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学校体育设施是社会资源的重要组成部分,全民健身对体育资源的需求与社 会体育资源的相应匮乏,迫切要求开放学校体育设施,实现资源社会共享。为了 广大群众参加体育活动创造更好的健身条件,国家体育总局、教育部决定从 2006 年 8 月开始,将北京、上海、天津、广州、长春、武汉、成都七城市作为首批开 放试点城市。每个城市选取两个区作为试点区,每个区选 10 所学校作为开放试点 学校。在这基础上全国开展学校体育场馆向社会开放试点工作,进而积极、稳步、 有效地促进全国学校体育场馆向社会开放。苏州作为经济文化水平比较发达的城 市,更应该因地制宜地将中小学体育场地向社会开放,从而实现社会效益和经济 效益的双丰收,全面推进全民健身计划的实施。 本文采用通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法对苏州市中小 学体育场地向社会开放的可行性进行研究。了解目前北京、天津、上海等七个城 市作为首批试点城市试行学校体育场地向社会开放的现状及管理模式,总结了学 校体育场地开放中有益做法和基本经验,掌握苏州市中小学体育场地已向社会开 放的现状,结合目前苏州市中小学体育场地的硬、软件情况,对此进行分析比较, 得出苏州市中小学体育场地具有向社会开放的潜力,提出了科学、合理、可行的意见 和建议。 本研究主体包括二个部分,(一)苏州市中小学体育场地向社会开放的可行性 探讨;(二)苏州市中小学体育场地对外开放存在的困难和问题。根据现状的比较 研究结果,提出建议并得出以下结论,(1)苏州市现有中小学校体育场地以中高 型化水平为主,标准化的较高水平场地较多,为满足群众体育对场地的需求,现 有场地的数量和质量具备向社会开放的基本条件。(2)苏州市现有 91.7%中小学 的地理位置和绝大部分中小学的办学规模有利于向社会开放。(3)体育场地已向 社会开放的学校,开放时间主要是双休日和寒暑假,其次是早晚时间。开放的对 象以本校师生为主,向社会开放主要是对学校附近的社区居民开放。开放的时间 对体育教学和训练不会造成太大影响。(4)目前,苏州市 92%中小学校都制定了 管理办法,这些管理办法主要由学校自己制定,93%的学校体育场地管理者主要 是体育老师及兼职管理,这些因素为体育场地向社会开放提供了便利条件。学校II 场地开放管理处于中级水平的管理,政府、法规的支持与保护还略显不够。(5) 苏州市中小学校体育场地开放基本上处于对个人锻炼者不收费或低偿的状况,真 正依靠学校体育场地开放创收的学校很少。97.2%的学校体育场地开放创收经费主 要用于体育发展上,说明学校体育场地开放基本还处于一种比较规范的管理。学 校每年对体育方面有一定的资金投入,这为体育场地更好地向社会开放提供一定 的经济保障。(6)目前苏州市中小学校体育场地开放存在的主要问题是体育设施 的损坏问题和对学生教学影响和安全管理问题。在目前这种困难的条件下,92% 的学校体育场地管理者对学校体育场地开放持一种赞成或无所谓的态度。(7)苏 州市中小学体育场地向社会开放利大于弊,学校体育场地向社会开放是可行的。 关键词,苏州市 中小学体育场地 开放可行性 作 者,戴 杰 指导教师,戴俭慧III The Feasible Research on the School Sports Fields and Facilities Opening to the Society in Suzhou Primary & Middle Schools Abstract Sports fields and facilities in primary & middle schools play a very important role in social resources. Owing to the demand of the national fitness and the shortage of the social sports resources sports fields and facilities are urgently required to open to the society so that the nation can share all the social resources. In order to provide a better fitness condition for the nation to take part in the fitness activities, General Administration of Sport of China and Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China have formulated the implementation measures to open 7 cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin,Guangzhou, Changchun, Wuhan, Chengdu, as initial trial cities from August, 2006, in which each city will select two districts as trial districts, and each district will select 10 schools as opening trial schools. By opening these schools to society our government will promote all the school sports fields and facilities to the whole nation actively, steadily and effectively. Suzhou, as a relatively developed city in economics and culture, are supposed to open school sports fields and facilities to the society in primary & middle schools so as to realize the social and economic benefits, which will promote the implementation of the plan of national fitness in all aspects. This thesis made a research on the feasibility of the school sports fields and facilities opening to the society by literature analysis, questionnaire ,interview and data statistics. By investigating the present situation and management model of the school sports fields and facilities opening to the society in the 7above- mentioned initial trial cities this thesis has concluded the effective measures and basic experience. By making an analytical comparison on the present situation of the school sports fields and facilitiesIV opening to the society in Suzhou and the present school sports fields and facilities this thesis has offered some scientific, reasonable and feasible suggestions and ways to make full use of the potential of