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伴随电子技术发展而日渐壮大的支付宝、财付通等第三方支付,其更为快捷 及个性化的体验,使银行消费者行为发生了很大的变化,在一般没有特别需求的 情况下,客户可以不用到银行网点办理业务,通过银行移动终端(App)就可以解 决,客户对银行服务的需求越来越趋向于多元化。商业银行在新形势下要发展, 就要增加其竞争力,而竞争力主要靠其网点的质量和数量来体现。银行网点要怎 样来打造才能符合新形势下需求?只有根据客户需求变化而变化的银行网点才 有竞争力,本文研究商业银行网点转型这个主题就是为了提高银行网点在新形势 下的竞争力,通过功能转变来增加银行网点的竞争力。 本文是以邮储银行深圳分行银行网点为研究对象,运用了银行渠道管理理论、 “新网点主义”理论、“网点转型”理论,并且以文献研究法、案例分析法、比 较分析法为研究方法,研究了邮储银行深圳分行现在的网点状况,找出其存在的 问题,并且对存在的问题进行分析,得出解决问题的方案;网点设置要向精准化、 智能化、轻型化、功能综合化方向发展,并提出了对基础系统和网点管理转型发 展方案,方案主要内容一是对基础系统进行优化和赋能,二是对银行网点管理进 行转型:具体内容是优化部分网点选址、推动部分网点原址改造,把网点划分为 全功能网点、综合零售网点、零售网点,根据三类网点的划分,设定功能区、营 业台席、智能设备和厅堂人员的差异化标准、对网点进行分类分层,实现网点精 细化管理。本次转型方案是针对邮储银行深圳分行68个自营网点来制订。 通过对邮储银行深圳分行银行网点现状分析,提出存在的问题,并且给出网 点转型发展方案,这个方案可以提升邮储银行深圳分行现有网点的经营业绩;通 过实施营业网点功能转型,使邮储银行网点从交易核算型银行网点转变为营销服 务型银行网点,也可以提升邮储银行整体业务水平;从个案引出问题,以共性的 角度分析和建议,对其他商业银行银行网点转型具有较高的借鉴意义。 关键词:邮储银行,网点转型,发展方案II RESEARCH ON THE TRANSFORMATION DEVELOPMENT POSTAL SAVING BANK OF CHINA SHENZHEN BRANCH Abstract With the development of electronic technology, third-party payment such as Alipay, Tenpay and so on, whose more rapid and personalized experience, make the bank consumer behavior has undergone great changes, in general, there is no special demand under the circumstances. Customers do not need to go to the bank outlets for business, through the bank mobile terminal (APP) can be solved, customer demand for banking services increasingly tend to diversification. In order to develop in the new situation, commercial banks should increase their competitiveness, which mainly depends on the quality and quantity of their outlets. How should the bank branch be built to meet the needs of the new situationOnly the bank outlets which change according to the changes of customers' needs can be competitive. This paper studies the transformation of commercial bank outlets in order to improve the competitiveness of bank outlets in the new situation. Through functional transformation to increase the competitiveness of bank outlets. This paper takes the bank branch of Postal savings Bank of Shenzhen Branch as the research object, using the theory of bank channel management, the theory of new networkism and the theory of network transformation. And take the literature research method, the case analytic method, the comparison analytic method as the research method, has studied the postal savings bank Shenzhen branch present network distribution condition, finds out its existence question, and carries on the analysis to the existence question; The solution to the problem is obtained, and the development direction of the network setting is to be accurate, intelligent, lightweight and functional integration, and the transformation and development plan of the basic system and the network management is put forward. The main content of the schemeIII is to optimize and enable the basic system, and to transform the management of bank branches: the concrete content is to optimize the location of some branches and to promote the transformation of the original sites of some of them; The network is divided into full-function network, integrated retail network, according to the division of the three types of network, set the functional area, business table, intelligent equipment and office personnel differentiation standards, classified and stratified the network. Achieve fine network management. This transformation program is aimed at the Postal savings Bank Shenzhen branch of 68 self-network to develop. Through the analysis of the current situation of the bank branches of Postal savings Bank of Shenzhen Branch, this paper puts forward the existing problems and puts forward the scheme of network transformation and development, which can enhance the operating performance of the existing network of Postal savings Bank of Shenzhen Branch; Through the implementation of the transformation of sales outlets, Postal