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石家庄是一个严重缺水的城市,全市人均水资源量为 246m 3 /a,仅为 全国平均人均水平的 1/8,低于国际公认的 500 m 3 /a 的极度贫水标准,属 于绝对贫水区,水资源的缺乏已经成为石家庄市社会经济可持续发展的瓶 颈。长期以来,石家庄市区供水的 90%都依赖地下水,地下水支撑着石家 庄市国民经济的发展。但是,由于对地下水的过量开采,近年来,石家庄 市地下水位以 2m/a 的速度下降,导致了一系列的社会、经济和生态环境 问题。 利用北调江水和石家庄滹沱河地区的地下水漏斗(也称地下水库)进 行地下水调蓄,能够缓解石家庄市水资源紧张的局面,从一定程度上解决 由地下水位下降所引起的社会、经济和生态环境问题。 但是,在石家庄滹沱河地区进行地下水补给的工程技术可行性需要进 一步的研究,其中包括,1. 石家庄市滹沱河地区的水文地质条件是否适宜 进行地下水补给;2.北调江水的水质如何,如果补给到地下,是否会污染 地下水;3.本文采用的土地快速渗滤系统(RI 系统)能否有效的处理北调 江水。 本文详细的分析了将来的回灌地—滹沱河(石家庄段)河滩的水文地 质条件,做了土地快速渗滤系统(简称 RI 系统)去除北调江水中 NH 4 + 和 NO 3 - 的模拟实验,并利用前人的研究成果对 RI 系统去除 COD 和大肠杆菌 的可行性进行了论证。得出以下三点结论, 1. 石家庄滹沱河地区的水文地质条件有利于进行地下水回灌,其 地下水漏斗的体积完全有能力承担北调江水的补给。 2. 大多数时段北调江水中除了大肠杆菌超过石家庄市滹沱河地区 地下水以外,其它因子都不超标,只要采取简单措施去除大肠 杆菌,可以直接补给到地下。少数时段北调江水中 NH 4 + 、NO 3 - 、 COD 和大肠杆菌超过当地地下水,必须经过一定的处理才能补 给到地下。 3. 在滹沱河河滩利用 RI 系统处理北调江水方便可行,能有效的去除北调江水中的 NH 4 + 、NO 3 - 、COD 和大肠杆菌。 由以上三点得出,利用北调江水补充滹沱河地下水在技术上是完全可行的。 在得出技术上可行的结论后,本文在详细分析上述研究成果的基础上, 结合滹沱河河滩上的砂土岩性、现有的人工采砂坑等情况,确定了一套经济的、 方便可行的、符合滹沱河河滩实际情况的北调江水回灌补给地下水的方 案,对以后此类利用地表水补给地下水问题具有一定的理论和实际指导意 义。 关键词,地下水补给 水文地质条件 土地快速渗滤系统 滹沱河地下水Abstract Shijiazhuang is terribly short of water, average water volume is 246m 3 /a per person ,only one eighth of that of the nation and lower than 500 m 3 /a which is recognized as the criterion of being extremely short of water in the world. Lack of water has been the bottleneck of Shijiazhuang’s sustainable development of social economy. For a long time, 90% of the water needed in Shijiazhuang is supplied by groundwater, groundwater sustains the development of the city. Meanwhile, because of the excessive exploitation of groundwater, its level is descending at a speed of 2m/a in recent years, which has caused a series of social, economic and environmental problems. Recharging Shijiazhuang’s Hutuo River groundwater funnel with the water from Changjiang River can relieve the tense situation of water lack and can at some degree solve the problems caused by groundwater level descending. But the technical feasibility of recharging the groundwater with Changjiang River in Hutuo River district needs researching, it includes: 1. Wether the hydrogeological condition in Shijiazhuang Hutuo River district is fit for groundwater recharge; 2. How is the quality of water from Changjiang River, wether it will pollute the groundwater in Hutuo River district if directly recharge it into the groundwater. 3.Wether rapid infiltration system(RI system) can effectively cleanse polluted water from Changjiang River. The article analyses hydrogeological condition of the future recharge field-Hutuo River shoal in detail, does the simulating experiment of managing NH 4 + and NO 3 - in the water from Changjiang River by RI system, and demonstrates the feasibility of managing COD and coliform by RI system with existing research production by other scholars. Finally, three conclusions are reached: 1. The hydrogeological condition of Shijiazhuang Hutuo River district is fit for groundwater recharge, its volume of groundwater funnel is large enough for water from Changjiang River.2. In most water from Changjiang River, only coliform’ density excesses that of groundwater in Shijiazhuang Hutuo River district, as long as managing the coliform with simple measures, the water can be recharged into groundwater directly. But in a small quantity of water, the density of NH 4 + , NO 3 - ,COD and coliform excesses the local groundwater greatly, the water must be managed before being recharged into groundwater. 3. It is convenient and feasible to manage the water from Changjiang River with RI system, and it can eliminate NH 4 + 、NO 3 - 、COD and colifrom effectively in the water from Changjiang River. According to above three conclusions, we can prove that it is technically feasible to manage the water from Changjiang River with RI system. After reaching the conclusion of being feasible, on the basis of above research production and combining the sand lithology, existing artificial sand pit on Hutuo River shoal, the article put forward a water recharge project that is economical, feasible and fit for practical condition of Hutuo River shoal, which is of guide significance on theory and practice for the problems of groundwater recharge with surface water. Keyword groundwater recharge hydrogeological condition rapid infiltration system Hutuo River groundwater目录 摘要 第一章 绪论1 第一节 选题意义1 第二节 国内外发展现状…2 第三节 研究内容、研究思路和研究方法…15 第二章 研究区水文地质概况17 第一节 地层岩性17 第二节 地下库容19 第三节 进行地面入渗补给场地的确定19 第三章 利用 RI 系统处理北调江水的可行性研究…22 第一节 北调江水的水质分析…22 第二节 利用 RI 系统去除 NH 4 + 和 NO 3 - 的实验研究24 第三节 RI 系统对 COD 及大肠杆菌的去除可行性研究…36 第四节 RI 系统处理北调江水的可行性研究结论39 第四章 利用北调江水补充滹沱河地下水的工程技术建议方案…40 第一节 北调江水中 NH 4 + 和 NO 3 - 的净化去除方案40 第二节 利用北调江水补充滹沱河地下水的工程技术建议方案…42 第五章 结论、存在的问题及其建议42 第一节 结论42 第二节 存在的问题及其建议…43