these school fields and facilities. This research includes three parts: 1、the research of the feasibility of the school sports fields and facilities opening to the society in Suzhou; 2、the difficulties lie in the school sports fields and facilities opening to the society. By making a comparison of the present situation it has made the following conclusions: 1、School sports fields and facilities in Suzhou primary & middle schools are mainly on the medium and high level and standardized relatively high sports fields and facilities in plenty as well. The quantities and quality of the present school sports fields and facilities are qualified to open to the public which can meet the demands of the national fitness activities. 2、The geographic position of 91.7%and the scale of most primary & middle schools are favorable to opening to the society. 3、The opening time of school sports fields and facilities, which have opened to the society are mainly at weekends, summer and winter vacations. Mornings and evenings come next. The participants are mostly teachers and students in the school. When it opens to the society, they are usually the residents in the neighborhood communities. All these indicate that the opening time will not affect the PE teaching and training enormously.4、At present, 92%of primary and middle schools have formulated the management measures in Suzhou, most of which are made by themselves. What’s more, the supervisors are the 93% of PE teachers and who work as a part-time job. All these show that these schools provide all the convenient sports fields and facilities. The management of opening to the society are on a medium level, thus the support and protection of government and regulations are still far from enough.5、As the school sports fields and facilities opening to the society in Suzhou primary & middle schools are usually free or at a preferential price for individuals, few of the schools can make money by opening to the public. The earnings the 97.2% of school had by opening to the society are used on the development of PE, which shows that the opening of the schools is in a relatively standardized management. Every schools capital input in the PE every year, which in turn offer a good economic support for them to open to the public.6、Nowadays the main problems of the school sports fields and facilities openingV to the society in Suzhou primary & middle schools are the damage of the sports facilities, influence on the teaching of the students and safety management. Under such circumstances, 92% of managers of the sports fields and facilities keep a positive or freely attitude.7、The school sports fields and facilities opening to the society in Suzhou primary & middle schools do more good than harm , and it is feasible for them to open to the society. Key words: Suzhou city; sports fields and facilities in Suzhou primary & middle schools; feasibility of opening Written by : Dai Jie Supervised by: Dai Jian HuiVI 目 录 1 序 言 … 1 1.1 研究背景 … 1 1.2 问题的提出 1 1.3 研究的目的和意义 … 2 1.4 研究现状 … 3 2 研究对象与研究方法 … 6 2.1 研究对象 … 6 2.2 研究方法 … 6 3 研究结果与分析 … 8 3.1 苏州市中小学体育场地向社会开放的可行性分析 8 3.1.1 中小学体育场地向社会开放硬件的可行性分析 … 8 中小学体育场地数量与质量的可行性分析 8 苏州市中小学办学规模对体育场地向社会开放的影响 … 10 中小学地理位置对体育场地开放的影响… 11 中小学体育场地资金投入的可行性分析 … 12 3.1.2 苏州市中小学体育场地的软件向社会开放的可行性分析 … 12 苏州市关于学校体育场地向社会开放的政策法规 … 12 苏州市群众体育运动情况分析 … 13 学校对体育场地向社会开放的态度分析… 14 中小学体育场地满足教学训练的情况 15 中小学体育场地管理者的情况 … 15 中小学体育场地管理规章制度情况… 16 中小学体育场地开放时间的可行性… 17 3.2 苏州市中小学体育场地开放存在的困难及解决方法探讨 … 17 3.2.1 体育场地、器材的损害问题 18 3.2.2 对学校教学和训练的影响问题… 18VII 3.2.3 学校的秩序、安全问题 18 3.2.4 收费问题 19 4 结论与建议 … 21 4.1 结论 … 21 4.2 建议 … 21 5