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工行辽宁分行客户经理绩效考核方案优化研究 近年来,随着我国银行业的快速发展和竞争加剧,商业银行客户经理的经 营业绩和服务能力对银行业务发展起到越来越重要的作用。科学合理的考核体 系能够更好地提高客户经理的工作积极性,激励客户经理增强服务水平、提升 工作业绩,为银行创造更多效益,使银行在激烈的行业竞争中脱颖而出。因此, 构建与自身经营战略相适应的客户经理绩效考核体系,对商业银行来说,显得 尤为重要。但由于国内商业银行绩效管理起步较晚,在客户经理绩效考核方面 仍存在诸多不完善的地方,例如,工行作为国有银行,因受原有体制制约,其 客户经理绩效考核方案存在缺陷,不能达到有效的考核和激励效果,从而制约 了工行竞争力的提升和未来的发展。 本文旨在通过将绩效考核理论与工行辽宁分行实际情况相结合,在绩效考 核指标设计、考核标准设计及考核流程管理方面提出优化方案,进而为工行辽 宁分行建立更加科学有效的客户经理绩效考核体系,促进其客户经理服务水平 及工作能力的提升,进一步激发工行经营发展的活力。本文对工行辽宁分行客 户经理绩效考核的实际情况进行了调查和探究,剖析了考核机制中存在的一些 突出问题,运用绩效管理和绩效考核的理论找出了这些问题的症结所在,从而 明确了优化的依据和整体思路,科学有效地运用平衡计分卡和关键绩效指标等 考核工具,对该行绩效考核方案进行了优化设计。同时,为了有效落实客户经 理绩效考核优化方案,本文根据工行辽宁分行的实际情况,提出了一系列保障 优化方案实施的措施,确保优化方案得以有效落实。优化方案重新梳理设计了 绩效考核指标,根据平衡计分卡方法设计了多维度的考核指标,科学分配考核 分值比重和考核评价标准,完善了绩效考核流程。优化后的考核方案基本能够 涵盖客户经理绩效的重要考核领域,考核过程更加公平公正,考核结果更加合 理有效,更好地调动客户经理提升业绩的主动性和积极性,促进了工行辽宁分II 行经营目标的实现。 本文在对辽宁工行客户经理的绩效考核体系进行优化设计的探索中,引入 平衡计分卡的管理思想,建立了更全面的、更完善的客户经理绩效管理体系。 同时,优化后的客户经理绩效考核方案要想发挥作用,还需要在组织上、制度 上、企业文化及监督机制上采取一系列的措施,保障绩效考核优化方案的有效 实施。工行辽宁分行和其他国有银行在客户经理绩效考核上存在相似的问题, 希望本文的研究内容和结论能够对其他银行起到一些启发和借鉴作用,推动商 业银行客户经理绩效考核体系的发展和完善,促进我国商业银行健康、可持续 发展。 关键词: 工行客户经理,绩效考核,优化方案,平衡计分卡III ABSTRACT Study on Optimizing the Performance Evaluation of Customer Manager in Liaoning Branch of ICBC With the rapid development and fierce competition of China's banking industry, commercial bank account manager's business performance and service capabilities plays an increasingly important role. Scientific and reasonable evaluation systems can improve customer manager's work enthusiasm, encourage enhancement of the service level and performance, creating increasing benefit for banks , permitting them to stand out in a increasingly competitive market. Therefore, it is very important to construct the performance evaluation system of the customer manager to adapt to the business strategy. Due to the late start of performance management, commercial banks in customer management performance appraisal still contain many imperfections. For example a state owned bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, ICBC, continues to experience problems, restricting competitiveness and future development due to the constraints of the original system, the customer manager evaluation index, evaluation standard and the evaluation process. Through combining the actual situation of ICBC Liaoning branch and performance appraisal theory, this paper brings forward an optimal design of the performance appraisal index, assessment standard and assessment process management. This will assist the manager of customer services ability, further stimulating the vitality of business development at ICBC. Through in-depth research conducted at ICBC Liaoning branch, this paper analyzes the existing problems of the account manager performance evaluation system. Using the theory of performance management and performance appraisal we established the crux of these problems. The integration of the Balanced ScorecardIV and key performance indicators evaluation tools optimizes the design of the performance appraisal program. In order to effectively implement customer manager performance evaluation schemes, this paper proposes a series of optimization scheme supporting the security measures, ensuring that the optimization program can be implemented smoothly. This scheme redesigns the performance appraisal index system, and features various evaluation index weights and standards, adjusting the performance appraisal process and cycle. Adjusting the assessment program will make the assessment results more fair and reasonable, improving the initiative, performance and enthusiasm of the customer manager. Based on the exploration of the performance appraisal system of customer manager in Liaoning branch of ICBC, this paper introduces the management idea of the balanced scorecard, and establishes a more comprehensive and perfect performance management system for the customer manager. At the same time, in order for the proposed changes to be effective, we will need to organize the system, ensuring the proper corporate culture and supervisory mechanisms are in place. ICBC Liaoning branch and other state-owned banks have similar problems in customer manager performance appraisal. I hope that the research contents and conclusions of this paper can be used for references in other banks, promoting the development and perfection of commercial bank customer manager performance appraisal systems, leading to the sustainable development of commercial banks of our country. Keywords: client manager of ICBC, performance evaluation system, Optimization, Balanced ScorecardV 目 录 第 1 章 绪 论 .................................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ................................................................... 1 1.2 研究方法与研究内容 ................................................................... 2 1.3 文献综述与理论研究 ................................................................... 3 第 2 章 工行辽宁分行客户经理绩效考核现状及问题分析 .............. 8 2.1 工行辽宁分行概况及客户经理绩效考核现状 ............................ 8 2.2 客户经理绩效考核存在的问题 ................................................. 12 2.3 客户经理绩效考核问题的成因分析 .......................................... 14 第 3 章 辽宁工行客户经理绩效考核方案优化 ............................... 18 3.1 客户经理绩效考核方案优化的依据及整体思路 ...................... 18 3.2 客户经理绩效考核指标优化设计.............................................. 21 3.3 客户经理绩效考核标准优化设计.............................................. 24 3.4 客户经理绩效考核流程优化设计.............................................. 27 第 4 章 辽宁工行客户经理绩效考核优化方案的实施与保障 ........ 31 4.1 优化方案的实施过程 ................................................................. 31 4.2 优化方案实施的保障 ................................................................. 33 结 论 ............................................................................................... 36VI