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基于 KPI 的苏州华品电子科技公司中层管理人员绩效考评方案设计 随着 2008 年西方发达国家金融危机后,国内外向型经济面临着很大的困境, 尤其是处于产品微笑曲线中间的国内中小型低端加工制造企业更为严重,产品 销售价格下降、环境保护成本升高、人工成本大幅上升等严重威胁着企业的生 存。特别是 2012 年来国内政策的不唯 GDP 发展模式的转变,让这一类企业更是 雪上加霜。所以加强企业内部管理,加强人力资源管理,尤其是加强企业中层 管理人员的管理,提高中层管理人员的绩效,成为企业刻不容缓的任务。 苏州市华品电子科技公司没有实行科学的绩效评价体系,中层人员的积极 性也参差不齐,个人潜能没有得到激励。完全依照厂长、总经理的主观判断来 确定中层人员的升职及加薪,遇到特别不合适的中层才采用换人的方式来处理。 造成部分绩效较差的中层人员吃大锅饭,部分绩效较好的中层人员得不到鼓励, 部门的绩效有高有低,完全视该部门经理的个人能力而定。部分部门中层的频 繁变动造成部门管理的连续性不够甚至断层,严重响到部门目标的达成,最终 最响到公司目标的达成。 本文通过对苏州华品电子科技有限公司中层管理人员的绩效考评现状以及 问题分析,找到该公司绩效考核问题产生的根源,公司对绩效管理的整个认识 不足、岗位职责相互交叉及主次不分、没有进行绩效管理整个体系的设计。通 过对中层管理的六个岗位进行完整的岗位职责分析,提取出各个岗位的关键绩 效指标,并分配出各个指标的权重,确定考评周期。 设计出合理的考评方案后,再做考核前的准备工作,宣传、培训,并依据该 公司的实际确认主导此绩效管理的主管部门,并将各个指标的数据来源及报表 权责进行划分,以充分保障数据来源的公正性和一致性。为绩效考核打下了坚 实的基础。II 让绩效考评方案的实施从绩效计划开始,经过绩效考评、绩效反馈、绩效面 谈及绩效改进,在沟通反馈阶段辅以绩效申诉,让整个实施过程环环相扣,让 绩效管理的理念深入人心,得到各中层管理人员的支持,为提升绩效和持续改 进绩效提供流程上的支持。 将绩效考核结果应用于奖金激励,可变工资以及中层管理人员岗位晋升、降 职、淘汰、培训、转岗。让整个团队不再一团死水,让团队更俱活力。 通过整个绩效考评方案的重新设计让华品公司的绩效管理再上一个台阶,通 过提升中层管理人员的绩效来带动该部门的绩效,进而为提升整个公司的绩效 达成企业的目标。让绩效管理成为中层管理人员的各种管理工作的指针,提升 自己的职业发展目标。并为其它中小型企业中层管理人员绩效考评提供借鉴。 关键词, 关键绩效指标,绩效考评,绩效管理,中层管理人员III Abstract Research on Key Performance Indicator Management of all Managers Of Suzhou Huapin electronic Company With the 2008 western developed countries after the financial crisis, the domestic export-oriented economy facing great difficulties, especially in the products of the smile curve in the middle of the domestic small low-end manufacturing enterprises is more serious: product sales prices, increased the cost of environmental protection, labor costs sharply rising is a serious threat to the survival of enterprises. Especially the 2012 domestic policy not only change the development mode of GDP, so this kind of enterprise is one disaster after another. So strengthen the internal management of enterprises, strengthen the management of human resources, especially strengthen middle management of enterprise management, improve the performance of the middle-level managers of enterprises has become an urgent task. Suzhou huapin electronic technology company did not implement the scientific performance evaluation system, the enthusiasm of the middle-level personnel is uneven, the individual potential has not been encouraging. Fully in accordance with the director and general manager of subjective judgment to determine the middle-level personnel promotion and a raise, encountered particularly inappropriate middle use substitution to deal with. Resulting in the middle part of the poor performance of the staff eating from the same big pot, part of the good performance of middle-level personnel not to encourage, Department of high and low performance, depending on the ability of the manager of the Department and decide. The middle part of the Department of frequent changes caused by continuous management is not even serious fault, sound to achieve departmental goals, eventually the loudest reached to the company targets.IV Through of Suzhou Hua Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. middle-level management of performance evaluation of the status quo and problem analysis, found the company's performance appraisal problems generated source: company on performance management the lack of knowledge, job responsibilities cross priorities and not, not in the design of the entire system of performance management. Analysis of complete responsibilities through six jobs for the middle management, extract the key performance indicators of each post, and assign the weights of each index, determine the evaluation cycle. Design a reasonable evaluation scheme, and then do the preparatory work before the test: advocacy, training and according to the actual confirmation from the company's leading department in charge of the performance management and divides each index data sources and reporting responsibilities, to adequately protect the data source of justice and consistent. The solid foundation for the performance evaluation of play. For the implementation of the performance appraisal performance plan from the start, after a performance appraisal, performance feedback, performance interview and performance improvement, in the communication and feedback of performance appeal in supplemented by phase, let the entire implementation process interlocking, let the idea of performance management strikes root in the hearts of the people, all levels of personnel involved in support for performance improvement and continuous improvement to provide process support. The application of performance appraisal results to bonus incentive, variable pay and middle managers job promotion, demotion, eliminated, training, reorientation. Let the whole team is no longer a backwater, make the team more natural vitality. By redesigning the whole performance evaluation scheme for Chinese goods company performance management to a higher level, through the middle management to improve the performance to promote the performance of the sector, soV as to enhance the company's performance to reach the enterprise goals. Let performance management become the middle managers of the various management of the work of the pointer, to enhance their career development goals. And provide reference for other small and medium-sized enterprise middle managers performance evaluation. Key Words: KPI,Performance Appraisal,Performance Management,ManagersVI 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究方法与内容 ............................................................................ 2 1.3 文献综述与理论研究 .................................................................... 3 第 2 章 苏州华品电子科技有限公司中层管理人员绩效考评问题及 原因分析 ................................................................................................... 6 2.1 公司简介及中层管理人员概况 .................................................... 6 2.2 中层管理人员绩效考评现状及主要问题.................................... 9 2.3 中层管理人员绩效考核存在问题的原因分析.......................... 14 第 3 章 苏州华品电子科技有限公司中层管理人员关键绩效指标 (KPI)方案设计.................................................................................. 16 3.1 中层管理人员岗位职责梳理 ...................................................... 16 3.2 中层管理人员关键绩效指标(KPI)的提取 ........................... 23 3.3 中层管理人员绩效考核权重与考评周期确定.......................... 35 第 4 章 苏州华品电子科技有限公司中层管理人员绩效考评方案实 施与保障 ................................................................................................. 41 4.1 中层管理人员绩效考评方案的实施.......................................... 41 4.2 中层管理人员绩效考评方案的保障.......................................... 50 结 论 ..................................................................................................... 53VII