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兴业银行长春分行劳务派遣制柜员薪酬方案优化 市场经济快速发展的过程中带来了更多的就业机会,而这同样推动着不同 地区、国家进行交流,人员的流动速度提升,导致行业的人才流失已经成为一 种较为普遍的现象。金融业尤其是银行业,由于其行业特点及人员构成的特殊 性,人才流失现象显得更为突出,骨干流失问题尤为严重,而这其中,劳务派 遣制柜员的流失往往会对银行业务的稳定发展带来致命打击。银行业若要生存 与发展,除了要有准确的客户群体定位、独特的金融产品差异化竞争优势,同 时,高效、有序、一流的柜面服务也是十分必要的。若要更好的完成此项工作, 离不开前台柜面服务人员,即柜员。近年来,银行业也在逐渐地向自主企业转 变,银行业获得了真正的经营自主权。而在经营方式转变的同时,如何在增加 企业利润的同时,妥善处理好和员工之间的关系,为企业留住人才业变得尤为 重要,也是现阶段商业银行面临的主要困扰。 本文通过对兴业银行长春分行劳务派遣制柜员进行了抽样调查与走访,发 现虽然分行针对劳务派遣制柜员制定了一套薪酬方案,然而其中有部分问题存 在。首先,关于固定薪酬方面的设计没有以合理的岗位评价作为标准,导致固 定薪酬的水平偏低。第二,薪酬等级范围过窄,导致薪酬浮动空间小,失去了 薪酬的激励作用。第三,薪酬结构失衡,绩效考核标准不合理,对于劳务派遣 制柜员这一岗位过于强调绩效考核,导致员工无法很好的完成本职工作,这一 系列问题都会影响到薪酬方案的可行性,大大降低劳务派遣制柜员的薪酬满意 度。 薪酬水平的高低直接决定了企业对于人才是否具有竞争力,若薪酬方案的 可实施性较高,那么其能够为企业吸纳更多优秀的人才。所以,为了改进兴业 银行长春分行劳务派遣制柜员的薪酬方案,提升分行劳务派遣制柜员的薪酬激II 励效果,从而提高劳务派遣制柜员的工作积极性,促进长春分行的业务发展, 本文针对兴业银行长春分行劳务派遣制柜员的薪酬方案进行优化。 本文通过科学深入地分析其产生原因,运用文献研究法和调查研究法,以 知识资本理论、激励理论和公平理论作为理论基础,通过问卷调查法,对上述 问题的成因进行分析,从三个方面对分行劳务派遣制柜员现有的薪酬方案进行 优化设计。从固定薪酬和浮动薪酬以及福利津贴方面进行了改进,在原有的薪 酬方案基础上对职位评估等级表进行优化设计,设定明确的岗位职级评价标准, 同时在员工的浮动薪酬方案的优化设计上引入了 360 度绩效考评与平衡积分卡 相结合的考核制度,完善薪酬激励的监督考核制度,并提出了相应的制度和资 金保障措施。 通过对兴业银行长春分行劳务派遣制柜员薪酬方案优化后的效果进行评估 以及反馈,可以看出优化后的薪酬方案,实现了对于劳务派遣制柜员的激励作 用,降低了分行的人才流失率,进而满足分行对劳务派遣制柜员的需求。 关键词: 银行,薪酬方案优化,劳务派遣制柜员III Abstract The compensation optimization of labor dispatched banktellers in Changchun industrial bank With the development of market economy, more and more job opportunities, the flow of personnel to speed up the industry, the brain drain has become a more common phenomenon. The financial industry especially the banking industry, because of its special characteristics of the industry and personnel structure, the brain drain phenomenon is more prominent, the loss of the backbone is particularly serious, and this one, the dispatch system of the teller loss will often bring a fatal blow to the steady development of the banking business. The banking industry to survive and develop, in addition to the accurate customer groups positioning, unique financial products differentiated competitive advantage, at the same time, efficient and orderly, first-class service counter is also very necessary. In order to better finish the work, cannot do without the counter service personnel, the teller. In recent years, the banking industry is gradually changing to an independent enterprise. In the change of mode of operation at the same time, how to increase corporate profits at the same time, properly handle the relationship between employees and the industry has become particularly important to retain talents for the enterprise, the main problem facing is the stage of commercial banks. Based on the Industrial Bank branch teller Changchun labor dispatch system was carried out with the visiting survey found that although the branch to the dispatch system of the teller established a compensation program, but there are still some problems within the program. First, the design of fixed pay is not a reasonable job evaluation as the standard, resulting in low level of fixed salary. Second, the pay range is too narrow, resulting in a small floating salary space, lost the incentive role ofIV compensation. Third, the imbalance of the salary structure, performance appraisal standard is not reasonable, teller system for dispatch this post too much emphasis on performance appraisal, leading employees can not do their job well, these problems will affect the feasibility of the compensation