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比较优势理论是经济学中最为经典的理论之一,大卫李嘉图提出的比较优势理论 经过发展和完善,形成了一个比较完整的理论体系。世界许多国家利用比较优势发展自 己的国际贸易和地区经济,成效显著。中国改革开放以后,邓小平提出了实现全国共同 富裕的目标。共同富裕理论经过逐步发展和完善,成为了中国社会主义的本质规定和奋 斗目标。本文将比较优势理论和共同富裕目标进行合理结合,对用比较优势实现共同富 裕的可行性进行研究,并尝试性地提出对策。 本文在论证过程中,将共同富裕细分为体现社会生产关系的“共同”和体现社会生 产力的“富裕”。 针对我国现阶段面临的“不共同”和“不富裕”两大突出问题,结合 我国目前劳动力充裕、资本短缺的实际,报告用理论和模型论证了在中国用比较优势既 能实现“共同”也能实现“富裕”的双重目标。该论证能为中国实现共同富裕找到正确 的方向和道路,并为中国用比较优势实现共同富裕的政策建议提供理论支持。 本文分为六个部分论述。第一部分,绪论。阐述了研究的背景和意义、文献综述、 研究的内容和方法、研究的重点和难点等;第二部分,比较优势和共同富裕的理论基础。 涉及到比较优势和共同富裕相关理论;第三部分,用比较优势实现共同富裕。该部分是 报告的核心,分别论证了用比较优势能够实现“共同”和用比较优势能够实现“富裕”。 第四部分,中外通过比较优势发展经济的经验验证。分别阐述了中国的经验验证和外国 的经验验证;第五部分,政策建议。运用比较优势实现共同富裕所论证的结果,结合中 国实际,提出相关政策建议。 本文作为一种尝试,为中国实现共同富裕提供了一种思路,为用比较优势发展经济 提供了一些科学的依据和有益的参考,具有一定的学术和现实意义。 关键词, 比较优势;共同;富裕Abstract The Theory of Comparative Advantage is one of the most classic theories in Economics. The point was first presented by David Ricardo and it is formed to be an integrated theory system by constant improving and developing. Many countries in the world develop its own international trade and regional economy by performing this theory and they get an effective success eventually. Mr. Deng Xiaoping put forward the goal of common prosperity after the reform and opening-up policy in China. Under the gradual development and perfection, Common Prosperity becomes to be the essential attribute and goal of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. We’d like to put the theory of Comparative Advantage and Common Prosperity together in this thesis and discuss the feasibility of how to achieve common prosperity by the law of Comparative Advantage. We divide Common Prosperity into two aspects in this thesis. One is ‘Common’ and the other is ‘Prosperity’, which is reflected by social production relations and productive force respectively. However, ‘No-common’ and ‘No-prosperity’, the opposition of common prosperity turns out to be two important problems in China. So, faced with these two issues and connected the facts of deficient capital and sufficient labor forces, this thesis can find the right directions and ways to achieve both ‘Common’ and ‘Prosperity’ goals by demonstrating the theories and models. It also can give some theoretical support to China common prosperity policy. This thesis is consisted with six parts. The first part is introduction. In this part, we studied the background and meanings, the content and methods of this research. The second part we come up with the basis of Comparative Advantage and Common Prosperity and its relative theories. The third part, also the core of this thesis, lies on how to use Comparative Advantage theory to reach common prosperity goals. We demonstrate how to use Comparative Advantage theory to let ‘Common’ and‘Prosperity’ come true. The fourth part is the experiences both in China and aboard. How they get success by means of Comparative AdvantageThe fifth part is talking about the policy proposals. It is known that we can use Comparative Advantage theory to achieve common prosperity. So, how can this work in China and its relative suggestions. As an attempt, this thesis is giving us a thinking. It provides some scientific basis and prospective references for Comparative Advantage and it must have its certain meanings both in academic and reality. Key Word: Comparative Advantage; Common; Prosperity1 目 录 第一章 绪论…1 一、研究的背景和意义1 (一)研究的背景1 (二)研究的意义2 二、文献综述3 (一)国外比较优势理论与经济发展的研究…4 (二)国内比较优势发展战略与共同富裕的研究…6 三、研究的内容和方法8 (一)研究的内容8 (二)研究的方法9 四、研究的重点和难点9 (一)研究的重点10 (二)研究的难点10 五、研究的创新点10 第二章 比较优势和共同富裕的理论基础11 一、比较优势理论11 (一)比较优势理论的提出11 (二)比较优势理论的发展13 (三)比较优势发展战略…16 二、共同富裕理论18 (一)共同富裕的提出及其背景18 (二)共同富裕的内涵20 第三章 用比较优势实现共同富裕…22 一、用比较优势能够实现“共同”…222 (一)根据林毅夫理论,建立模型论证…22 (二)用“斯托尔珀—萨缪尔森定理”论证…24 (三)用“生产要素价格均等化定理”论证27 二、用比较优势能够实现“富裕”28 (一)用总体均衡分析论证…29 (二)用局部均衡分析论证…32 三、论证结论…36 第四章 中外通过比较优势原理发展经济的经验验证37 一、中国的经验验证37 (一)中国大陆37 (二)台湾地区38 二、外国的经验验证39 (一)日本和韩国…39 (二)其它发展中国家…41 第五章 政策建议…43 一、提高劳动者的素质和就业能力43 二、完善市场经济体制…43 三、鼓励支持中小企业发展…44 结语45 致谢46