savings Bank outlets from the transaction accounting network into a network of marketing services, but also to improve the overall business level of Postal savings Bank; from the case leads to the problem, the common point of view analysis and recommendations. It can be used for reference for the transformation of other commercial banks. Keywords:Postal savings Bank of China,network transformation,Development planIV 目录 中文摘要.....................................................................................................I Abstract....................................................................................................II 第一章 绪论.............................................................................................1 1.1 研究的背景和意义 ............................................1 1.1.1 研究的背景 ............................................1 1.1.2 研究的意义 ............................................3 1.2 研究的思路和主要内容........................................3 1.3 论文结构和研究框架..........................................4 第二章 银行网点转型理论基础和依据 ................................................7 2.1 商业银行网点转型的基本含义和内容............................7 2.2 商业银行网点转型的理论......................................8 2.2.1 国外研究现状 ..........................................8 2.2.2 国内研究现状 ..........................................9 2.2.3 银行渠道管理理论 .....................................10 2.2.4“新网点主义”理论....................................10 2.2.5“网点转型”理论......................................10 2.3 国内外商业银行网点转型经验.................................11 2.3.1 国外银行网点转型成功案例 .............................11 2.3.2 国内银行网点转型成功案例 .............................13 2.3.3 银行网点转型的成功经验 ...............................14 第三章 邮储银行深圳分行网点现状分析............................................15 3.1 邮储银行深圳分行概况.......................................15 3.1.1 中国邮政储蓄银行发展概述 .............................15 3.1.2 邮储银行深圳分行发展概述 .............................15V 3.2 邮储银行深圳分行网点现状...................................17 3.2.1 邮储银行深圳分行网点硬件环境 .........................17 3.2.2 邮储银行深圳分行网点软件环境 .........................17 3.2.3 邮储银行深圳分行零售客户结构 .........................17 3.3 邮储银行深圳分行网点主要问题...............................20 3.3.1 自助设备种类复杂,智能柜员机投放较少 .................20 3.3.2 大堂经理配备不足,综合素质有待提高 ...................21 3.3.3 缺乏特色服务区,特色应用场景较少 .....................22 3.3.4 网点举办活动较少 .....................................22 3.3.5 操作系统运行效率有待提高 .............................22 3.3.6 网点理财经理配备较少 .................................23 3.3.7 邮储银行线上获客能力有待提高 .........................23 第四章 邮储银行深圳分行网点转型方案设计....................................24 4.1 邮储银行深圳分行网点转型的目标和原则.......................24 4.1.1 邮储银行深圳分行网点转型的目标 .......................24 4.1.2 邮储银行深圳分行网点转型原则 .........................24 4.2 邮储银行深圳分行网点转型的基本思路.........................25 4.2.1 增强网点客户关系维护能力,深度挖掘客户资源 ...........25 4.2.2 增强条线协作,提升网点全业务服务能力 .................25 4.2.3 充分发挥二级支行长作用,提升支行经营管理能力 .........26 4.2.4 优化柜面作业组织,提高网点运营效率 ...................26 4.2.5 推进网点智能化建设,改善客户体验 .....................27 4.2.6 推动财富管理体系建设,提升中高端客户服务能力 .........28 4.3 邮储银行深圳分行网点转型方案具体内容.......................29 4.3.1 基础系统方面 .........................................29 4.3.2 网点管理方面 .........................................30VI 第五章 邮储银行深圳分行网点转型发展方案实施措施..................46 5.1 优化基础系统建设 ...........................................46 5.2 采用 TCC 模式快速推广 .......................................47 5.2.1 对人员素质的要求 .....................................47 5.2.2 T: Training 全方位培训...............................48 5.2.3 C:Coach 辅导 ........................................48 5.2.4 C: Check 检查督导....................................48 5.3 提高经营管控水平 ...........................................48 5.4 推动网点转型绩效的实施 .....................................48 5.4.1 确定业务战略的目标激励 ...............................48 5.4.2 完善评估机制和政策激励机制 ...........................48 5.5 加强领导的督导 ..............................................49 第六章 结束语 ..........................................50