plan, greatly reduce the labor dispatch system of teller pay satisfaction. The salary level directly determines whether the enterprise has the competitive ability for the talented person. The compensation scheme is reasonable can help enterprises to attract talents, encourage talents and retain talents. Therefore, in order to improve the salary scheme of industrial bank teller Changchun branch labor dispatch system, enhance the effect of incentive branch labor dispatch system teller compensation, so as to improve the working enthusiasm of the labor dispatch system Changchun branch teller, promote the business development of optimization of salary plan according to the Industrial Bank branch teller Changchun labor dispatch system, and improve the incentive effect of branch and the competitiveness of enterprises. This paper deeply analyses the reasons through science, using the literature research method and survey method, based on knowledge capital theory, incentive theory and equity theory as the theoretical basis, through the questionnaire survey method, to analyze the causes of the above problems, from the three aspects of the labor dispatch system of existing branch teller compensation scheme optimization design. Re planning and design is carried out from a fixed salary and variable pay and benefits, optimize the scale of job evaluation in the compensation scheme based on the original set position rank evaluation standards clearly, at the same time in the optimization of variable pay program of staff design introduced 360 degree performance evaluation and the balanced scorecard. According to the appraisal system, improve the incentive supervision and evaluation system, and puts forward the corresponding measures and funding system. Evaluation and feedback through the Industrial Bank branch teller Changchun labor dispatch system compensation scheme optimization effect, can be seen after optimization of the compensation scheme, the incentiveV system for dispatch teller, reduces the loss rate of branch personnel, so as to meet the labor dispatch system of branch teller demand. Keywords: bank, salary optimization, dispatch system tellerVI 目 录 第 1 章 绪论..............................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................................................. 1 1.2 研究方法与内容 .............................................................................. 3 1.3 文献综述与理论研究 ...................................................................... 4 第 2 章 兴业银行长春分行劳务派遣制柜员薪酬概况与问题分析 ..11 2.1 兴业银行长春分行概况和柜员薪酬现状................................... 11 2.2 劳务派遣制柜员薪酬方案存在的问题......................................... 14 2.3 劳务派遣制柜员薪酬方案存在问题的成因分析 ...................... 17 第 3 章 兴业银行长春分行劳务派遣制柜员薪酬方案优化设计 ....20 3.1 薪酬方案优化的整体思路和原则 ............................................... 20 3.2 劳务派遣制柜员薪酬方案设计的影响因素分析 ...................... 24 3.3 劳务派遣制柜员薪酬方案优化的步骤 ....................................... 26 第 4 章 兴业银行长春分行劳务派遣制柜员薪酬方案优化的实施与 保障.............................................................................................................34 4.1 薪酬方案优化的实施办法............................................................ 34 4.2 薪酬方案优化的制度保障............................................................ 35VII 4.3 薪酬方案优化的资金保障............................................................ 36 结 论.........................................................................................................38