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近年来,我国房地产呈现出蓬勃发展的势头,越来越多的国外资金和人员加入 其中。混凝土作为建筑行业最重要的材料,此类文本规范的翻译十分有必要。 本报告讨论的是笔者模拟的一次汉译英项目。此次翻译项目的材料为重庆富 皇混凝土公司员工手册,该材料约有三万字,此次翻译笔者计划用半个月来进行 文本翻译和校对。本报告对此次翻译项目流程和译文案例进行了分析,主要讨论 此类翻译中两个比较重要的问题,如何通过译前准备以及译后校对来保证译文的 准确性及风格的一致性;如何做好人员安排和流程设计来保证翻译的质量和速度。 本次翻译案例分析部分主要关注了译文中重复结构的处理、长句的处理和无 主句的处理。重复结构主要针对关键词的重复和相似结构的重复,针对这些问题, 作者主要采用了省略、代替与合并以及全部或部分重复翻译的处理方法。长句的 加工中,作者主要采用了英语长句的处理方法,顺译法、区分主从、切分法。顺 译法和切分法使用的范围比较广泛,区分主从则主要针对逻辑层次较复杂的句子; 至于无主句的处理,首先采用了译为被动句的方法,这一种处理符合科技英语的 特点;除此以外,笔者还采取了补充主语、译为祈使句等方法来进行处理来保证 译文风格和感情。在翻译过程中,翻译小组还采取了按日总结讨论、即时询问相 关专业人员等方式来解决遇到的问题。 本报告表明,要做好此类文本的翻译,良好的译前准备以及译中讨论十分有必 要。笔者期待该报告能为此类文本的翻译以及小型团队协作翻译项目的管理和运 作提供一些借鉴和参考。 关键词,混凝土文本;实践报告;句子处理- II - Abstract With the rapidly development of real estate more and more foreign funds and workers have been poured into this pound. Concrete is one of the most important building materials and it is important to make exact translations for such kinds of documents. This thesis is based on the supervisor’s handbook for Chongqing Fuhuang concrete company which contains thirty thousand words. The author and the translation team decide to spend half a month on translation and revision. This report mainly talks about the translation procedures and the representative examples to explore two important aspects in translation project of such document: how to ensure the quality and style of the translation though pre-translational preparations and post- translational revision; how to ensure the quality and speed of translation through personnel arrangement and translation procedures design. This report pays great attention to the repetitive structures, long sentences, and sentences without subject. Repetitive structure mainly aims at the repeat of key words and similar structure. To solve these problems, the author mainly adopts methods such as ellipsis, replace and merging, and all or part repeated translation method. In the processing of the long sentence, the author mainly adopts the dealing methods of English long sentences: direct translation, distinguish between master and slave, and segmentation method. The using scope of direct translation and segmentation method is more extensive, and distinguish between master-slave logic level is mainly focused on complex sentences; As for the handle of sentence without the main clause, first translate it as passive sentence. This kind of treatment conforms to the characteristics of English of science and technology; In addition, the author also takes methods such as adding subject and translating it as imperative sentence to ensure that the translation style and emotion. In addition, the translators will have a small talk every night to discuss the problems they meet during the translation. As to the questions relating to the concrete,- III - they seek help from the workers. As this report revels, good pre-translational preparations and middle- translational discussions are necessary for a good translation. It is hoped that this report can offer some referential value for translation of this similar documents and the operation and arrangement of small translation teams. Key words: concrete material; practical report; sentences dealing- I - 目 录 摘要 ............................................................... I Abstract ............................................................. II 一、 引言 ............................................................. 1 二、 翻译项目简介 ..................................................... 2 三、 译前分析和译前准备 ............................................... 3 (一) 简介 ........................................................... 3 (二) 科技文本的特点 ................................................. 3 (三) 法律文本的特点 ................................................. 4 (四) 语言定位 ....................................................... 5 (五) 流程设计与人员安排 ............................................. 6 1.前期准备 ............................................................ 6 2. 人员安排 ........................................................... 7 3. 翻译辅助工具 ....................................................... 8 4.翻译流程安排 ........................................................ 8 四、 案例分析 ....................................................... 10 (一) 重复词语和重复结构的处理 ...................................... 10 1. 省略 .............................................................. 10 2. 代替与合并 ........................................................ 12 3. 部分重复或全部重复 ................................................ 14 (二)长句的处理 ..................................................... 15 1. 顺译法 ............................................................ 16 2. 区分主从 .......................................................... 18 3. 切分法 ............................................................ 19 (三) 无主句的处理 .................................................. 23 1. 译为被动句 ........................................................ 23 2. 补充主语 .......................................................... 25 3. 译为祈使句 ........................................................ 26 (四) 章节小结 ...................................................... 27- II - 五、 问题和不足 ...................................................... 29 六、 翻译实践总结 .................................................... 30