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随着中国通讯行业的迅猛发展,仅仅依靠营业厅数量增长已经不足以满足客 户对于移动信息服务的需求,通讯业营业场所的服务和运营能力升级已成为企业 管理实践中的重要课题。 本文以中国移动湖北公司营业厅客户排队管理优化过程为研究对象。运用流 程再造、排队论等理论,借助相关工具,对营业厅客户排队现状展开分析和诊断, 遵循流程再造(BPR)理论架构思路,依据“活动-流程-组织”的顺序逐层递推 客户排队管理优化的具体方案,并从营业厅服务流程、人员排班、营业厅功能分 区、建立持续优化机制这四个方面逐一展开,制定科学合理的优化策略。 论文也就实施营业厅客户排队管理优化的保障措施做了配套设计,包括,建 立营业厅管理提升项目团队、IT 系统支撑、人员培训及团队建设、规划并增加 营业厅网点等措施,并建立了持续改进的跟踪评估体系,确保排队管理优化的成 效得以沉淀和巩固。 本研究希望通过营业厅客户排队管理优化项目在公司内部的推进,总结市场 前端流程优化项目的成功经验,探索公司服务流程、管理流程优化的有效方法, 力图为公司实施后端管理机制优化提供参照。 关键词,移动通讯,营业厅,客户排队,管理,优化设计,效果评价兰州大学硕士学位论文 中国移动湖北公司营业厅客户排队管理优化研究 III Research on Customer Queuing Management Optimizing of Business Hall in China Mobile Group Hubei Co.,Ltd Abstract With the rapid development of China's communications industry, relying solely on the growth of the number of business offices has not been enough to meet customer demand for Mobile information services, communications industry service and operational capacity upgrade has become an important issue in the practice of enterprise management. This paper takes the optimization process of customer queuing management in the business Hall of China Mobile Communication Group Hubei Co., Ltd. Using the theory of process reengineering and queuing theory, with the help of relevant tools, this paper analyzes and diagnoses the current situation of customer queuing in Business hall, follows the idea of process reengineering (BPR) theory, and pushes the specific scheme of customer queuing management optimization According to the order of activity-process-organization, and from the Business Hall service flow, personnel scheduling,Business Hall functional zoning, the establishment of continuous optimization mechanism of these four aspects of each, to develop a scientific and reasonable optimization strategy. The paper also made a supporting plan for the implementation of the guarantee measures for the optimization of customer queuing management in business offices, including: establishing Business Hall management to improve the project team, IT system support, personnel training and team building, planning and increasing the branch office network and other measures, and set up a continuous improvement of the tracking and evaluation system.Ensure that the effectiveness of queuing management optimization is precipitated and consolidated. This research hopes that through the business Hall Customer Queuing management optimization project in the company's internal promotion, summed up the market front-end Process optimization Project successful experience, explore the company's service process, management process optimization of effective methods, and strive to provide the company with the implementation of back-end management兰州大学硕士学位论文 中国移动湖北公司营业厅客户排队管理优化研究 IV mechanism optimization provides reference. Keywords: Mobile communication,Business hall, Customer queuing, Management ,Optimizing ,Impact assessment兰州大学硕士学位论文 中国移动湖北公司营业厅客户排队管理优化研究 V 目 录 中文摘要................................................II Abstract................................................ III 第一章 绪论 .............................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义..............................................1 1.2 研究内容、研究方法与论文框架................................3 第二章 相关理论与分析工具 ...............................6 2.1 流程再造理论................................................6 2.2 排队论......................................................9 2.3 客户感知服务质量理论.......................................11 2.4 相关分析工具...............................................12 第三章 中国移动湖北公司营业厅客户排队现状分析 ..........13 3.1 企业简介...................................................13 3.2 营业厅管理与排队流程描述...................................13 3.3 营业厅客户排队现状分析.....................................15 3.4 营业厅客户排队管理存在问题的诊断...........................22 第四章 中国移动湖北公司营业厅排队管理优化方案 ..........24 4.1 营业厅服务流程优化方案....................................24 4.2 基于排队管理模型的人员排班优化方案........................28 4.3 营业厅功能分区优化方案....................................34 4.4 确立服务流程持续优化机制..................................35 第五章 中国移动湖北公司营业厅排队管理优化方案实施与评估 38 5.1 制订营业厅排队管理优化方案实施的保障措施..................38 5.2 优化方案实施初步效果评估..................................41 5.3 优化方案实施历程回顾......................................43兰州大学硕士学位论文 中国移动湖北公司营业厅客户排队管理优化研究 VI 第六章 结论与展望 ......................................44 6.1 主要结论..................................................44 6.2 不足与展望................................................45