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石油钢管生产线搬迁改扩建项目可行性研究 ——以辽宁威尔玛 3200 管线为例 本世纪前十年,我国管道工业将会迅速发展,其发展前景一片大好,我国 将步入管道工业发达国家的行列,这广阔的前景必将为辽宁威尔玛3200石油钢 管生产线搬迁改扩建项目提供了发展契机,因此辽宁威尔玛在此时此刻对技术 扩建项目进行可行性研究就变得尤为重要和迫切。本课题的研究正是在国家管 道行业处于蓬勃发展的大背景下开展的,根据国家产业政策和企业总体发展需 要,本公司拟搬迁到达道湾工业园区,建3200石油专用钢管生产线生产螺旋缝 埋弧焊管15万吨。总之,本课题研究开展既符合国家发展的大趋势,同时也是 为辽宁威尔玛企业积极抓住发展机遇,取得经济效益和社会效益双丰收的提供 了坚实的保障。 本报告运用可行性研究的理论及方法对辽宁威尔玛集团3200石油钢管生产 线搬迁改扩建项目的进行了可行性研究,具体从市场、技术和财务可行性三个 方面进行分析和论证,并最终得出了该项目切实可行的结论,同时并对该项目 给予了一定的评价,如该改扩建项目能够提高本地区钢材深加工水平,符合国 家产业政策,市场前景好,经济效益和社会效益显著。报告通过缜密的论断与 研究,其研究成果对于其它相关企业在新上项目时进行可行性研究提供了一定 的借鉴作用,同时对于其他同类型的企业持续快速健康发展具有一定的推动和 指导意义。 可行性研究是在建设前期对工程项目的一种考察和鉴定,对拟建项目进行 全面、综合的技术经济研究和系统分析,通过技术经济论证,作出是否进行该 项目的决定(可行或不可行)的一门综合性科学,它是建设项目立项、决策的主要 依据。依据可行性研究的理论,本报告的研究大体上分为 6 章:第 1 章为绪论II 部分,主要阐述课题研究的背景,主要论述课题是在一个怎样的大环境下开展 的。接着阐述课题研究的意义,主要从企业自身的发展以及对其他企业等具有 一定借鉴这样两个方面进行阐述。之后对可行性研究理论的起源也就是国内外 研究现状进行了分析总结,主要阐述国内外关于可行性研究都有哪些专家学者 在研究,目前研究的程度如何?有什么具体的特点等。在分析总结前人的基础 上,开始论述本课题的研究内容、研究方法以及报告存在的不足之处。第 2 章 为理论研究内容,主要阐述项目可行性研究的基本理论。主要包括可行性研究 的定义、阶段划分以及主要内容和研究程序,最后重点阐述技术改扩建项目的 可行性研究的主要内容。第 3 章为报告核心内容,主要是实证分析,分析论证 威尔玛集团 3200 石油钢管生产线搬迁改扩建项目的基本概况,项目建设期、建 设规模、项目投资和项目实施的进度安排等等,为下一步的可行性研究的具体 操作提供数据保障。第 4、5、6 章为报告的分析论证部分,主要从市场、技术 和财务三个方面开展可行性研究。市场可行性分析具体体现在从焊管行业产量、 市场需求、焊管行业装备水平等多方面进行分析,明确指出本世纪以来我国焊 管行业处于飞速发展时期,同时为本项目的开展提供了市场支撑。从产品技术 水平、技术来源、技术创新能力、工艺方案、环境技术和节能技术等方面进行 技术可行性分析,本项目工艺技术采用先进的、自动化程度高的设备及技术, 其工艺技术及产品水平在国内同行业达到先进水平,同时该技术具备一定的创 新能力,最后从节能环保方面进行了可行性分析,通过测算发现本项目达产年 销售收入约 75000 万元,万元收入消耗能源折合标准煤约 17kg,项目的诸多方 面均表明其具备技术上具备可行性。最后,通过财务预算,计算年实现营业收 入、年实现利润总额、总投资收益率等财务指标,同时对项目影响因素进行不 确定性分析等均表明该项目财务上具备可行性。 综上,报告以辽宁威尔玛3200石油钢管生产线搬迁改扩建项目为研究对象, 依据技术扩建项目可行性研究理论,分析论证3200石油钢管生产线搬迁改扩建 项目在市场、技术和经济、财务上均具备合理。作者衷心希望通过这三个角度 研究能够对其它相关企业在新上项目时进行可行性研究提供了一定的借鉴作III 用,同时对于相关类型企业的持续快速健康发展具有一定的推动和指导意义。 关键词: 石油钢管,可行性研究,投资估算,财务可行性IV Abstract The Study on the 3200 Wilma Liaoning Removal of oil pipe line Expansion ProjectFeasibility The first decade of this century, China's pipeline industry will develop rapidly, and it has a good development prospects, China will enter the ranks of pipes industry developed countries , which are broad prospects for Liaoning Wilma relocation of the oil pipe production line expansion project, so conducting a feasibility study on the Liaoning Wilma expansion project at the momen become more important and urgent.The research is based on the booming pipeline industry, under the overall national industrial policy and business development needs, the Company Wilma intends to move to dadaowan Industrial Park, built 3200 oil production of special steel pipe production line Spiral buried Arc tube 15 million tons. In short, the research carried out is consistent with the trend of national development, but also for the Liaoning Wilma enterprises to actively grasp the opportunity , provide a solid double-harvest protection for achieving economic and social benefits. The paper conducted the feasibility study on liaoning wilma 3200 petroleum steel pipe production line relocation projects using feasibility study's theory and the method, made analysis and prove from three aspects such as the market, technical and the financial feasibility , and has drawn this project practical and feasible conclusion finally, simultaneously and has given certain appraisal to this project, for example ,this project would raise local steel products intensive processing level, conformed to the country industrial policy, has a good prospect in market , the economic efficiency and the social efficiency were remarkable. Paper through meticulous judgment and research, its research results set up good examples for other related enterprises when new project conducted the feasibility study ,simultaneously have a certain impetus and guidance for the other related enterprise rapid and healthy development . The feasibility study is a kind of inspection and the appraisal to theV engineering project in the construction earlier period, to conduct comprehensive, the comprehensive technical economy research and the system analysis to the projects , makes whether to carry on this project the decision (feasible or not feasible) a comprehensive science, it is the main basic items for initiating a project, the policy-making. Based on feasibility study's theory, paper's research divides into 6 chapters on the whole: The 1st chapter is the introduction part, mainly elaborated that the topic research's background, mainly elaborates the topic develops under what kind of environment. Then the research's significance follows , mainly carry on the elaboration from such two aspects: own development as well as to other enterprises profits. Afterward was also the domestic and foreign research present situation, mainly elaborated that which experts domestic and foreign had about the feasibility study in the research, at present how degree Has any concrete characteristic and so on. Based on the predecessor's foundation, starts to elaborate this topic research content, the research technique as well as the paper existence deficiency. The 2nd chapter for the fundamental research content, mainly elaborates the project feasibility study elementary theory. Mainly includes the definition, the stage division as well as the primary coverage and the research procedure, finally the key elaboration the feasibility study on the technology changing the extension projects. The 3rd chapter for the paper central content, is mainly the empirical analysis, the analysis proves wilma 3200 