity of Bank of Lanzhou are formulated, which provides management inspiration for the construction of corporate culture of Bank of Lanzhou. The theme of this paper is to improve the corporate culture identity of employees of Bank of Lanzhou. Firstly, the research on corporate culture identity at home and abroad is reviewed in depth. Relevant scholars' views on the origin, development and role of corporate culture research are summarized. On the basis of fully understanding the concepts of identity, cultural identity and corporate cultural identity, the measurement dimension, preliminary structure and influencing factors of corporate cultural identity are studied and analyzed. Secondly, quantitative and qualitative analysis of questionnaires and interviews with employees, analysis of the status quo of corporate culture identity of employees of Bank of Lanzhou. The results of data analysis show that 24% of employees have the attitude of disagreement towards corporate culture of Bank of Lanzhou, and there are obvious differences in corporate culture identity. Thirdly, in view of the status quo of corporate culture identity and theIII corresponding problems found, this paper designs a more targeted promotion program. This article mainly elaborates from five aspects of the scheme, namely, design principles, objectives, requirements, overall ideas, content and implementation process. Finally, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of Bank of Lanzhou's corporate culture identity promotion program, the corresponding support measures are put forward. It includes seven aspects, namely, establishing and implementing the cooperative work mechanism, strengthening the publicity of corporate culture concept, strengthening the leading role of managers, strengthening the people-oriented cultural concept, focusing on the sense of ceremony of corporate cultural activities, creating a good organizational culture atmosphere and establishing the implementation of evaluation incentive and supervision mechanism. Key words: corporate culture; cultural identity; core values; cultural landingIV 目 录 中文摘要.................................................I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 绪论 .............................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ..............................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................2 1.2 研究内容与方法 ..............................................3 1.2.1 研究内容 ................................................3 1.2.2 研究方法 ................................................4 1.3 研究思路和框架 ..............................................4 1.3.1 研究思路 ................................................4 1.3.2 论文框架图 ..............................................4 第二章 企业文化认同相关理论概述 .........................6 2.1 企业文化 ....................................................6 2.1.1 企业文化的定义及其发展 ..................................6 2.1.2 企业文化的作用 ..........................................7 2.2 认同 ........................................................8 2.3 文化认同 ...................................................10 2.4 企业文化的认同 .............................................10 2.4.1 归纳企业文化认同的相关定义 .............................10 2.4.2 企业文化认同的初步结构区分与衡量维度 ...................11 2.4.3 企业文化认同感的影响因素 ...............................12 第三章 兰州银行企业文化认同现状调查分析 ................14 3.1 兰州银行基本情况 ...........................................14V 3.1.1 兰州银行发展概述 .......................................14 3.1.2 兰州银行员工概况 .......................................15 3.1.3 兰州银行企业文化 .......................................16 3.2 兰州银行企业文化认同现状问卷调查与分析 .....................18 3.2.1 调查问卷设计 ...........................................18 3.2.2 调查样本的分布情况 .....................................19 3.2.3 调查数据的信度与效度验证 ...............................21 3.2.4 兰州银行企业文化认同调查分析 ...........................22 3.2.5 企业文化认同度测量结果统计分析 .........................24 3.2.6 企业文化认同度差异性分析 ...............................25 3.2.7 企业文化认同四个维度测量结果分析 .......................30 3.3 兰州银行企业文化认同情况访谈与分析 .........................31 3.3.1 访谈目的 ...............................................31 3.3.2 访谈内容 ...............................................31 3.3.3 访谈对象 ...............................................31 3.3.4 访谈结果分析 ...........................................32 3.4 兰州银行企业文化认同调查结果分析 ...........................33 第四章 兰州银行企业文化认同提升方案设计 ................36 4.1 兰州银行企业文化认同提升方案设计原则 .......................36 4.2 提升兰州银行企业文化认同方案的总体思路 .....................36 4.3 兰州银行企业文化认同提升方案目标要求 .......................38 4.4 兰州银行企业文化认同提升方案内容 ...........................39 4.4.1 个体因素方面的提升 .....................................39 4.4.2 组织因素方面的提升 .....................................44 4.5 兰州银行企业文化认同提升方案实施流程 .......................49 4.5.1 试点阶段 ...............................................49 4.5.2 全面推行阶段 ...........................................49VI 4.5.3 方案评估和改进阶段......................................50 第五章 兰州银行企业文化认同提升方案实施的保障措施 ......51 5.1 建立落实协作共建工作机制 ...................................51 5.2 加强对企业文化理念的宣贯 ...................................52 5.3 强化管理者的带动作用 .......................................52 5.4 强化“以人为本”的文化理念 .................................53 5.4.1 提升员工对工作的幸福感 .................................53 5.4.2 建立完善的人才培养与晋升机制 ...........................53 5.4.3 建立配套的科学薪酬体系 .................................54 5.4.4 关注 90 后年轻员工的个人需求 ............................54 5.5 注重企业文化活动的仪式感 ...................................54 5.6 营造良好的组织文化氛围 .....................................55 5.6.1 建立良好的沟通渠道和反馈机制 ...........................55 5.6.2 丰富员工业余文化生活 ...................................55 5.7 建立落实考评激励督导机制 ...................................55 第六章 结论与展望 ......................................57 6.1 主要结论 ...................................................57 6.2 展望 .......................................................57