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本翻译报告以建筑工程英标规范第二章混凝土的翻译实例为材料,以弗米尔的翻译 目的论为理论依据,探讨翻译工程类规范过程中遇到的一些实际问题,来寻求提高工程 类规范译本质量的方案。 工程类规范的语言逻辑性强、层次清楚、重点明确;另外,工程类规范手册包含较 多的专业术语。基于以上特点,工程类规范手册想要实现0标功能,就必须保证译本的 可懂、可读以及可接受性。由于英汉两种语言的差异和工程类规范文本的专业性,译者 需要在翻译过程中解决很多问题,将原文信息有效、完整地传达给译文读者。 弗米尔的翻译目的论认为,在翻译中原文只是信息的载体,真正左右译者翻译的是 译文的受众和翻译的0的。弗米尔提出翻译的三个原则,即语内连贯、语际连贯和曰的 原则。翻译目的论注重对译文功能的实现,十分适用于非文学翻译,对工程规范的翻译 有很大的指导作用一。本报告从语内连贯、语际连贯和目的原则来探讨工程规范翻译的实 际问题。 本报告第一章简要介绍建筑工程英标规范的情况;第二章阐述翻译0的论对工程规 范翻译的指导作用;第三章从语内连贯、语际连贯和目的原则三点探讨翻译时遇到的问 题,提出了在常用词汇选义、理清逻辑关系、专业术语翻译和加强语气、突出重点等方 面提高工程类规范翻译译本质量的具体方案;第四章总结全文。 关键词:工程规范翻译质量翻译目的论 > Abstract This translation report discusses the problems encountered when translating Chapter 2 Concrete of British Specification of Constructional Engineering.With Vermeer's Skopostheorie as the theoretical foundation, the author seeks ways to improve the quality of engineering specification ft-anslation. Engineering specification usually uses formal expressions with strong logical relations. The content of engineering specification is related to an area of expertise and have many technical terms. Thus the translator needs to fully understand the original text and deliver the information effectively to receptors of the translated text. In Vermeer's Scopostheorie, the original text is just the source of information. What matters the most to translation is the purpose of translation and the receptor of the translated text. He comes up with three rules for translation: the skopos rule,the coherence rule and the fidelity rule. Skopostheorie applys to non-literary translation, and provides valuable guidance for engineering specifications translation. Therefore, this report analyses translation problems based on Vermeer's three rules. Part I of this report introduces the British Specification of Constructional Engineering*, Part II is the theoretical framework, which explores characteristics of engineering specification translation, gives details about Skopostheorie, and points out its instructive significance to engineering specifications translation; Part III illustrates the problems encountered in this translation project and specifically works on translation of commonly-used words and jargons, clarifying logical relations and stressing key points to enhance the quality of engineering specification translation based on Vermeer's three rules. Key words: Engineering Specification Translation, Quality, Skopostheorie 目 录 章弓I* -1 1.1建筑工程英标规范简介 -1 1.2研究目的及意义 -1 第二章理论框架 - 2 2.1工程类规范翻译的特点 -.2 2.2翻译B的论对工程类规范翻译的指导作用 -2 2.2.1对翻译目的论三个原则的理解 -2 2.2.2三个原则对工程类规范翻译的指导作用 -2 第三章“混凝土”翻译问题分析 - 4 3.1语内连贯 —4 3.1.1常用词汇选义 4 3.1.2理清逻辑关系 - 4 3.2语际连贯 -5 3.3 0的原则 -7 第四章结语 -9