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中钢吉铁公司薪酬管理方案的设计与实施 企业的发展,必然要提高核心竞争力,薪酬管理在现代市场经济中已成为 各企业人力资源管理的重要环节。中钢吉铁公司的薪酬体系存在诸多问题,已 明显不适应企业目前所处发展阶段的要求,亟需改进与完善。本文对中钢吉铁 公司现行的薪酬管理体系进行分析和研究,提出改善公司薪酬管理的方案。 首先,本文对中钢吉铁公司的概况及现行薪酬管理体系进行了的介绍。 中钢吉铁公司历经近六十年的发展建设,现已成为集生产经营、科研设计、 新产品开发、设备安装与制造、内外贸易和技术服务于一体的综合性冶金企业。 公司产品除供应国内各大钢铁企业外,每年出口到欧美等 30 多个国家和地区。 2007 年,在全球铁合金产能 50 万吨以上企业排名中,名列中国第一位,世界第 七强,首批跻身符合国家铁合金行业准入条件名单,被国家列为支持集中度生 产和进出口贸易重点企业。 文章中对中钢吉铁公司薪酬的岗位工资的结构、岗位工资标准、岗位工资 等级划分、岗位分类、岗位工资核定办法及奖金分配办法进行了详细的介绍。 而后,本文通过调查问卷的办法,得出中钢吉铁公司薪酬管理体系存在五 个问题,为企业薪酬管理体系的设计与实施做好了基础分析工作。 其次,根据对中钢吉铁公司薪酬管理体系存在问题的分析,在现有人力资 源薪酬体系的基础上,对中钢吉铁公司的薪酬管理体系进行了设计: (1)中钢吉铁公司薪酬职系和薪酬类型设计。根据人员类型、岗位类型设 置了高层管理职系、中层管理职系、职能职系、技术职系、营销职系、生产职 系、生产辅助职系七类薪酬职系;根据岗位性质不同,设置了年薪制、岗位绩 效工资制、协议工资制三个不同的薪酬类型。 (2)薪酬固定比例和浮动比例设计。根据职系和职级设定固定比例及绩效 浮动比例,从而确定激励性收入的幅度。II (3)年薪制。为了适应中钢吉铁公司的经营特点和发展战略,更好体现公 司高层管理人员的管理贡献价值和绩效导向,公司高层管理人员实行年薪制。 (4)协议工资制。为吸引和留住企业急需的关键性高级人才,开辟工资特 区,本文又设计了协议工资制。 (5)各薪酬体系收入计算。对年薪制、岗位绩效工资制、协议工资制三个 薪酬类型的计算办法进行了设计。 然后,为了保证本文所设计的薪酬体系能够顺利的在中钢吉铁公司实施, 本文设计中钢吉铁公司薪酬套改办法。 最后,为了中钢吉铁公司薪酬管理体系能有效地导入企业薪酬管理体系并 付诸实施,在薪酬管理体系导入实施之前,中钢吉铁公司要为薪酬体系的实施 做好保障工作。 综上所述,本文以现代人力资源管理理论为基础,运用内部因素评价和外 部因素评价,定性和定量相结合进行综合分析和评价,提出了理论和实际相结 合的薪酬管理方案。本文对相关行业及同行业中其他企业的薪酬体系设计有一 定的参考价值,对其薪酬体系的实施有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:企业 薪酬管理 方案 设计 问题 实施III Abstract Design and Implementation of Salary Management Program In Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloys Co.,Ltd. The improvement of core compititiveness is necessary for the Enterprise’s development, the salary management becomes the important section of the enterprise human resource in modern market economy. There is more problems in Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloys Co., Ltd. It is obviously not matched with the stage of enterprise’s development, that should be improved and perfected. Through the analysis and research of salary management system of Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloys Co., Ltd. with this article, brings the improvement salary management project forward. Firstly, this article will give an introduce of the profile for Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloys Co.,Ltd. and the existing salary management system. Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloys Co.,Ltd.has about sixty years history of development, now it becomes a complex metallurgical enterprise with manufacturing, research, design, new-product development, equipment installation, facility manufacturing, internal external business and Tech service. The products supplied to the big steel companies indomestic and abroad, sell to more than 30 countries and areas in Europe and America. In 2007, the company takes the first place among the Chinese companies and 7th place in the list of enterprises whose production capacity is more than 500000MT, it ranks among the companies which has the entry criteria to get in the ferroalloys industry, and it was regarded as a key import&export enterprise and was supported as an concentrative production company by Chinese government. There is the detail introduction in this article for the structure of post wage, criteria of post wage, post wage rank difference, post classification, post wage check and ratify, bonus distribution method.IV By questionnaire survey, there are five questions founded in the Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloys salary management system, The suvey is basis analysis for the design and implementation of salary management program. Secondly, according to the analysis of the existing problem in Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloys