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进入 21 世纪,中国的经济型酒店随着中国旅游业的迅速发展进入了新一轮快 速发展时期。国际有名的经济型品牌酒店也随之陆续进中国市场入,如雅高集团的 宜必思(Ibis)、圣达特集团的速 8(Super 8)等,都纷纷进入了中国市场。同时, 中国本土的品牌经济型酒店也抓住机会进入了快速发展期,例如中国的锦江之星和 如家快捷等。在国内经济型酒店快速发展的趋势下,一些区域性的小型经济连锁酒 店也抓住时机迅速发展了起来,但是却面临着管理力量薄弱、资金运营不畅及人员 流失严重等的问题,因此,区域性经济酒店要想在国内外品牌经济酒店的重围下快 速发展起来,区域性经济型酒店的管理制度特别是人力资源的绩效考核管理就显得 尤为重要。如何加强员工管理提高企业员工的工作绩效,就成为区域性经济型酒店 发展的重中之重。 坤逸酒店集团是一家立足于西北五省的区域性经济连锁酒店,该公司成立于 2012 年,目前有员工 300 余人,单体酒店 12 家,除了一家单体酒店在西安外,经 营区域主要集中在甘肃地区,该企业自成立以来绩效考核的问题就一直是困扰着管 理者的主要问题之一。 本文通过对坤逸酒店集团现有的绩效考核体系进行深入的调查与分析,发现了 其在现行的绩效考核方案中存在的考核指标、考核流程、考核方法、考核结果反馈 及应用等方面的问题。在对其现行的绩效考核方案存在的问题进行分析的同时,结 合绩效考核的相关理论知识,在坤逸酒店集团现有的绩效考核方案的基础上,结合 基层员工的特点,以“前厅接待”岗位为例,优化了一套针对基层员工各个岗位特 点的绩效考核方案。本文首先阐述了研究的背景、现状及研究方法和研究内容;其 次,对分析问题时所引用的相关理论进行了阐释;第三,在调查坤逸酒店集团基层 员工绩效考核体系现状的同时,结合相关理论,分析其存在的主要问题。第四,对 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核体系中存在的问题进行了一系列的分析并在此基 础上提出了相应的绩效考核优化方案;第五,提出了坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考 核优化方案实施的保障措施;最后,提出了本文的结论与展望。 关键词:绩效考核,坤逸酒店集团,优化方案兰州大学硕士学位论文 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核方案优化研究 II RESEARCH ON OPTIMIZING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SCHEME FOR EMPLOYEES OF KUNYI HOTEL GROUP Abstract In the 21st century, with the rapid development of China's tourism industry, China's economic hotels have entered a new round of rapid development period. The world's famous economic hotel brands, such as Ibis of Accor Group, Super 8 of St. Date Group and Days Inn, have also entered the Chinese market. At the same time, China's local economic hotel brands have entered a period of rapid development, such as China's Jinjiang Star and Home Express. Under the trend of rapid development of domestic economic hotels, some regional small economic hotel chains have seized the opportunity to develop rapidly, but they are facing the problems of weak management, poor capital operation and serious loss of personnel. Therefore, if regional economic hotels want to develop rapidly under the encirclement of domestic and foreign brand economic hotels, regional economic hotels will develop rapidly. The management system, especially the performance appraisal management of human resources, is particularly important. How to strengthen staff management and improve the performance of employees has become the top priority in the development of regional economic hotels. Kunyi Hotel Group is a regional economic hotel chain based on five northwest provinces. It was founded in 2012. At present, there are more than 300 employees and 12 single hotels. Apart from a single hotel in Xi'an, the management area is mainly concentrated in Gansu. Since its establishment, the problem of performance appraisal has been one of the main problems plaguing managers. Based on the in-depth investigation and analysis of the existing performance appraisal system of Kunyi Hotel Group, this paper finds out the problems existing in the current performance appraisal scheme, such as appraisal index, appraisal process, appraisal method, feedback and application of appraisal results. On the basis of the existing performance appraisal scheme of Kunyi Hotel Group and the characteristics of the staff, a set of performance appraisal schemes aiming at the characteristics of the staff were optimized, taking the Front Office Reception post as an example, while兰州大学硕士学位论文 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核方案优化研究 III analyzing the problems existing in its current performance appraisal scheme, combining with the relevant theoretical knowledge of performance appraisal and based on the existing performance appraisal scheme of Kunyi Hotel Group. Firstly, this paper elaborates the research background, current situation, research methods and research contents; secondly, it explains the relevant theories cited in the analysis of problems; thirdly, it analyses the main problems of the performance appraisal system of the staff of Kunyi Hotel Group combined with relevant theories while investigating the current situation of the performance appraisal system of the staff of Kunyi Hotel Group. Fourthly, this paper makes a series of analysis on the problems existing in the performance appraisal system of the staff of Kunyi Hotel Group and puts forward corresponding optimization schemes for performance appraisal. Fifthly, it puts forward the system guarantee for the implementation of the optimization scheme for the staff performance appraisal of Kunyi Hotel Group. Finally, it puts forward the conclusions and prospects of the article. Key words: performance appraisal,Kunyi Hotel Group,optimization scheme兰州大学硕士学位论文 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核方案优化研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ 第一章 引言 ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景 ....................................................1 1.2 研究意义 ....................................................2 1.3 研究内容与思路 ..............................................3 第二章 相关理论综述 ............................................................................................ 7 2.1 绩效管理与绩效考核 ..........................................7 2.2 绩效考核的主要方法 ..........................................8 2.3 PDCA 管理理论 ..............................................11 2.4 SMART 原则 .................................................12 第三章 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核现状及问题分析 .............. 13 3.1 坤逸酒店集团简介 ...........................................13 3.2 坤逸酒店集团人力资源管理概况 ...............................13 3.3 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核体系现行方案 ...................17 3.4 坤逸酒店集团基层员工现行绩效考核体系满意度调查及数据分析 ...20 3.5 坤逸酒店集团基层员工现行绩效考核体系实地调研与分析 .........27 3.6 坤逸酒店集团基层员工现行的绩效考核体系存在的问题 ...........32 第四章 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核优化方案 ............................. 38 4.1 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核方案优化的目标 .................38 4.2 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核方案优化的原则 .................38 4.3 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核方案优化的内容 .................39 4.4 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核方案优化的结果 .................50 第五章 坤逸酒店集团绩效考核优化方案的保障 .................................. 53兰州大学硕士学位论文 坤逸酒店集团基层员工绩效考核方案优化研究 V 5.1 加强对基层员工绩效考核相关理论的培训 .......................53 5.2 建立绩效考核的长效机制 .....................................53 5.3 推广 PDCA 理论的应用,强化考核的监督管理 ....................54 第六章 结束语 ......................................................................................................... 55 6.1 主要内容及结论 .............................................55 6.2 研究展望 ...................................................56