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: 我国排球联赛改革至今已经历了 19 个年头,在这摸爬滚打的 19 年中,成果与问题并存。改赛会制为主客场制,在一定程度上将“排球”推向全 国各地,无形之中扩大了“排球人口”,致使参赛队逐年增多,已由先前的男女 共 16 支队伍增加到现在的共 24 支队伍,随着改革的逐步深入,各俱乐部的主场 设立动荡不安,球市惨淡等等问题蜂拥而至。曾几何时四川排球运动曾在新中国 排球运动的发展史上曾经有过辉煌。四川女排连续 26 年占据全国霸主地位,在 新中国的十二次全运会中四次夺得第一,四川男排在我国职业联赛(其中 1 次全 运会)中连续 5 次问鼎,有过独孤求败的辉煌,排球职业联赛的“金牌球市”也 曾经风靡全国,无数全国和国际排球赛事连年不断。近年来,四川排球运动步入 低谷。群众基础薄弱,排球人口急剧萎缩,没有一个职业俱乐部,四川男女排在 近年的全国排球甲级联赛只能在保级行列苦苦挣扎,从 2008-2009 赛季至今,四 川男女排一直在全国排球联赛中处于“裸奔”状态,曾经闻名全国的“金牌球市” 也荡然无存,国家级的排球赛事更是凤毛麟角 [1] 。 中国高等教育已经迈入大众化的阶段,随着国家政策的进一步改革,在校大 学生的人数将继续增加,统计表明“我国青年人数将近 3 亿,约占总人口的 1/4” [2] ,庞大的大学生群体成为了全国排球联赛的潜在市场;14—15 赛季全国排球联 赛男女共有 10 支俱乐部将主场设立在高校,俱乐部将赛场设立在高校成为了一 种趋势;面对四川排球的大幅度滑坡,省政府提出振兴三大球、实现三大球跨越 式的发展;目前如火如荼的校园足球为全国排球联赛四川赛场进入校园提供借 鉴。在以上四个背景下,全国排球联赛四川赛场设立在高校,将会成为全国排球 联赛四川赛场发展的必然趋势。 本文采用了问卷调查法、数理统计法以及逻辑分析法,对全国排球联赛四川 赛场设立在高校的可行性进行研究,以四川大学、西南财经大学、西南交通大学、 成都体育学院、电子科技大学等五所省内知名高校的在校学生为主要调查对象, 调查表明,近八成的学生希望全国排球联赛进入高校,七成左右的学生表示愿意成都体育学院硕士学位报告 II 观看比赛。运用访谈法对上述五所高校相关领导以及省排管中心相关负责人进行 访谈得知,校方对全国排球联赛四川赛场设立在高校的态度积极,排管中心有让 全国排球联赛四川赛场设立在高校的意向。 关键词,全国排球联赛;赛场;高校成都体育学院硕士学位报告 II I Abstract: The reform of Chinese Volleyball Leagues Matches has been last 19 years, the result and problem exist in the past 19years. The competition system has been exchange into home and away system, and volleyball has been generalized into all the round of China, and “volleyball population” has been enlarge intangibly, volleyball teams increase in every year, from 16 to 24 teams. Along with reform, the set of home court in every volleyball team is not stable, and the development of volleyball market is not very good. Sichuan volleyball has experienced great success in the past years , Sichuan Women’s Volleyball Team continuously won the first prize in the last 26 years , and got the champion for 4 times in 12 times National Games , Sichuan Men’s volleyball team continuously won the champion for 5 times (one is National games) . The “gold matches market” was fashion at that time ,and large number of national and international matches held in Sichuan. However, Sichuan volleyball step into low ebb recently. Lack of mass basics, volleyball population reduce, short of volleyball club, both women and men’s volleyball team of Sichuan only can fight for relegation matches in the National League Matches. From 2008-2009 sports competition season to now, Sichuan Volleyball Teams have no result in National League Matches, “gold matches market disappear, the national volleyball matches lack. The higher education has stepped into popular style, with the reform of national policy, university students increase, statistics show that the population of youth is 3oo million , account for a quarter population of China. The group of university students has become the potential market of volleyball; in 14-15 competition season, there are 10 men and women’s volleyball club who set their home court in university ,Guangdong, Liaoning club set their home court in university lasting for 5 years, Fujian men’s volleyball team last for 4 years , setting home court in university has become an tendency, when facing the landslide of Sichuan volleyball, Sichuan Province government put forward promote football, basketball and volleyball, and achieve leap-type development. School football provide great example for volleyball home court enter into university. Under those back ground, the home court of Sichuan volleyball matches set at university will become an tendency. The methods of expert interview questionnaire documents mathematical statistics and logical analysis are used in the paper research Sichuan matches court in the National League Matches adopt Sichuan University, Southwestern University of Finance Economics Southwest Jiao tong University, Chengdu sports University,成都体育学院硕士学位报告 IV University of Electronic Science and Technology of China as research object. The result shows that 80 percent students hope National League Matches can step into university, 70 percent students wander watching volleyball matches, students who do not want to watch matches reflect that they can not understand league matches and short of ornamental value .When interviewed the leaders of university show that most universities hold the positive attitude for Sichuan matches court enter into university. When interviewed the leaders of Volleyball Management Center in Sichuan province show that Volleyball Management Center have intention to make Sichuan volleyball home court into university. Key words : National League Matches; match court; university 成都体育学院硕士学位报告 V 目录 1 前言..................................................2 1.1 选题背景 ...................................................2 1.2 选题意义 ...................................................3 1.3 研究现状 ...................................................4 1.3.1 有关全国排球联赛市场方面的研究................................ 4 1.3.2 有关全国排球联赛主场方面的研究................................ 6 2 研究对象与方法 ..................................................... 8 2.1 研究对象 ...................................................8 2.2 研究方法 ...................................................9 2.2.1 文献资料法.................................................... 9 2.2.2 问卷调查法.................................................... 9 2.2.3 数理统计法................................................... 10 2.2.4 逻辑分析法................................................... 11 2.2.5 访谈法....................................................... 11 3 研究结果与分析 .................................................... 11 3.1 全国排球联赛赛场的基本状况..................................... 11 3.1.1 全国排球联赛赛场选择现状..................................... 11 3.1.2 全国排球联赛观众分析......................................... 15 3.2 全国排球联赛四川赛场进入高校的必要性分析..................... 16 3.2.1 大学生消费群体是全国排球联赛的潜在市场....................... 16 3.2.2 高校人数的逐年增加是开发大学生市场的直接原因................. 17 3.2.3 定位大学生是全国排球联赛观众发展的必然趋势................... 18 3.3 全国排球联赛四川赛场进入高校的可行性分析..................... 19 3.3.1 高校作为联赛赛场所具备的条件................................. 19 3.3.2 全国排球联赛四川赛场进入高校的利............................. 20 3.3.3 全国排球联赛四川赛场进入高校的弊............................. 21 3.3.4 高校作为全国排球联赛四川赛场的优势........................... 22 3.3.5 校方对全国排球联赛四川赛场的态度............................. 23成都体育学院硕士学位报告 V I 3.3.6 高校内部的竞争环境........................................... 25 3.3.1 大学生对全国排球联赛四川赛场进入高校的态度................... 25 3.3.2 省排管中心对全国排球联赛四川赛场进入高校的态度............... 29 4 结论与建议............................................................................................................................29 4.1 结论 ......................................................29 4.2 建议 ......................................................30 5