petroleum steel pipe production line relocation to change the extension projects the basic survey, project construction period, construction scale, project investment and project implementation progress arrangement and so on, provides the data safeguard for the next step feasibility study's concrete operations. The 4th, 5th, 6 th chapters are analysis proof part, mainly develop the feasibility study from the market, the technology and the financial three aspects, The market feasibility analysis manifests specifically from the welded pipe profession output, the market demand, the welded pipe profession equipment level and so on, pointed out explicitly since this century our country welded pipe profession has been in the swift development time, simultaneously has provided the market support for this project's development. From the product technical level, the technology originate, technological innovation ability, craft plan, environment technology and energy conservation aspects and so onVI to carry on the technical feasibility analysis, this project processing technology uses advanced, the automaticity high equipment and the technology, its processing technology and the product level achieves the advanced level in the domestic same profession, simultaneously this technology has certain innovation ability, finally has carried on the feasibility analysis from the energy conservation environmental protection aspect, through the reckoning discovered that this project reaches produces the year sales revenue the approximately 750,000,000 Yuan, ten thousand Yuan income consumption energy conversion standard coal approximately 17kg, many aspects of the project indicated that it has the feasibility in the technology . Finally, through the financial budget, fihuring the business income, total investment returns ratio, simultaneously carries on the uncertainty analysis to the project influencing factor and so on to indicate that it has the feasibility in this project finance. In the synthesis, the paper takes 3200 petroleum steel pipe production line relocation changes the extension projects Liaoning wilma as the object of study, based on the technology extension projects feasibility study theory, to analyse and prove 3200 petroleum steel pipe production line relocation to change the extension projects in the market, the technology and the economy, the finance has reasonably. The writer hope deeply through these three angle research to be a good exmple for other related enterprises impetus and guidance ,simultaneously for other related enterprises also to have certain impetus and the guiding sense. Keywords: Petroleum steel pipe; Feasibility study; Investment estimate; Financial feasibilityVII 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 选题的背景与意义 ........................................................................ 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................................................ 2 1.3 主要内容 ........................................................................................ 8 1.4 研究方法 ...................................................................................... 10 1.5 创新之处 ........................................................................................10 1.6 不足之处 ...................................................................................... 11 第 2 章 项目可行性研究理论概述..................................................... 13 2.1 可行性研究的定义 ...................................................................... 13 2.2 可行性研究的阶段划分 .............................................................. 14 2.3 可行性研究的主要内容与程序 .................................................. 16 2.4 改扩建项目可行性分析的主要内容.......................................... 21 第 3 章 石油专用钢管生产线改扩建项目概况................................. 25 3.1 项目名称及项目主要建设内容 .................................................. 25 3.2 项目实施的进度安排 .................................................................. 27 第 4 章 项目市场可行性分析............................................................. 28 4.1 我国焊管行业分析 ...................................................................... 28 4.2 大口径焊管的市场分析 .............................................................. 31 4.3 本企业在同行业中的地位及竞争对手分析.............................. 31 第 5 章 项目技术可行性分析............................................................. 33 5.1 产品技术水平及技术来源 .......................................................... 33 5.2 企业的技术创新能力分析 .......................................................... 33 5.3 工艺方案与设备方案 .................................................................. 34VIII 5.4 总图土建方案 .............................................................................. 38 5.5 公用工程方案 .............................................................................. 40 5.6 环境技术 ...................................................................................... 42 5.7 主要原材料消耗分析 .................................................................. 44 5.8 节能技术分析 .............................................................................. 45 第 6 章 项目的财务可行性分析......................................................... 47 6.1 投资规模估算和资金筹措 .......................................................... 47 6.2 投资计划与融资方案 .................................................................. 49 6.3 财务分析及社会效益分析 .......................................................... 49 结 论 ................................................................................................. 60