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我国汽车产量自 2009 年首次突破千万辆大关后,一直稳居世界第一,在持 续多年的高速增长后,2017 年产销规模达到 2900 万辆,2018 年受宏观经济和 政策等因素影响,汽车产销量出现自 1990 年以来的首次下滑,由于产销量基数 巨大,高速增长时代一去难返,国内市场竞争更加残酷,企业必须寻求新的市 场与机遇。进入海外市场参与跨国经营成为企业应对国际国内市场激烈竞争的 必然选择,同时,凭借国家“一带一路”重大发展战略契机,国产汽车品牌的 海外拓展又迎来了新的机遇,各大企业纷纷加快海外市场布局与开拓。 北汽集团作为中国五大汽车集团之一,始终坚持“产能走出去,市场走进 去”,有实力和机遇开拓国际市场。根据北汽集团规划,“十三五”期间将聚 焦墨西哥、南非、伊朗、云南瑞丽 4 大项目建设,其中墨西哥是突破北美市场、 辐射中南美洲的关键跳板,是实现集团战略布局的重要一环和支撑,集团计划 将墨西哥市场打造为海外市场拓展的样板,在此背景下,本文对北汽集团拓展 墨西哥市场进行系统分析研究。通过分析北汽自身发展现状及海外布局,明确 北汽“走出去”的必要性和迫切性;分析目标国家墨西哥的战略地位,及在生 产要素、需求条件、同业竞争、政府等因素方面具有的客观优势,形成北汽进 入墨西哥市场具备可行性的结论;通过 SWOT 分析得出墨西哥市场拓展的 SO 战略定位,并对照海外市场进入模式决策影响因素,确定对墨西哥市场进行生 产性投资,新建 KD 工厂的进入模式,再运用安索夫产品-市场矩阵分析,建议 北汽在墨西哥市场采用市场开发战略,并制定相应的战略实施和保障措施,为 北汽拓展墨西哥乃至拉美市场提供有益借鉴,为其它国产自主品牌汽车企业海 外拓展提供参考。 关键词:海外市场,拓展战略,国际化,汽车市场Ⅱ BAIC GROUP’S MEXICO MARKET EXPANSION STRATEGY RESEARCH Abstract China's automobile production has been ranked first in the world since it broke through the 10 million mark for the first time in 2009. After years of rapid growth, the production and sales scale reached 29 million in 2017. In 2018, affected by macroeconomic and policy factors, the production and sales volume of automobiles has declined for the first time since 1990. Due to the huge base number of production and sales, it is hard to maintain the era of high-speed growth. With the cruel competition in the domestic market, enterprises must seek new markets and opportunities. Entering overseas markets and participating in transnational operations has become an inevitable choice for enterprises to cope with fierce competition in both international and domestic markets. At the same time, with the opportunity of the national development initiative “Belt and Road”, domestic automobile brands has ushered in new opportunities, and major enterprises have accelerated overseas layout and expansion. As one of the top five automobile groups in China, BAIC Group always insists on “going into the markets with production capacity” and has the strength and opportunity to open up the international market. According to the “13th Five-Year Plan” of BAIC Group, it will focus on the construction of four major projects in Mexico, South Africa, Iranand Yunnan Ruili. Among them, the one in Mexico is a key springboard for breaking through the North American market and radiating Central and South America. It is an important part of realizing the strategic layout and support for the Group. The Group plans to build the Mexican market into a model for overseas market expansion. In this context, this paper conducts a systematic analysis of BAIC's expansion of the Mexican market. By analyzing the development status and overseas layout of BAIC, it is necessary to clarify the necessity and urgency of BAIC's “going out”strategy. Also, by analyzing the strategic position of the target country Mexico, and other objective advantage factorsⅢ such as production factors, demand conditions, horizontal competition, government and other factors. Conclusion is made that it is feasible to form the entry of BAIC into the Mexican market. Through SWOT analysis, the strategic positioning of SO in the Mexican market is derived, and according to the decision-making influencing factors of the overseas market entry mode, the production investment of the Mexican market is determined. Using the Ansoff product-market matrix analysis, it is recommended that BAIC adopt the market development strategy in the Mexican market and formulate corresponding strategic implementation and safeguard measures to provide a useful reference for BAIC to fully enter Mexico and even the Latin American market, also for other domestic auto enterprises with independent brands to enter overseas markets. Keywords: overseasmarket,expansionstrategy,internationalization,auto market目 录 中文摘要................................................