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中文摘要 绩效管理是人力资源管理与开发的核心,也是电信企业管理的重要内容之 一。本文运用管理学等理论,使用文献检索法、调研法、访谈法、理论结合实践 法对绩效管理的理论和方法进行了分析和评价。并以绩效评价为研究对象,对当 前竞争格局下电信行业对于人力资源需求的特点进行了分析;并对当前电信行业 实施绩效评价过程中常见问题进行诊断,指出当前电信行业在绩效评价认识、绩 效评价实施过程及绩效评价实施者方面的问题导致绩效评价体系实施效率低下。 再以东莞电信公司作为研究实体,对绩效管理进行了研究及探讨,分析了它的现 状及存在的问题,并在此基础上结合研究的理论模型以及电信行业绩效评价现 状,设计东莞电信绩效考核体系,绩效考核体系采用以结果为导向、以素质和行 为过程管控为基础,并通过结果的衡量和评价,以及过程的管控,推动素质的提 高和行为的改进,保障个人目标和企业目标得以达成,而且绩效管理按照人事管 理权限实行分级管理、下管一级,并且按部门绩效、经理人员绩效和个人绩效来 进行考评,而且把绩效管考评结果运用到绩效工资分配、岗位绩效评价、人事决 策、员工的职业发展、培训、薪酬管理以及人事研究等多项工作中去,文章提出 绩效工资首先按部门绩效完成情况进行相互挤占,再按个人关键指标完成情况在 部门内进行相互挤占。本文在实证研究基础上对进一步完善我国电信行业绩效评 价体系进行深层次思考,指出本文研究的实践意义、主要贡献和局限性,并提出 今后研究的方向。 关键字,关键绩效指标 电信 绩效管理 公平感 整体绩效ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Management performance is not only the core of human resource & developing, but also main element of telecome enterprise management This article analyses and review the theory and method of managing performance based on theoretics of literature search, communication, integration theory with practice. The research focused on the performance, analysing characteristics of human resource under competitive pattern of current telecom industry, and diagnose the common problem of the review of managing performance,pointing out the problem which during study & proceeding and the promoter lead to low efficiency of evaluation performance. Then take Dongguan Telecom as target to further study management performance, analysing currently situation and exist problem together with the model of theory and the cuttently situation of review on evaluation performance, design structure of Dongguan Telecom evaluation performance which build result as direction, diathesis and control of process as foundation, then through analysing & review on result and the control of process to promotly improve diathesis and manners, favor to achievement on personal and enterprise purpose. Otherwise evaluation performance will follow power limit of human resource management to managing next level and practice in every department, manager ,personal and the result will be use in salary, title, human resource decision, direction of employee development, training, management of man power and so on. This article pointing out evaluation performance should base on compare of department’s finished status. Then futher compare with thepersonality’s finished status. This article make deep review on the further improved the structure of Chinese Telecom evaluation performance which base on the actual action means,main contribution and limitation,and the direction of future research. Key words: key performance indicator Telecom Management performance Justification General performance目录 -1- 目录 第一章 导 论.......................................................1 1.1 研究背景及选题意义 ..........................................1 1.2 研究内容与研究方法...........................................2 第二章 绩效评价的发展动态及理论流派的比较研究.......................6 2.1 绩效评价相关概念 ............................................6 2.2 绩效评价理论模式的比较研究..................................10 2.3 绩效评价在现代人力资源管理中的作用 .........................18 第三章 绩效评价在我国电信行业的实施................................21 3.1 我国电信业的发展 ...........................................21 3.2 我国电信行业对人力资源的特殊要求 ...........................25 3.3 我国电信行业目前绩效评价实施过程诊断 .......................27 第四章 绩效评价方案设计............................................32 4.1 绩效评价改革的目标和宗旨 ...................................32 4.2 绩效考核体系规划原则........................................32 4.3 绩效考核体系设计............................................33 4.4 绩效考核体系模版............................................42 4.5 绩效考核结果应用............................................50 第五章 东莞电信分公司绩效评价改革方案的实施 ......................56 5.1 东莞市电信分公司的基本情况..................................56 5.2 东莞市电信分公司的绩效评价存在的问题 .......................56 5.3 东莞市电信分公司的绩效评价改革方案 .........................58 5.4 东莞市电信分公司的绩效评价改革方案实施 .....................73 5.5 电信分公司的绩效评价改革方案的成效 .........................74 第六章 对我国电信行业绩效评价的进一步思考 ........................75 6.1 从奖惩报酬到培养发展制定绩效评价方案........................75 6.2 从“综合抽象”到“工作绩效”制定绩效评价方案................76 6.3 从重视中间到重视两头制定绩效评价方案........................76 6.4 从单维模型到双维模型制定绩效评价方案........................76 6.5 从人力资源部负责到全公司参与制定绩效评价方案................77 6.6 从短期财务指标到长期战略制定绩效评价方案....................78目录 -2-