首页 > 资料专栏 > 经营 > 管理专题 > 项目管理 > 2020年X度假村项目投资可行性研究报告DOC



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可行性研究是指在实施某一具体投资项目前,对拟建项目在经济、技术、项目管 理方面的可行性进行论证、研究和评价。通过调查研究,综合论证投资项目在技术上 是否先进、实用及可靠,在经济上是否合理,在财务上是否盈利,整个项目投资是否 可行。在著名的旅游区建设旅游度假村需要专业的全面的论证,为投资者提供决策咨 询和项目建设方案。 本文以x风情度假村有限公司投资建设x度假村项目为目标,从企业可否投资开 发的角度,在对该项目投资环境进行详细调査分析的基础上,分析和总结出该项目开 发经营的特征;对项目的市场进行细分并确立目标市场,对目标市场规模进行预测; 提出项目规划、建设方案、投资估算和筹资方案;结合企业的状况和此项目的特点, 对项目投资进行财务、经济和社会评价;为了确保项目建设顺利幵展,提出了主要保 障措施。最后得出本项目是否可行的结论。 本文为投资者、借款人和政府审批的决策提供了依据,也为相关项目建设提供了 参考。 关键词:项目,投资,可行性,效益 MBA学位报告 作者:杨夏林 X度假村项目投资可行性研究 Feasibility Study on X Resort Project ABSTRACT Feasibility study refers to demonstration, research and evaluation in the respects of feasibility of financial condition, technique and project management concerning proposed projects before implementing such a specific investment project. To argue investment project comprehensively by means of the investigation is whether it is advanced, practical and reliable technically, whether it is rational economically, whether it is profitable financially and whether it is feasible in the entire project investment. Constructing holiday resorts in the well-known tourist area requires professional as well as all-around demonstration in order for investors to provide decision consultation and project construction program. The thesis is aimed at X resort project invested and constructed by X Amorous Holiday Resort Ltd. from the angle of whether the enterprise needs to invest and develop, the author will summarize and analyze working characteristics of project development on the basis of detailed survey analysis towards the investment surroundings of this project. Meanwhile the author subdivides project market expectation and establishes target market; predicts the scale of target market; put forward to project plan, construction program, investment estimation and financing program. In addition, the author makes assessment from the respects of financial affairs and financial conditions and social influence of this project investment. In order to assure successful implement of project construction, the author proposes some essential supporting measures. In the end, the author reaches the feasible conclusion of the project. The thesis will offer the judgment of the decision-making from the respects of the investors, borrowers and government approval, and also provide the reference for some related project construction. Key words: project, investment, feasibility, benefit MBA学位报告 作者:杨夏林 X度假村项目投资可行性研究 目录 中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第一章绪论 1 1.1研究背景与意义 1 1.2研究的理论基础 3 1.3研究思路和方法 5 第二章项目建设的外部环境 7 2. 1自然条件 7 2. 2社会经济条件 8 2. 3基础设施状况 8 2. 4旅游资源及评价 9 第三章项目的市场分析 17 3.1市场分析 17 3. 2旅游市场预测 19 第四章项目建设与投资方案 21 4.1项目建设单位及项目目标 21 4. 2建设方案 21 4. 3实施计划 26 4. 4投资估算 26 4. 5资金筹措 28 第五章项目财务、经济与社会评价 29 5.1财务评价 29 5. 2经济评价结论 31 5. 3社会效益评价 32 MBA学位报告 作者:杨夏林 X度假村项目投资可行性研究 第六章实施保障 36 6.1组织机构与人力资源建设 36 6. 2项目管理 37 6. 3资金筹措 37 第七章结论 38