Ⅰ Abstract .................................................Ⅱ 第一章 绪论 .............................................1 1.1 研究的背景 ..................................................1 1.2 研究的现实意义 ..............................................2 1.3 研究思路 ....................................................3 1.4 研究工具与方法 ..............................................4 1.4.1 研究工具 ................................................4 1.4.2 研究方法 ................................................5 第二章 相关理论综述 .....................................6 2.1 跨国经营理论 ................................................6 2.2 海外市场进入模式的概念及分类 ................................7 2.3 海外市场进入战略的理论基础 ..................................8 第三章 北汽集团企业发展现状和海外市场布局 ..............11 3.1 企业发展现状 ...............................................11 3.2 企业国内市场发展成就 .......................................11 3.3 国际国内汽车市场现状分析 ...................................12 3.3.1 国际国内汽车市场现状 ...................................13 3.3.2 中国汽车产业现状分析 ...................................14 3.4 企业发展瓶颈和出路 .........................................15 3.4.1 面临挑战 ...............................................16 3.4.2 出路方向 ...............................................16 3.5 北汽集团海外市场布局 .......................................17 第四章 北汽集团进入墨西哥市场可行性分析 ................194.1 墨西哥市场战略分析 .........................................19 4.1.1 墨西哥市场战略地位 .....................................19 4.1.2 拉美之路 ...............................................19 4.2 墨西哥市场概况 .............................................19 4.2.1 用户特征 ...............................................20 4.2.2 市场规模评估 ...........................................20 4.2.3 行业市场潜力 ...........................................21 4.3 目标国宏观环境分析 .........................................21 4.3.1 政治环境 ...............................................21 4.3.2 经济环境 ...............................................22 4.3.3 社会环境 ...............................................22 4.3.4 技术环境 ...............................................23 4.4 基于波特钻石模型的墨西哥汽车产业分析 .......................23 4.4.1 生产要素 ...............................................23 4.4.2 需求要素 ...............................................23 4.4.3 产业因素 ...............................................24 4.4.4 企业因素 ...............................................26 4.4.5 墨西哥政府 .............................................26 4.4.6 市场机遇 ...............................................27 第五章 拓展墨西哥汽车市场战略的制定 ....................28 5.1 北汽进入墨西哥市场 SWOT 分析 ..............................28 5.1.1 发展优势 ...............................................28 5.1.2 发展劣势 ...............................................29 5.1.3 发展机遇 ...............................................29 5.1.4 威胁与挑战 .............................................29 5.2 进入墨西哥市场模式选择分析 .................................315.2.1 影响因素分析 ...........................................31 5.2.2 模式选择建议 ...........................................34 5.3 市场开发战略 ...............................................35 第六章 拓展墨西哥汽车市场战略的实施与保障措施 ..........37 6.1 战略的实施 .................................................37 6.1.1 以精准产品投放为基础 ...................................37 6.1.2 以合理价格定位为依托 ...................................38 6.1.3 以渠道开发建设为手段 ...................................39 6.1.4 以产品宣传促销为突破 ...................................39 6.2 保障措施 ...................................................40 6.2.1 加强行业交流合作、增加研发投入 .........................40 6.2.2 把握政策导向、重视外部环境信息获取 .....................40 6.2.3 深化中墨文化融合、培育兼具两国特色的企业文化 ...........41 6.2.4 强化人力资源管理、培养国际化人才 .......................41 6.2.5 严把产品质量关、加强品牌建设 ...........................41 6.2.6 增强服务理念、完善售后服务体系 .........................42 第七章 结论与展望 ......................................43 7.1 结论 .......................................................43 7.2 不足与展望 .................................................43