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在项目的投资分析与决策过程中,项目的可行性研究具有非常重要的地位和 作用。这是因为作为一种具有百余年历史的科学方法,可行性研究是项目投资前 期的一项重要内容,是项目投资决策过程中一个必不可少的工作程序,它为项目 投资决策提供直接的依据。 HP 化工公司依据各级政府的规划,参考有关专家的意见和建议,根据自身产 业结构调整的需要,结合公司的区位、原材料供需、公用工程、安全环保、土地、 交通、人才等各方面优势,提出建设 20 万吨/年有机二元酸项目。通过本项目的 建设,公司可延长现有的化工产业链,发展新兴产业,充分利用公司原料、产品 结构调整,结合周边企业的资源优势发展循环经济,采取减污措施,切实做到增 产不增污、增效减污,优化资源配置,积极落实国家节能减排政策,大力发展环 境友好型经济,进一步改善本地区环境状况。公司以调整原料动力结构、产品结 构为出发点和落脚点,打造公司新型支柱性产业,实现企业可持续发展。 基于此,本文以 HP 化工公司有机二元酸项目的可行性分析为研究对象,运用 项目管理中有关项目可行性研究的理论和方法,从项目市场、技术、财务与不确 定性风险及控制方案等方面对 20 万吨/年有机二元酸项目的建设进行全面的可行 性分析,就其项目的具体情况提供理论依据,进而得出可行性最终结果。 本文首先对报告研究的背景与意义、国内外研究的现状进行了阐述和分析, 并根据报告撰写的要求给出了报告研究的主要内容、方法以及基本框架;然后根 据报告撰写的要求对我国项目可行性研究的理论和方法进行了必要的分析和整 理,以此为本文研究的对象进行可行性研究做好铺垫;接下来根据项目可行性研 究的基本步骤对本文的研究对象进行了市场、技术、财务以及风险等环节的可行 性分析和研究;最后得出项目可行性研究的结论。 本报告研究成果对 HP 化工公司有机二元酸项目使用项目管理可行性理论研 究具有一定的参考意义。 关键词,化工企业 工程项目 可行性研究II ABSTRACT In project investment analysis and decision-making process, the project's feasibility study has a very important position and role. This is because as a hundred year history of the scientific method, the project pre-investment feasibility study is an important part of the project investment decision-making process is an essential work processes, which investment decisions for the project to provide a direct basis . HP Chemical Co., Ltd. based at all levels of government planning, information and recommendations on expert opinion, according to the needs of its industrial structure adjustment, combined with the company's location, raw materials supply, public works, safety and environmental protection, land, transportation, personnel and other advantages, proposed the building of 20 million tons / year of organic dicarboxylic acid project. Through the construction of this project, the company extended the existing chain of chemical industry, the development of new industries and make full use of company materials, product structure adjustment, combined with the resources surrounding businesses develop recycling economy, to take abatement measures, and make sure no increase in yield Pollution, abatement efficiency, optimize resource allocation, and actively implement the national energy conservation policy, to develop environment-friendly economy, further improving the environmental situation in the region. Company to adjust the power structure of raw materials, product structure as the starting point and goal, to build a new pillar industry companies to achieve sustainable development. Based on this, to AA HP chemical companies as project feasibility study, the use of project management, project feasibility study regarding the theory and method, from the project market, technical, financial and uncertainty aspects of risk and control programs 20 tons / year construction project AA products to conduct a comprehensive feasibility analysis to the specific circumstances of their project to provide theoretical basis, then come to the feasibility of the final result. This article first to the paper research background and the significance, the domestic and foreign research present situation has carried on the elaboration and the analysis, and has given the paper research primary coverage, the method as well as the bare bone according to the paper composition request; Then has carried on the essentialIII analysis and the reorganization according to the paper composition request to our country project feasibility study theory and the method, the object which studies for this article conducts the feasibility study by this to complete the upholstery; Met down has carried on link and so on market, technology, finance as well as risk according to the project feasibility study basic step to this article object of study feasibility analyses and the research; Finally obtains the project feasibility study the conclusion. The present paper research results have certain reference significance to the HP chemical industry company organic binary acid project use project management feasible fundamental research. Keywords: Chemical; industry project; feasibility studyIV 目 录 第一章 引言.........................................................1 1.1 报告研究的背景及研究的意义 ................................... 2 1.1.1 报告研究的背景........................................... 2 1.1.2 报告研究的重要意义....................................... 3 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 4 1.2.1 国内外有机二元酸研究发展现状............................. 5 1.2.2 国内外项目可行性研究发展现状............................. 7 1.3 报告研究的内容、方法及基本框架 .............................. 11 1.3.1 研究的主要内容.......................................... 11 1.3.2 研究的主要方法.......................................... 12 1.3.3 研究的基本框架.......................................... 12 第二章 项目可行性研究的一般理论和方法..............................14 2.1 项目可行性研究的基本理论 .................................... 14 2.1.1 项目可行性研究的概念.................................... 14 2.1.2 项目可行性研究的重要作用................................ 15 2.2 项目可行性研究的主要内容和程序 .............................. 17 2.2.1 项目可行性研究的主要内容................................ 17 2.2.2 项目可行性研究的基本程序................................ 18 2.3 项目可行性研究的基本方法 .................................... 20 第三章 HP 化工公司有机二元酸项目市场可行性分析 .....................22 3.1 项目概况 .................................................... 22 3.2 项目产品市场可行性分析 ...................................... 22 3.2.1 产品市场分析............................................ 23 3.2.2 原料市场分析............................................ 29 3.2.3 产品竞争力优劣势分析.................................... 32 3.3 项目营销策略分析 ............................................ 33 第四章 HP 化工公司有机二元酸项目技术可行性分析 .....................34V 4.1 项目生产规模和产品方案 ...................................... 34 4.1.1 生产规模................................................ 34 4.1.2 产品方案................................................ 34 4.1.3 质量指标................................................ 35 4.2 项目生产建设条件评估分析 .................................... 36 4.2 项目工艺技术可行性分析 ...................................... 38 4.3.1 国内外项目工艺技术概况.................................. 38 4.3.2 工艺技术方案的可行性选择................................ 38 4.3.3 工艺技术流程分析........................................ 39 4.4 污染物排放与预处理 .......................................... 40 第五章 HP 化工公司有机二元酸项目财务可行性分析 .....................41 5.1 项目投资估算与资金筹措 ...................................... 41 5.1.1 项目投资估算分析......................................... 41 5.1.2 资金筹措及使用计划...................................... 43 5.2 项目财务效益评价 ............................................ 44 5.3 项目财务的不确定性分析 ...................................... 45 5.3.1 敏感性分析.............................................. 46 5.3.2 盈亏平衡分析............................................ 47 第六章 HP 化工公司有机二元酸项目风险管理分析 .......................49 6.1 项目风险的分析与应对 ........................................ 49 6.2 HP 化工公司有机二元酸项目风险的分析与应对 .................... 49 6.2.1 政府宏观调控及国家政策变动风险.......................... 50 6.2.2 市场风险................................................ 50 6.2.3 工艺技术及设备风险...................................... 51 6.2.4 配套条件风险............................................ 52 第七章 结 论.......................................................53 致谢 ..............................................................54