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长春市农业银行目标绩效管理方案优化研究 着眼于市场化、国际化、多元化,面对激烈的市场竞争,员工的需求与发 展、客户日益多样化的需求,长春市农业银行已经开始重视战略目标的发展, 从战略的高度、从长远发展的视角制定经营管理战略。长春市农业银行关注选 择合适的绩效管理方法来对银行内部各机构、各部门、各员工的业绩进行考核 和管理,调动员工的积极性,从而为银行战略目标的实现创造条件。由于目标 可以使所期望的绩效类型和水平变得更加明确,使得目标能够提高员工的绩效 水平,目标管理通过确定目标、制定目标、分解目标、落实措施、安排进度、 组织实施、考核等企业自我控制手段来达到管理目的。为考核和管理全行各机 构、各部门、各员工的绩效水平,长春市农业银行建立了目标绩效管理体系, 积极培育以业绩为导向的绩效管理文化,以期促进全行绩效的提升,增强市场 竞争力。然而,经过访谈各层级员工发现目标绩效管理实施细则,收效甚微, 未充分体现目标绩效管理的价值,因此,本研究是在长春市农业银行试行了将 近一年后,从理论上进行研究,探究目前出现的问题并进行分析,以期得到结 论,为长春市农业银行更好的采用目标绩效管理的方法进行绩效管理,有效的 进行绩效考核,充分调动员工积极性,为组织战略发展做出贡献。 本研究首先对目标管理和绩效管理理论进行了梳理,指出了目标绩效管理 的理论意义和实践意义,并提出了基于目标管理的绩效管理方法和流程。然后 介绍了长春市农业银行的目标管理现状,系统地分析了长春市农业银行目标绩 效管理计划中存在的问题和原因,根据分析的结果,制订出目标管理计划访谈 提纲,并对长春市农业银行各部门的各级别的员工进行了访谈。访谈发现原有 的目标绩效管理计划暴露出未进行战略目标的层层分解、各机构、各部门、各 岗位目标不明确,计划制订流程不够科学与规范,未进行绩效辅导、及时沟通II 交流及反馈,目标计划评估指标单一,目标计划完成考评不够客观公正以及目 标计划实施与监督不够有力,绩效结果应用情况不佳等问题。根据访谈结果, 对长春市农业银行目标管理计划的原则、部门考评、员工考评以及计划的组织 管理与监督进行了论证与设计。为解决以上问题,本文探讨在目标管理理论与 关键绩效指标法的有效融合,为长春市农行设计一套注重目标管理的 KPI 考核 体系,并分别对机构、部门、员工进行关键业绩和关键行为能力的考核,对《中 国农业银行长春分行目标绩效管理实施细则》进行了修改,遵照绩效计划、绩 效辅导、绩效考核和绩效应用四个步骤,提出了基于目标管理的机构绩效管理、 部门绩效管理和员工绩效管理。与原体系相比,新体系实现了组织战略目标与 机构目标、部门目标以及员工目标的一致性,注重绩效体系的设计流程的完整 性。以期依据层层分解的目标有效的测量机构、部门以及员工的绩效水平,从 而进一步有效的激励和管理员工。最终得到结论,部门未来的目标绩效管理计 划的进一步完善,需要更广泛的员工参与。 关键字: 目标管理,绩效管理,关键绩效指标III Abstract Optimization Research on Performance Management Program by Objectives for Changchun Branch of Agricultural Bank of China Changchun Branch of Agricultural Bank of China has begun to pay attention to the development of strategic objectives , because of the marketization, internationalization, diversification, fierce market competition, employees' demand and development, and customers' increasingly diverse needs. It had to pay close attention to formulate management strategy from a strategic height and a long-term perspective. Banks need to focus on the importance of strategic human resource management, and should choose the appropriate performance management approach towards banking agencies, departments, staff performance appraisal and management, to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, thereby creating the conditions for realization of the Bank's strategic objectives. Because the target can make the performance type and the level of expected become more clear, make the goal to improve the performance level of employees, management by objectives can achieve goals by goal confirming, goal setting, goal decomposition, implementation measures, schedule, organization and implementation, assessment of enterprise self control. To regulate and strengthen of performance management of the working goals, Changchun Branch of Agricultural Bank of China has built effective performance management system and cultivated a performance-oriented performance management culture actively to promote the improvement of Bank performance and enhance market competitiveness. However, after interviewing with the staff in Bank, it is found that the objective performance management system got little achievement and did not reflect the great value of it. This paper first gives a brief introduction of the theory of management byIV objectives and performance management; points out the theory and practical significance of objective of performance management, and puts forward the performance management method and process based on objective management. This research is based on the sample of the headquarters of Changchun Branch, analyses the problems and reasons existing in the program of performance management by objectives systematically. It is found that he old program of performance management by objectives exposed that Layers that are not strategic goal decomposition, Agencies, departments, job target is not clear; the process of formulating program is unscientific; there is no performance counseling, timely communication and feedback; the indicators of objectives program is too simple, the evaluation of the fulfill of the program is not objective and fair, and the implement and control of the program is not powerful; poor application performance results etc. Based on the result of this analysis, this paper discusses the effective fusion in target management theory and key performance index method for Changchun City bank, designs a set of goal oriented management of KPI appraisal system, and assesses the the key performance and behavior of agencies, departments, staff respectively. This research verifies and designs the rule of program, the evaluation of department, the evaluation of staffs and the organization, management and control of program. This research aims to address above issues, and is based on the performance evaluation of objective management of the agricultural Bank of China branch in Jilin province targeted performance management regulations were modified, and the resulting conclusions. At the same time, this research further indicates that the improvement of program of performance management by objectives needs staffs participating broadly. Key words: Management by Objectives; Performance Management; Key performance indicatorsV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ........................................................................................ 1 1.2 研究意义 ........................................................................................ 2 1.3 研究内容 ........................................................................................ 3 第 2 章 长春市农行目标绩效管理现状评析......................................... 5 2.1 目标绩效管理概论 ........................................................................ 5 2.2 基于目标管理的绩效管理 .......................................................... 13 2.3 长春市农行目标绩效管理现状 .................................................. 14 第 3 章 长春市农行目标绩效管理计划调查及统计分析................. 17 3.1 目标绩效管理访谈设计与实施 .................................................. 17 3.2 长春市农行目标绩效管理计划中存在的问题及原因分析...... 17 3.3 长春市农行目标绩效管理优化 .................................................. 19 第 4 章 长春市农行目标绩效管理实施规划..................................... 21 4.1 目标绩效管理的原则 .................................................................. 21 4.2 基于目标管理的机构绩效管理 .................................................. 21 4.3 基于目标管理的部门绩效管理 .................................................. 22 4.4 基于目标管理的员工绩效管理 .................................................. 26 4.5 目标绩效管理计划组织管理与监督要点.................................. 33VI 第 5 章 长春市农行目标绩效管理的保障措施................................. 35 5.1 氛围保障 ...................................................................................... 35 5.2 机制保障 ...................................................................................... 35 5.3 人员保障 ...................................................................................... 35 5.4 相关措施保障 .............................................................................. 36 5.5 物质保障 ...................................................................................... 36 第 6 章 研究展望................................................................................. 38