首页 > 资料专栏 > HRM > 人力资源 > 人力综合 > SL热水器公司员工绩效考核体系实施方案改进研究



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随着经济全球化进程的加快,在企业管理方面不断涌现出新的经营模式、经营方法, 其中越来越多的企业逐渐认识到人力资本在企业管理过程中的重要作用,伴随着企业界 和学界对人力资本、人力资源认识的不断深入,相关的人力资源方面的理论也在不断发 展和完善,理论的进一步发展也推动了人力资源管理的实践得以进一步进行,而绩效考 核作为人力资源的基础和重要内容必然会起到非常重要的作用,为企业战略目标的实现 奠定良好的基础。 本文首先对绩效考核的相关理论进行了阐述,主要涉及绩效考核的基本概念、考核 标准、原则、方法以及考核结果的反馈与改进和考核的影响因素;其次,在对绩效考核 的相关理论进行分析的基础上,介绍了当前SL热水器公司员工绩效考核体系的现状, 主要包括公司现状、绩效考核体系的现状,并深入剖析了 SL热水器公司绩效考核存在 的问题以及问题背后的深层次原因;然后,从绩效考核体系设计的目的、原则入手,步 步深入,对SL热水器公司的员工绩效考核体系进行了整体改进;改进的员工绩效考核 体系能否在企业内部真正实现落地,关键在于考核体系落实过程中能够得到有力的保 障;最后,对全文进行了总结,提出了本报告的主要结论。 本文在研究员工绩效考核的过程中,注重从企业整体战略的高度分析有效地员工绩 效考核体系对公司发展的重要作用,在员工绩效考核体系设计的过程中也重点强调企业 全员在绩效考核体系实施过程中的观念、组织和制度作用。本文对员工绩效考核体系的 设计不是针对全员宏观的一刀切,而是结合企业生产经营的特点,对企业员工进行了细 分,然后制订了针对性的绩效考核标准,从而使构建员工绩效考核体系在系统的基础上 更具体、更具有针对性。 【关键词】员工绩效考核体系改进方案保障措施 【研究类型】应用研究 Title: SL Water Heater Company Implementing SLcheme to Improve SLtaff Performance AppraiSLal SLySLtem SLpecialty: EMBA Name: Liang Peng Fei Tutor:Guo Jun Hua SLignature: SLignature: u>rJU^vc^-' Abstract With the SLpeeding up of economic globalization, the conSLtantly emerge in the enterpriSLe management new mode of operation, management method, in which more and more enterpriSLeSL gradually realize the important role in the proceSLSL of human capital in enterpriSLe management, with the buSLineSLSL community and academia the deepening of the underSLtanding of human capital, human reSLourceSL, human reSLourceSL related theory haSL been developed and improved, the further development of the theory and the practice of human reSLource management to further, and performance appraiSLal aSL a baSLic and important content of human reSLourceSL will play a very important role, lay a good foundation for the enterpriSLe SLtrategic target realization. ThiSL article firSLt expoundSL the related theory of performance appraiSLal, mainly involveSL the baSLic concept of performance appraiSLal, evaluation SLtandard, principle, method and the feedback of the aSLSLeSLSLment reSLultSL and the influence factorSL of improvement and aSLSLeSLSLment; SLecond, in the performance appraiSLal on the baSLiSL of the analySLiSL of related theorieSL, thiSL paper introduceSL the current SL the preSLent SLituation of the water heater company SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem, mainly includeSL the company preSLent SLituation, the preSLent SLituation of the performance appraiSLal SLySLtem, and analySLeSL the water heater company SL problemSL of performance appraiSLal and the profound reaSLonSL behind the problem; Then, from the purpoSLe of performance evaluation SLySLtem deSLign, principle, SLtep by SLtep, to SL water heater company SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem to carry on the overall improvement; Can improve SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem within the enterpriSLe truly fall to the ground, the key lieSL in examination SLySLtem to carry out the proceSLSL to get effective guarantee; Finally, the full text iSL SLummarized, the main concluSLionSL of thiSL paper iSL preSLented. In the proceSLSL of reSLearch SLtaff performance appraiSLal, thiSL paper focuSL on the analySLiSL from the height of the enterpriSLe overall SLtrategy effectively SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem to the important role for the development of the company, in the proceSLSL of SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem deSLign alSLo emphaSLizeSL that enterpriSLeSL in the performance appraiSLal SLySLtem of the whole idea, organization, and SLySLtem function in the proceSLSL of implementation. In thiSL paper, the deSLign of SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem iSL not one SLize fitSL all againSLt the overall macro, but according to the characteriSLticSL of the enterpriSLe production and management of enterpriSLe SLtaff SLegment, and then the correSLponding performance evaluation SLtandardSL, which build employee performance evaluation SLySLtem on the baSLiSL of the SLySLtem iSL more concrete, more targeted. 【Key wordSL 】SLtaff performance ;appraiSLal SLySLtem; improvement program ; SLafeguardSL 【ReSLearch Type】 Applied SLtudy iii 目录 1 雜 1 1.1选题背景 1 1.2研究意义 2 1.3石if究思路、内容 5 1.4研究方法 6 1.5本文可能的创新之处 6 2绩效考核理论综述 8 2.1绩效考核的基本概念 8 2.2绩效考核的标准 9 2.3绩效考核坚持的原则 11 2.4绩效考核的具体方法 12 2.5绩效考核结果的反馈与改进 14 3 SL热水器公司员工绩效考核体系现状与分析 15 3.1 SL热水器公司现状 15 3.2 SL热水器公司员工绩效考核现状 19 3.3 SL热水器公司员工绩效考核存在的问题及原因分析 20 4 SL热水器公司员工绩效考核体系实施方案的改进 23 4.1绩效考核体系实施方案改进的目的 23 4.2实施方案改进应坚持的的原则 24 4.3.建立科学合理的绩效考核体系实施方案 25 5 SL热水器公司员工绩效考核再设计后实施的保障 34 5.1思想保障 34 5.2组织保障 35 5.3制度保障 36 ^ it 39