salary management program, bases on the human resource salary system, give a design for the Sinosteel Jilin ferroalloys Co., Ltd. Salary management program. (1) The design for the Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloys Co., Ltd.’s title of technical post system and salary types. Base on the seven systems, such as employees types and position types, set the top –level management post, middle-level management post, duty post, technical post, marketing, production, production subsidiary, design the annual salary, position performance salary, negotiation salary with the different salary types. (2) The design for the fixed and floating ratio of the salary. Design the fixed and floating ratio with the duty and position system, to ascertain the range of encouraging income. (3) Annual salary system. Adapt to the business character and the development strategy of Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloy Co., Ltd., and to show the up-level managers’ contribution value and position performance, so carry out the annual salary system for them. (4)Negotiation salary system. To attract and retain the key high-level talented for the company, Set up a special salary system-negotiation salary. (5)The calculation for the salary systems. Design the calculation method for the annual salary, position performance salary, negotiation salary. To guarantee salary system will implement smoothly in Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloy Co., Ltd., this article designs a series revised amendment. At last, in order to take salary management system of Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloy Company Limited into the enterprise salary management system and implement smoothly. Before the salary system has inputted and implemented, Sinosteel JilinV Ferroalloy Company Limited should prepare to support the salary system implementation. As mentioned above, this article bases on the modern human resource management theory, uses the internal factor evaluation and external evaluation, combines the qualitative and quantitative analysis and elaluation, carry out the salary management project with the combination of theory and practice. This article could be a reference for other companies’ salary system design and implementation which company in relative and same industry. Keywords: Corporation, Salary, Administration, Scheme, Design, Problem, ExecuteVI 目 录 第 1 章 中钢吉铁公司概况及薪酬体系现状 ...................1 1.1 中钢吉铁公司概况................................... 1 1.2 中钢吉铁公司薪酬体系的现状......................... 2 第 2 章 中钢吉铁公司薪酬管理体系存在问题分析 ............14 2.1 中钢吉铁公司薪酬问卷调查结果...................... 14 2.2 中钢吉铁公司薪酬管理体系过于保健化................ 19 2.3 中钢吉铁公司薪酬与绩效缺乏关联性.................. 20 2.4 中钢吉铁公司岗位工资晋升条件不明确................ 20 2.5 中钢吉铁公司薪酬设计缺乏发展动力.................. 21 2.6 中钢吉铁公司薪酬设计缺乏岗位评估支持.............. 22 第 3 章 中钢吉铁公司薪酬设计方案 ........................23 3.1 中钢吉铁公司薪酬职系和薪酬类型设计................ 23 3.2 薪酬固定比例和浮动比例设计........................ 27 3.3 年薪制............................................ 28 3.4 协议工资制........................................ 29 3.5 各薪酬体系收入计算................................ 29 第 4 章 中钢吉铁公司薪酬套改办法 ........................31 4.1 套改办法适用范围.................................. 31 4.2 职位体系.......................................... 31 4.3 薪酬套改方案...................................... 34 4.4 薪酬调整.......................................... 43VII 第 5 章 中钢吉铁公司薪酬管理方案实施保障 ................45 5.1 加强新的薪酬管理体系的宣传和学习.................. 45 5.2 建立完善的薪酬管理信息系统........................ 45 5.3 建立健全各项人力资源管理制度...................... 46 结 论.................................................48